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i got a question. is albert supposed to lead you to all the notebooks? cause sometimes he does and sometimes he doesnt

anyone? idk if im doing this wrong or something. i really want to beat this game but its so hard. im playing on lil puss mode too.  :/

hey uh, does the ending music ever stop? the music when you get 10/11 notebooks?

can someone help me. i cant find the black key. i have no idea how to find it.

It's in the room you get the first arm. You need to get Mr. Cleany to open it with trash and it's in one of the lockers. It's the door that says keep locked right next to the barricade of chairs/desks.

thank you so much

one more question. sorry if im asking too much, but where do you place the parts for albert? i cant find the location to place the stuff

It's in the door right next to the locker where you get Albert's head. Use the knife on the left door and then just enter the door at the end of the corridor with the knife.

oh ok. thank you so much.


Will there be a new game about Viktor Strobowski?

MRDRNOSE, I have something very important  to tell you! For some reason, whenever MR. MIX asks a youtuber to spell "GUACAMOLE," every youtuber I've watched play your game spells it "GUACOMOLE" with an O, which is COMPLETELY INCORRECT, as there's NO SUCH SPELLING of that word with an "O"! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE AN "A," NOT AN "O." You need to fix that typo and inform your players of this misspelling to avoid further confusion between grammer nazis ans spelling amateurs. Also, explain to me what the sanity bar is for, and how come it only drains when staring at a certain dark corridor through a certain window, I saw this in one of Neurobew's newest ae/w/vs videos, I think it was the one where he shows the new death scenes? Is staring at that particular  window the only way to drain your sanity,  or what also triggers insanity, what purpose does insanity serve other than shaking your screen, and WHO DO I HAVE TO ASK TO UPDATE THE FRICKIN' WIKI, BOTH THE OFFICIAL, AND FANDOM AE/W/VS WIKIS.

The second level has two characters which rely heavily on the sanity meter. If either of them get too close to you your sanity drops very quickly and you die. From what I can tell stopping your breathing refills your sanity quite quickly, so you can avoid death from one of them. The other one pretty much instantly kills you from what I can tell. 

What do you mean second level, like a new subject or floor? I saw the sanity meter drop to a negative in one of Neurobew's videos and it did not even kill him, it just vibrates the screen very violently with no death, and all he had to do was stare through a specific window next to a pile of junk blocking a certain hall of the school, but there was no monster beyond the junkpile nor the window, which through that window was an inaccessible dark white linoleum hallway, no jumpscare, and WHO might these new characters be? Would one of them happen to be the RUST labyrinth monster whose name STILL REMAINS ANONYMOUS, or scratch that, I've never seen a youtuber's sanity drop while encountering this monster? Also, in one of the updates, there was something about "upgraded smile wolf attack," I've seen a smile dog portrait in the surgery room foyer, but I don't know what mrdrnose means by "attack?" Does smile wolf patrol outside the school now, making the outdoors no longer safe to hide from Victor?


Here's one of the characters who drops your sanity hard. It's some kind of projector that walks around. And yeah this seems like it's the second level of the game, "Language". There's a different teacher who works differently than Viktor in that she doesn't move very fast but will charge you if you look at her, I think her name is Marzia. There's also a gramophone that will instantly drop your sanity if you don't periodically check it and keep it wound. This level seems leagues harder than the first one considering there's now 4 active threats you need to worry about not including Head Teacher.

wait.. howd you get to second level? i didnt know there was more levels?

I assume it unlocked because I beat the first level. It's currently a W.I.P. and a bit glitchy.

i finally figured out how to obtain the belt. but idk how to use it. can anyone help me out and tell me the controls?

Tab to view your belt, Left click to take something from it, and Middle click to put something in it

ok. thank you so much

i just tried using the middle click to put something in it but it does nothing? is there anything i have to do maybe?

