"Voices of the Void" Pre-Alpha 0.6.3b
Serious update this time, quick bug fix and stuff
>Nav mesh
-Kerfur (normal + omega)
-Pink and red skins (omega)
>The funny
>Kerfur Manual dupe
>Gape between the pipe and the column of the server part of the base
>Kallaks shelves
>Erie and Keljoy Kerfur skins sounds
>Hell portal and altar portal particle effects
>Kerfur Omega holding an EMF detector creating collision issues
>LSD effect makes first person model visible
>Keypad lock password can't be changed to zeros
>Foliage texture
>Servers are still glowing if power is off
>Fax collision
>Stickers doesn't stay attached after save&load
>KerfurO's face color changes after save&load
>Drawings disappear after taking out of the inventory
>Kerfur paper issues
>Kerfur (normal + omega)
-Removed unfunny skin
>The funny setting
-User-friendly item and craft names
-Flipped in a correct way
-Added 3 objects
-Displays eaten slices
>Zombie deer
-Added 3 new settings
>6 craft recipes
>1 object
>First Person animations
>1 upgrade
>1 event
Get "Voices Of The Void" Pre-Alpha
"Voices Of The Void" Pre-Alpha
Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space
Status | In development |
Author | mrdrnose |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | 3D, Aliens, Atmospheric, First-Person, Horror, Low-poly, Sci-fi, Space, Unreal Engine |
Accessibility | Configurable controls, Interactive tutorial |
More posts
- "Voices of the Void" Pre-Alpha 0.8.257 days ago
- "Voices of the Void" Pre-Alpha 0.8.1Nov 01, 2024
- "Voices of the Void" Pre-Alpha 0.8.0Aug 19, 2024
- "Voices of the Void" Pre-Alpha 0.7.0Mar 11, 2024
- "Voices of the Void" Pre-Alpha 0.6.3aOct 31, 2023
- "Voices of the Void" demo 0.6.3Oct 22, 2023
- "Voices Of The Void" Demo 0.6.2aaSep 14, 2023
- "Voices Of The Void" Demo 0.6.2: "de-source-fied" pt1 + random bs + fishing upda...Sep 12, 2023
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как скачать демо 0.6.3б
тот же вопрос
Можете помочь?
У меня на версии 0.8 меня воздух толкает и так сильно что я улетаю в барьер.
А ещё я уже 20 раз подряд ловлю сигналы с марсом и это не меняется на других сохранениях.
И на дискорд сервер разработчика я не могу зайти.
игра не а Zip формате а в 7z формате че делать или я тупой?
Use 7zip
ребят скажите как именно эту версию скачать просто когда нажимаешь скачать то там только 7 версия
Почему я немогу скачать конкретно эту версию, я хочу поиграть конкретено в эту, пожалйста подскажите как скачать, буду презнателен!
how to get a radioactive fuel rod in sandbox
what version should i play? 0.6.3b or 0.7?
(spoilers) 0.6.3b , Press "view rest", it will have spoilers, but i will explain why is it better.

0.6.3b. It's base is more simple, so, that means you wont need to go through floor, and dont need to go to basement to sart up electricity if it'll be disabled during an event.
I mean, you can choose between them, but i still prefer the old one.
(couldn't get a normal image)
Топ хоррор, помимо того что тянет на слабых компьютерах так и много разнообразия и режимов, с не терпением жду новых фиксов багов и обновлений)
How to download 0.7?/как скачать 0.7?
он готовит хотфиксы, сегодня-завтра будет залито
give me my broken map or compas back, i thjught that this is like good aspect of the game, everybody doesnt care about you on this station, so they made a shitty map
как скачать
what is the funny?
Open settings and search for "funny". It will unlock meme stuff
ребята скажите почему не отображаются модели ариралов
Они невидимые просто, если приглядется, ариралы будут немного искажать изображение в том месте, где они находятся.
не ну есть от игры скриншот где их нормальные модели не прозрачные
это арты
I downloaded the game, but when i turn it on settings are completely on the 0. EVERYWHERE
when i reset settings it doesn't help. I deleted folder and downloaded it again, BUT IT DOOESN'T HELP UHHHHH HELP??????
when im trying to enter on tutorial everything is black and nothing works (flashlight or smthn else). BUT FIRST TIME I ENDED TUTORIAL AND THIS HAPPENED HELP PLZ
Блин чел тоже самое. Ты не нашел выход из ситуации? Если да то скажите пожалуйста.
ummm! where is the bed?? lol love the new place but totally lost
ребят! помогите, что делать если игра не скачивается, а скачивается ссылка на на сайт?
расскажи подробно пожалуйста.
How do you find the code for the bunker? How do you dig after you find a strong beep with the metal detector? What do you use the building materials for? What is the purpose and how do i use the industrial printer? Where is the transformers? These are some of the questions i have
There is no actual code for the bunker, considering its 5 digits compared to the rest being 4 digits, you have to either get the keycard inside the bunker with a hook or change the keypad with a password changer. The Industrial Printer is used to put custom 3d models into the game that you add in the local appdata folder. Two transformers are near Romeo and Papa, and the other one is between Yankee and Xray; You can also find them using the cable poles, as they lead directly to them.
You need use a password changer to open the bunker. You need shovel, if you have it just is RMB. Use command tr.check for check the transformers, then use command sv.target (example sv.target TR_0), it will navigate your compass at transformer.
(Actually idk how to use industrial printer)
How do you use the folded trash bags? I've done everything I can think of and nothing works
right click on the trash