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Baldi's Basics got a birthday update. 

I wonder if mrdrnose will update Advanced Education with a Birthday Update on it's birthday...


This is meant to be a silly follow-up to my previous planet-AEwVS characters post. Prepare to be weirded out and expect the game being ruined to some people. I'm sorry, but I'm bored and I'm having way too much fun with Photoshop. This photoshop is not meant for any malicious intents or slanders, just satire, period.

I love it. It's very nice.


is it because of the cheat

I Tried to get them all but its impossible because of these 2.

Yeah I saw that as well... I think there's a reason why its like that

(2 edits) (+5)

So I just realized that unintentionally, all of the speakable main/secondary character of AEwVS characters (including Angell the protagonist) is very closely associated with a certain planet. The inner planets (not counting the moon) are the reoccurring commonly encountered characters, while the outer planets (and Pluto) are those who only appear in a single level and are more distant from the player in terms of hostile encounter and proximity to the school entrance. I really wanted to put Phonty on the list, but I just didn't know where to put him, maybe as Chiron, since it's between Saturn and Uranus.

Mr. Cleany-Clean: Mercury - Both of them are considered very swift and speedy. It is almost as if Cleany has his own wings like the winged messenger, Mercury himself. The Roman God Mercury is also the god of transportation, and what does Mr. Cleany-Clean do to you? Transport you, of course!

Viktor Hugo Strobovski: Venus - Despite being identified as a male, Viktor is shown to be charismatic, elegant, and extremely vain, like the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus. Viktor likes to see himself as "hot" as the planet itself, considering Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. He is also the most popular main star of the game, much like how Venus appears to be the brightest star in the night sky.

Angell/The Protagonist: Earth - You know, because humans, life, death, videogames, chosen ones, the good guy (girl). I think you get my point.

Albert the Bear: The Moon - Albert acts as a benevolent follower of guidance towards Angell, owing a great contribution to her aid and watching over her with care, very much like how the moon follows the Earth instead of the Sun, and has owed great contributions to the Earth's life and nature from above watching over it. He is also the closest person - in terms of fraternal bonding - to Angell, corresponding to the Moon's great proximity to Earth. Albert also kind of looks like a moon if you think about it.

Laura/Head Teacher: Mars - Despite being a woman, her temper is shown to be very fiery and short. She's very reactive and she's as cold as the planet itself. She's fierce and a savage like a warrior, like the god of war, Mars. Additionally Laura also has a red-colored second form like the red planet of rage.

Mr. Mix: Jupiter - I consider Mix as an outer planet, since he isn't really necessarily interacted with as much as the other 1st floor main enemies, and he only appears in the first level, not appearing in any subsequent levels, making him rather distant, but closer in comparison to other outer planet characters. They both possess the largest bodies in comparison to everybody else. Much like the Roman god Jupiter, he is quite patient and merciful with other mortals, but only to a certain limit. Eventually, both of them lose their sense of patience and mercy and seek out to punish and kill for having their wrath unleashed. Another detail, ironically speaking, is that Mix has two Great Red Spots on his cheeks.

Marzia V@@@@@@@@: Saturn - She can be considered the second outer planet, since she's farther away from the school entrance and the starting characters from the math level, and she's the next character you meet after all the other math level planet characters. Saturn is associated with agriculture, and Marzia's favorite snack, watermelons, play an important part in the agricultural market. The Roman god/titan Saturn, or Cronus was known for devouring his own god children, and what does Marzia do? Devour children of course! Also, she has one of the loudest and the most startling and terrifying jumpscares in the entire game, as well as possessing one of the creepiest kill tactics out of everyone else. If you've watched Youtube videos over the sounds of planets, you'll know that Saturn has one of the loudest, the creepiest, the most terrifying, and the most unsettling sounds of all the solar system's planets, which suits Marzia perfectly. 

Erie the Great Librarian: Uranus - What do Erie and planet Uranus have in common? Both of them are seen as a total joke, especially in the eyes of Viktor. Erie/Uranus is located even further away from Marzia/Saturn and most of the other character planets, due to her occupation at the rarely-treaded third floor and her incapability of making very close friendly bonds with the other staff members, with the small exception of Alice Freudenmacher, but that will be discussed later. Erie is also a bit of an airhead, alluding to Uranus being the Roman god of the sky and the heavens. Uranus represents inventiveness, which can be implied to be a trait of Erie in the possibly implied creation of Scrina by her. Uranus is also regarded as the "Ice Giant," and Erie is visibly seen as giant in terms of height, and cold to the people surrounding her when she's grumpy. Lastly, Uranus represents homosexuality, hermaphroditism, and gender fluidity. Erie is often implied to be a homosexual by many fans, usually shipping her with Alice Freudenmacher, and she even has a Jenny-the-Teenage-Robot body pillow, implying she may have a waifu attraction towards her.