(1 edit)

I should note that anything you put in the belt has to be classed as an artifact. The only two I know of are the knife and the black key. Anything you have the in the belt will stay with you between runs btw.

how exactly do you get the knife and the key? i got the knife once from a locker but when i pick the locker it doesnt give me a key this time. is it randomized location or something?

ok, so i just got to the 11th notebook for my first time. how the hell are you suppossed to solve it quick enough so viktor cant kill you?

either get alberts ghost, or just get em all wrong lol. i mean thats just my theory, i dont know if viktor can run at the speed of light

so yeah. try those two. i guess

it doesnt let you just get them wrong. you have to get them right. btw how do you get albert's ghost? i still know pretty much nothing when it comes to the secrets in the game lol

well first off, use a calculator, or just use a sheet of paper, i dont know, and alberts ghost. oh here we go. so you need to find the first arm, the second arm, and the head. put them on a stone slab thing in like the weird rust dimension with all the doors. the head is in a corner with only a locker and a staff only type door. in the locker contains the head. put trash in front of the door to make mr cleany sweep and open it. then you need a knife. open the right door with the knife in hand, (not the door that mr cleany opened). you will be brought to a room with doors on the side and one at the end of the hallway, again with the knife open it and thats the room where you place the body parts down. the first arm is in a room in the keep locked hallway. i think you need the.. blue key if im correct. and im trying to remember the second arm... pretty sure you need to go to that one hallway that leads you to the start, but use a knife to open it. you go in a red room with two lockers. one of them contains the second arm. put all the body parts as i said onto the stone slab and it will literally crush alberts body and make his ghost appear which then tells you the answer to the problems if my first two methods take too long. 

ok. thanks for the help. how do i get the knife and blue key? im sorry if im asking too many questions. i just dont know how do to alot of the stuff

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm very happy to say that I have finally completed the game. It was long, arduous and quite frustrating but I finally happened to get a bit lucky at the end. I got a very cool ending cut-scene to show for it. I'll upload the clip once the video is done processing.

Here is the clip:


wow thanks for showing that ending. very cool. good job by the way

my apologies if this is a stupid question but where do you play the tapes?

There's a TV in one of the rooms that requires a blue key.

how do  i obtain the blue key?

Deleted 6 years ago

You download a new version?

(1 edit)

calm down cubes. getting mad wont solve anything. so when i try to download the update its giving me a error. the error is saying "htfs.Open (initial request): Giving up, getting to many renewals". maybe that error can help you?

so i just tried uninstaling a reinstalling and it wont let me install the game now. getting the same error

won't it be possible to port this to mobile devices? I don't have a laptop and I want to play something like this on my android.

hey, im sorry, it works perfectly fine now. 

howd you get it to work? i cant even download the new update

you go use the alternate download method.

(1 edit)

nvm. i got it. thank you mrdrnose for listening to us and fixing the bug in the game

Is black key obtainable in this version? Since it's a pain to constantly try and get Mr. Cleany to open a certain door.


Black key in game from alpha 0.0.6

Can You test in-game media player?  in alpha 0.0.6b it not works on other machines.

mrdrnose ive really been trying to get out of the mr mix minigame but i cant and im not enjoying your game because i cant get out of it and its really annoying. please help

I'm trying to fix media player problem in alpha 0.0.6b, and withh fix i will reset MrMix curse.

Can you run this version of game and set the tape in VCR?

hey mrdrnose do you have any idea of when you will get the bug fixed? i would really like to get to play the new update for your game dude.

just so you know im not trying to be mean or rush you in any way dude im just really excited to try out the new update for your game, so my appoligies if im coming off as rude in any way.

The tape player will let put a tape it, the TV won't actually play anything though.

