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Your game is a lot of fun and REALLY scary!  It was so fun, I decided to make a 6 hour video trying to find secrets in the game.  I'm not going to upload that to the internet, but I decided that I would upload the segment where I found a secret room and a secret item called the "first  arm", both of which I think nobody has discovered.

It was really annoying to get to the room, and I'm pretty sure that there was an easier and more conventional method of getting it, but I'm still proud that I found it.

I love games with hard-to-find secrets, but I feel like they're going to be the death of me.

Deleted 3 years ago

He may not be the only one to find them as others found secrets but didn't put it in their youtube title and might be within the video itself you have to browse to confirm.

So no, he is probably not the first one as the game also tells have a section listing all youtubers who found secrets in the game so far of the latest update.

Deleted 6 years ago

dude I really love your game, it really creeps me out for some reason, the atmosphere and sound is really good!! love it!! keep it up!

Deleted 3 years ago

thats what we call clickbait!!

Who is this?

it says on my itch app the game is not avabiale for windows

I haven't tried, but just go to the website version and download it there. The itch app attempts to open the game as if it's an .exe file. If the game opens some other way, then itch might not recognise it.

ok thank you

it works now thank you


I think that this game is so much fun! But for some reason it´s lagging really badly for me. Could use some help.

Who made the music for your game?

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Hi there, I know it's a fan game but I actually ended up liking it more than Baldi's Basics haha. To me everything felt a lot better, not to mention creepier. The map feels fleshed out, though at times I thought it was a bit too big, but that just increases the difficulty as you're never sure where a notebook will spawn.

You can definitely see the influence Baldi's Basics has on the game, but at the same time I believe that there's enough here to separate it from Baldi's, and have it really stand out as it's own game. 

I noticed on the title screen that you might one day be able to select different subjects, and I think that's a fantastic idea, and one I'd love to see happen. 

All in all I think this is more than just a fan game, you've taken the foundation of Baldi's Basics and given your own unique twist on it, one that I believe is scarier and a bit more interesting.

Hope you don't mind but I recorded a short let's of the game for my channel, I sadly couldn't complete the game but I enjoyed my time with it nonetheless.

Cheers and best wishes to you!


I've been trying to get this game running for 4 days now and I'm still stuck with the file 0.0.4rar which I can´t do anything with. Can someone please give me some advice?

You need WinRar program to extract rar file. Or there is other problem?

No, I think that there isn´t anything else, thank you! But where do I get that Program from?

Thank you again! 

You welcome.

mrdrnose when are you going to update the game

who played Viktor Strobovski 

Deleted 3 years ago

omg this is a rip off of baldis basics im just joking XD but i agree with you 100% people do need to learn the diffrence between a fangame and a rip off

Whenever I launch the game I get a "FATAL ERROR" message. What can I do to fix this? (If you recommend reinstalling it I already have).

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

thanks! edit: I did what you told me and it is no longer blocked but when I load the game it always crashes with a fatal error. Any tips?

Deleted 3 years ago

This game was legit...

(1 edit)


^me whenever a new update gets released

also has anyone else seen the white hooded guy who appears in the window of the garden area? he slides out of view to the left when you approach and he's nowhere once you enter into the area, it's the place where you get the red staff keys with all the trees. I've seen him 3 times now and it's driving me crazy, I can't figure out if he's just there for spoops or what

If you attempt to stab him with a spoon, he starts doing the Harlem shake.

Deleted post

does anyone else get the music that plays before you get an answer wrong get stuck in your head if you have it can you please give it to me.

Clockwork Orange - overture to the sun

I cant download it i click the download button and this file downloads it was called 004.rar but nothing else only that no folder downloaded just that 

Just unpack archive using winrar archiver.

Baldi's Basic EXTREME mode basically.


An interesting game! It was a lot of fun! I'm live in Japanese!


Alpha 0.0.4 file succesfully uploaded.

And fixed few glitches with Cleany.

Both .3 and .4 wont let me play, it keeps having a fatal error, would that have something to do with me using a 64 bit rather than a 32?

(1 edit)

no, not at all, the 32-bit CPU only plays 32-bit windows files(unless it is a 64-bit running CPU on a 32-bit system, then, yes you can), not a 64-bit can run a 32-bit, because the 32-bit is an older version. the only difference is that 64-bit  handles large amounts of RAM more effectively than the 32-bit.

It's possible that there could be some sort of error along Windows that you are not aware off.  Try creating a new User on your windows computer and see if that user can play the game. There are different theories circulating why the fatal error is happening across many unreal engine aspects but it could be either how Windows deals with it or how unreal engine deals with Windows.

I'm also been getting the fatal error across all unreal engine games. I checked the unreal engine forums and many people have the same problem as us, the developer of the viktor strobovski game is trying to find ways to fix it but he can't fix it if he doesn't have the problem himself.

Awsome, thanks for the reply's, other Unreal game's arent doing that, just this one. I'm sure it'll be figured out eventualy!

Due to my today's crappy internet connection alpha 0.0.4-a cant been uploaded. So, download it from yandex disk:

Click on white button "Скачать" if in russian or "Download" if in english

I will do something with it tomorrow.


Gave it a go...


I wasn't sure where to post/send this so here are some random doodles/shitty memes I made for your awesome game :)



Here's a wikia about game, but it unfinished. And if You have something, add it to wiki:





Also, no u.

But I understand, I just followed in Noli's footsteps if you haven't noticed.
a long tour of the comment section

Deleted post


What Software was used making this game?

UE4, Blender, Photoshop, Paint, Audacity, Acoustica, Sonic Visualiser, AudioPaint, SAI. Also few websites.




I played the game I guess.


Had a good Time playing the fangame of Baldi's. I enjoyed it for what it was.

I cant open file it says unable to unzip because of missing or invalid data can anyone help? Thanks!

Try redownloading the game. it sometimes cant be open due to the files not completely downloaded

I used Win Rar and found the correct file! Was able to play game Thanks for the help!

if you dont like mistakes why would you want me to play?


Loved the game. You have done an amazing job.


my channel:

watch video here:

(1 edit) (+1)

Mr. Mix in the creppypasta Mr. Mix

The chef character in this game

I'm not the only person who saw this, right?


Hello goiz! I've made a tutorial for items in this game. Spent all evening for it. I hope it would be helpful. 

Cool what You understand what items does.
Here's a wikia, and You can write about items in wiki:


Look What I Made Fan Art For You:


Really nice Baldi's clone. You took a lot of the stuff from that game to the next level. 


This is pretty awesome.


I have been read those other posts, and wow... I went from 564 subscribers to 1,001 subscribers in a day.... Website:


Deleted 6 years ago
(1 edit)

Thanks for comment, and original music is Overture To The Sun by Clockwork Orange:

But Blood Axis is cool music too.


This game is terrifying and, hard! Baldi has nothing on Viktor I guess that's why this is advanced education! Baldi's basics is a great game and, if it weren't for it this game wouldn't exist. I think mrdernose took something and, just made it better. I know some won't agree and, that's fine but you tell me how a bald cartoony teacher slapping a ruler is, more terrifying than Viktor and, his Jigsaw like voice and, creepy atmosphere.


You are twisted

i love it 

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