Alice Loiza Freudenmacher: Neptune - The most distant planet and the most distant person from society and her colleagues. Beautiful as they both are, they both have a Great Dark Spot storming within them. Alice is hands down one of the darkest characters in the entire game like planet  Neptune itself, literally. They both also wear the same color, dark blue. Despite her loneliness, the closest thing to a friend she's ever had is Erie the Great Librarian, just like how the closest planet to Neptune is Uranus (Sailor Moon references anyone?). 

Helpscreen: Pluto - Even more isolated from everyone else than Ms. Freudenmacher is, Helpscreen takes the spot of Pluto. Neither of them are well-respected nor are they well-accepted much. Helpscreen's location is even more distant from the others', and it is questionable whether his hideout is even on school grounds (this makes his room seem like the Kuiper Belt of the school).

I still think Phonty should have made it somewhere on this list, but I just don't know where. If you have an ideas as to what should I have made Phonty as, maybe as Chiron, or if there is a character planet that you do not agree with, please comment down below. If you do think Phonty should be Chiron,  or another dwarf planet, or any other planet, please tell me down below.

I really like this post tbh! Characters and planets are perfectly fits))) 

And about phonty, if Uranus had recognizable moon like Eart's Moon, Phonty will fit.

(3 edits)

Dunno why but suddenly I imagined the ghosts as being the asteroids in the asteroid belt and Watcher as being...the Sun, I guess. IDRK. Also there are bigger and closer dwarf planets than Pluto, Pluto's just the most famous one. And that leaves Granny, Smile Wolf, Greg, Follower, FAD, AB, Doggos, the Puppet and the Priest. Who all of them have no displayed personality or anything soooooooooo... yeah.

I'll be honest, I'm surprised you just randomly came up with this like this and probably not just get the idea for a bit of it and totally study the rest.


Wait, is the status STILL "on hold"?

Speed of developing perfectly fits under "on hold"))))))

That's where you should be wrong, because if something is "on hold", it should be totally paused while there's tending to other matters. You on the other hand, are probably working on it slowly but surely.

Deleted post

If you have questions or if you want to chat with the community, join our discord server!


I will attach link to description 👀


Just asking, has anybody gotten 136 or 136+ in the 666 ending?

I have gotten 216 before realizing that you can't get them all

Deleted post

Opened history for tonight))

wth lol

Well then
(2 edits) (+1)

I found three bugs in the Language level that were in 0.1.1. and did not get fixed in 0.1.2.

1. Cleany getting stuck in the corridor.

2. Sometimes Marzia does not become angry. (This has already been mentioned by two other people)

3. Sometimes when I die or collect a notebook (but don't solve the problems yet), the cursor won't show up and stays in the middle. The only way I can fix this is close the game and it happened to me only in the Language level.

Good job!  I haven't experienced these issues yet, so I am glad you found these.

(1 edit)

I also think the third one is the most annoying, especially when I'm doing the notebooks (this happened to me once when I was doing a math notebook and twice when I died) because then it's impossible for me to solve the questions and unless I close the game, I will get caught by either Marzia, Viktor or Phonty (If he ever manages to activate. I had no problems with him so far, and i hope it stays that way).


I Managed to finally complete the game (With the Glitch) and finally unlock the second level! :D

Randomly stumbled upon a picture of Alice while going in the History Level

I saw that in the game files before I found this, by the way. Thought it was something to do with a future jumpscare but it's just a painting.

FTW's blind people out there


What a mess indeed.

Just got the 666 Ending, and jeez it was hard without doing the victor glitch

You don't even need to answer 666 for all 50 questions, just the glitched last example on each notebook, so you only have to answer 666 ten times.

So i just made it harder on myself for no reason, but it makes me feel better ._.


Wow, how fast! I was just playing it and this came up...

0.1.2 list of changes I found on my own

I don't understand what is even going on.