Deleted 6 years ago

thank you. i felt like i was the only one lol. idk why i cant get out of it. hopefully the game dev will see this issue soon and fix it

yeah hopefully

(1 edit)

i still need help. i cannot exit the mr mix minigame. ive tried closing and reopening and uninstalling and reindtalling and every time i open the game it just takes me back to it. please help. i really want to play the game and the new update but im stuck.

wait you patch game again? where patch note

It's ready now.

mrdrnose how do i get out of the mr mix minigame. zombieskull13 having same issue, we close and open game, we uninstall and reinstall, so we do not know how to play the game and i want to do new update

I looked in one of the trash bins during my livestream and I found a strange white box item that had no name and no appearance in hand when held.  When dropped, it looked like a quarter and returned to a white box when picked up.  I picked up another item and it replaced the strange item, and I couldn't obtain it again.  Is it just a bug or is it a new item?

oh yeah, the other mr mix minigame, i think level 3 is actually impossible. or maybe im just bad at typing but i cant beat it. cool easter egg though, should give people like a free quarter for the game if they beat it or something. 

How to i exit the mr. mix minigame? i cant beat it and i keep on trying to leave but it wont let me.

... when he says next food ingredient is "apple" you literally type apple.

No, he mean quit from other minigame.

I did it on purpose, and it's like "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE"

so how do i leave though cause when i open the game it just keeps taking me to the minigame? and esc does nothing

wait... OTHER MINIGAME?!!!?

on the start menu if you hover your mouse over the top left of the room it will take you to a mr mix minigam

hm! i gotta try that.


I can't find the final 11th notebook, can somebody tell me where it was moved to?


On "boi" and "default" mode it spawns on first notebook location (near the exit)


Might be broke then, since I reached the first notebook spawn but it wasn't there.

Maybe id's are mixed and first location was not founded. I will fix this.

Thank you! Love the game

But very good try!


hey. I really like this game, even though i have no guts to play it alone, i easily get scared by jumpscare. Viktor is my favourite here but mr. Mix scares me the most with his evil face hah. Despite all, I really enjoy this horror, glad I finished high school so not gonna face any maths anymore. Anyway, here's a fanart from me, because i'm really lovin' this game.

I'm glad what You liked game. Also cool fanart, i'll place it in art room)

(on next update)

(1 edit)

What should one do once they've collected 10/10 notebooks? I've searched for the last one pretty hard but coming up empty it so far. I've nailed down my strategy so far but no idea where to go after that. It wasn't in the few places I'd assume it to be.

go get the 11th notebook. then get to the exit. easier said than done by alot tho.

Is the 11th notebook spawn random?, since that's what I'm having trouble with currently.


yeah. no clue where the 11th one actually is.

Apparently it is in the place near the entrance/exit where you get the first notebook.

What's the song that you use when the game starts? It sounds kind of medieval and i really like it.

Clockwork Orange - Overture to the sun


I found that in the main menu (when their is play button) that if you hover your mouse over around the top left corner of the room you will play a Mr.Mix minigame.

(Warning, LOUD sound)

Deleted 6 years ago

You need to complete all notebooks with any difficulty, but i suggest to enter with "boi" difficulty, find black key and knife, and save them in belt. Then enter with "default" difficulty and complete Albert, then You see what happens. And this will be easiest way to complete math.

Thank you so much!  I was going to try to complete braniac difficulty and see if they would appear after I got 8 notebooks or something.  I thought this because Strobovski goes silent on book 3 and I thought they would appear later rather than being the same the whole way or something.  I owe you one!

Deleted 6 years ago

Wait, if I beat the game, they appear when I play next round?

(2 edits)

Eyy this update made the game way better in so many ways! You certainly outdid yourself mrdrnose! Also, that game over screen is horrifying, guess we really know what Viktor does with his victims now.

sorry if this is a stupid question but if im not mistsaken the new update said it added moe characters right? if so where and what are they? i cannot find any of them if they do exist.

New characters are exists, but they not on default level. I want to release some patch, it makes easy level actually easy.

thank you for reading and responding to my comment. i have one more question. would you consider adding the new characters to the default and easy mode of the game?

Under default level i mean math level. And with patch i will add 1 character to default and hard difficulty modes.

im sorry but honestly. where the hecking heck heck is the next update

Update is ready now.



Hi, i just want to know what Mr. Mix is saying while hes carrying you to the cauldron. its too distorted and all i can hear is something about hot sauce.

(2 edits)

I know right! I hear, "You are a terrible chef, I shall punish you. YOU WILL MAKE GOOD HOT SAUCE!" That's what I get out of it!

I know that when he catches you he says "you so terrible chef. i should to punish you, and punish is...BOILING IN THE CAULDRON!" then he says something else i cant understand.

(1 edit)

ok so with our information lets make a complete sentence. you are a terrible chef, i should to punish you, and the punish is... BOILING IN THE CAULDRON! I SHALL MAKE YOU MY HOT SAUCE! which i think is very close to what he actually says

edit, i watched a video of it, and i think it actually says I SHALL BOIL AND COOK YOU IN MY HOT SAUCE. not quite sure. but i think were close


  ฅ/ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ Hello~

Hope you don't mind, but I gave the game a try and even made a video on it. I honestly like this a lot better than Baldi, but I also found it to be much more difficult too.

Most of the trouble I had was really with just the math problems since I had to keep re-clicking on the answer pad to answer again. It was stressful compared to Baldis since the questions were longer and numerous, so I just intentionally got them wrong to get through.

I like that this isn't just a complete reskin of the game. The game is clearly intended to be dark and creepy with its narrow hallways and npc design. I found the smaller sized rooms to be too much of a disadvantage sometimes though. (Especially the one map with the dog portrait  at a crossway) 

Overall, cool game. I prefer it over Baldi's in some aspects. Too spooky for me to play again on my own whim though. Good job on it~

Thas a good video

yo whenstis teh next update? i want grammar lessons


Maybe tomorrow, or after other day, I do not know. We'll see how it goes.

does this update hold new subjects?


Hey Mrdrnose. Congrats on your game getting featured on some pretty big youtube channels such as GTLive and Markiplier's channel! Also just a thought, could you add some numbered hot keys into the game? You know, 1, 2, 3, 4 could be used to select items as a secondary option then using the mouse wheel. I'm suggesting this because right now I'm currently using a laptop, and scrolling for items using the track pad is a b***h enough on its own. Hope you read this and consider my hot keys recommendation, because I really want to beat your game (and I can't do that by scrolling with my track pad for items, as you already know).


Thanks! And i'l add hotkeys to slots.

But if that big channels can found things like Albert, RUST or Freek-a-del'ka, this will be more interesting and funny. I hope someone can find other secrets like this.

Hey, thanks for replying to my comment! I'm glad that you're gonna put those hot-key shortcuts into the game, so maybe I'll be able to beat it next time but who knows¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And also, I agree that those channels should try to find those secrets, just to see how they would react.


Its Baldi's Basic with skin mod


yeah. sure. you know the chef is totally in baldi, you know albert is totally in baldi, the rooms of freaking hell are totally in baldi, theres totally 11 notebooks in baldi, totally the idea to splash the soda on the jacket is totally in baldi you know the whole idea of more subjects is totally in baldi. YOU ARE SO WRONG! THESE ARE ALL THINGS THAT ARENT IN BALDI. ITS BALDIS BASICS WITH A SKIN MOD SURE I ACCEPT THAT. BUT ITS SO MUCH MORE!

There should be anti impossible mod for this

It's possible, but it takes a ton of math skills and knowing Viktors location and how close he is when doing a notebook.

Is the game in any way inspired by Viktor from LoL? Probably just a coicidence, but the voice is similar to his, plus the name, and the russian accent.

dude awesome game!! Im planning on doing a lets play on this game! Although there is 2 things. 1 whats is the music to the main menu called? 2 the games math is super hard! Im just a kid and when it puts up math like that its really hard, and the fact that viktor still moves is even harder! Please consider adding a kids mode. But other than that, its baldi and more!

(1 edit)

hm... so... heres a sentence from ur description

Math teacher Viktor Strobovsky will say what to do.

so is it viktor strobovsky? or viktor strobovski?

just a question

update the game soon also

add grammar


edit - they fixed it! thanks for listening to me


He's from a different country and judging by the way his English writing is, he's probably just learning English as we speak. So at least have some consideration that the guy can't speak English well.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 6 years ago

Here is my latest video, enjoy!

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