I am starting my Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski stream now!  Join me playing live at:


I will start streaming in 45 minutes, I will post the link to it here when I start.  I hope to see you there!


To Late for Christmas...| Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski: Christmas Curse

This is my take from it, it's still glitched up

I will start streaming the new update in 5 hours and 30 minutes!  I am very excited to play it live.  I will post the stream here when I start.

Deleted post

I'm not using any tutorials 👀 i educated myself.

Find tutorials for beginners and start to explore Unreal Engine👌

Deleted post

I think...

I think I prefer Alice's old voice better.

Sure, it was very hard to edit in Audacity,


i will return old version then

I have way too many questions to ask but I don't want to flood the comments section with spoilers.

#spoilers Discord channel was made for this👀

No, everything is ok)

I noticed one issua. I will reupload version later.

Can you hold up on the update for a few more hours?  I have tennis after school today and I need won't be home for 5 more hours.  I would appreciate it greatly.

5 hours ago



Wait a bit, i need to cook version first.

(2 edits)

Hello again!

I have another announcement.
It's in the same caliber as the one I previously gave you. Lol. So, if you want, don't waste your time hearing it and just try and guess what I did, because it's obvious.


P.S. Oh wait, last time I said "I'm gonna see what's new in the History Level"'s seriously been that long since the last update. Oh well. I've had enough, as I said in my previous comment.

P.P.S. Other people can see my posted announcements. You'll probably really like them lol

Rule #NaN: do not say that ever; always rely on reverse psychology

because that being said, you're a

(1 edit)

(*checking BBIEAL Kickstarter*)

(*sees an update catching my eye*)

(*watches it*)

(*sees an AEWVS video and watches that*)


(I suddenly realise I've for the past few days played BBIEAL more than AEWVS since I never won BBIEAL before and AEWVS's lack of new events+content is getting tiring.)

I'm tired of these two games being so far apart. I'm tired of BBIEAL getting all the attention and AEWVS slowly dwindling away both through the creator and the community, AEWVS being such a brilliant game and all. You know, I might even be tired of BBIEAL and AEWVS being so far out of each other's leagues that they barely seem to fit together. I mean, think about it: AEWVS is both more and less serious than BBIEAL. It's more serious, because mrdrnose was like "LOLS are you trying to be evil??? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NOPE, I'M gonna make a school that does more than assault their students: murder them! And also have deep secrets, lockers of organs and body parts, rooms of cut corpses, and staff that ALSO kill their students!" Aaaaaaand it's less serious than BBIEAL because the staff are, for a bunch of "demons" (don't know if/what they are), SO informal. I mean, they swear, screw around with a bunch of "dirty" (as they call it) concepts, screw around with memes and mock Baldi. Seriously. Well, that doesn't really help, because if mrdrnose goes on like that, if the game DOES get noticed, there's bound to be one or two people that aren't going to respect him. But, it's as if mrdrnose KNOWS that mystman12 - a guy that got his real name established while mrdrnose didn't - is getting very far ahead, since making the new BBIEAL is his JOB now. Which mrdrnose absolutely can't do, since there's a lot of copyrighted content, along with the original concepts. Which means he's trying hard to take down Baldi in a petty attempt to catch up with him, since for whatever reason, his game development is slowly grinding to a nigh halt. I mean, AEWVS was released on 9/6/2018, already with three characters. By just 15/8/2018, mrdrnose was establishing the start of the History level aaaaaaaand...? He's still going now, on 17/3/2019. And back to AEWVS and BBIEAL being far out of each other's leagues - by the way, AEWVS is always doomed to have a smaller community than BBIEAL, no matter how far they get. BBIEAL is family-friendly and it's jokes are nice and reasonable, but AEWVS is just going crazy and having a weird community. Well, there are some kids on this community working together to help that, but that's pretty much...well? Not only is it not really working, but it's Don't get me wrong, I think AEWVS is something to be appreciated at some level at least. But really, there's just something about how the game has all of these kinda, um, dirty things that just sort of ruin the game's privilege of having a partially-child community.

Well anyway, I've had enough. AbsolLover66(6) by the way probably didn't receive any other replies to her emails to the YouTubers about coming back to the game. I'm sick of these two games being so terribly and unfairly unequal, and starting from today, that's going to CHANGE! And I'm gonna make sure of it! WE'RE GOING TO MAKE BBIEAL AND AEWVS EQUAL.

First off, there was gonna be an update in a few days, I don't know how long it's been. But anyway, to start with, we need mrdrnose to start working on the game more again. So if you're a big fan of AEWVS, a part of this community and have a stable life and income, I implore you: donate some more money to mrdrnose. His job isn't to make this game - mystman12's, on the other hand, is. So we need to support mrdrnose.

Second off, spread the word somehow. I actually have no idea how we'll do this, but the big people have only played this game when it was new, another generic fangame of BBIEAL. Since it wasn't very good, they left it! It's such a pity they didn't come back for the updates. Well, it's brilliant now, so we need to restart the word. If you're reading this, by the way, AL66(6), you should probably check your emails and send some more.

Well, suddenly I have no other ideas which abruptly brings this comment to a cringy halt. But everybody here and in the other community needs to support BBIEAL AND AEWVS! We don't deserve to have such an underrated game enshadowed by the decently-rated, I guess, game. We need this to change! So, pls, do everything you can to get this game closer to level with BBIEAL. Oh, and about ABIBAZ, the game inspired by both, just leave it off to the side, I guess. Once that game existed, almost everything about it got too complicated to think about. Just, help us.

We're all that we have here. Sigh...

Oh, and remember, I started playing BBIEAL, because there wasn't much else to do. Just trying to get to filename2 which is a pain of a job since there's no way to completely incapacitate Baldi, except with possibly the alarm clock. Also after just 4 notebooks he's at you faster than your walking speed.

(1 edit) (+3)

Alice face swaps can be savage too.

lol this page is getting very cluttered

All of this is creepy XD in some weird way


Have some more!

You, sir, are an utter weirdo.


Face swaps. From me. Deal with them.


This isn't something of the main AEVS but a fan game sometime made of it and requested I do. It was alright Tho could use some fixes. Also praying it here as this is a fan game of a fan game. 

Revenge is not as I saw it.... | Advanced Education: Fit of Rage

(1 edit)


I knew it. Guys, I know how to get the Icecream:

You have to run for a split second. That way the Head Teacher will think it was an accident. She'll still punish you to make sure you don't do it again, but she'll also give you an ice cream to make up for it. Now to test it!

EDIT: I think it works the same way a Fully Chocolate Muffin does: give you unlimited stamina for 10 seconds, and then return it to normal.

(1 edit)

Alright, I can confirm, THE ICE CREAM EXISTS.

(BTW I always take screenshots when I do or find something new to post about the game. This way you can know what I mean better!)

So I didn't keep track of what happened, but basically, I ran for a split second in front of the Head Teacher to get myself punished. (Free ride.) After she punished me for ten seconds she said "sorry" about something and gave me the ice cream. I didn't keep track of what could possibly have caused her to do that (like whether it was lesson or break) (also the volume was down and the TV was on), and I also didn't test it to see what it does because I was in the middle of seeing if I could get the smart boi achievement by doing all the language notebooks first, freeing both Marzia and the school, and then doing all of the math notebooks in the end of the epilogue. But I got eaten by Marzia anyway when I opened the door to go back out so...yeah.

I'd be very interested to know exactly how to get the Head Teacher to get you one or exactly what it does, but seeing the circumstances here, I don't think I'll get another ice cream for a loooooong time. (Like, I've played AEWVS for A G E S , so it's pretty much as long as Alex gets himself locked up).

I'm making a Livestream trying to complete Advanced Education With Viktor Strobovski

you can join if you want.

oh ok

So I decided to--

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second.
Am I saying this twice in a row and on multiple occasions?
Sigh. Whatever.

So a while back, I decided to try and find out what happens if you attempt to do the 666 ending in the Language Level with the math notebooks. So I did. Lots and lots of time was wasted...kinda.

Well, yesterday, I booted up the game again, and I played a few times. At some point, I'd gotten closer than I ever did with a close call on Marzia and an even CLOSER call on Phonty (his bar was like just a couple pixels away from the left side when I got to him). Eventually I got to the last math notebook and guess what?

Nothing happened. So now I'm gonna have to remove the possibility of the 666 ending from the Language Level in the Wikia. Wouldn't it be cool if we had a second 666 ending in the Language Level that's a continuation of the first one?

yeeeeeeeeah I think we have too many ideas for mrdrnose to even try to keep up with. At least I did this one a while back when I made the edit, lol.

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