I am very happy to meet this game. I especially like Viktor and Albert. Recently I finally cleared the math level, but after all it is difficult. The second stage linguistics level is also difficult, so I can not clear it yet ......
With all my gratitude, the fan art I drew. Thank you for the nice game. I like this game very much. I look forward to future updates.
descord has never been done, and I am Japanese and sorry for the awkwardness 💦 For now, we have posted fanart on the #fanarts page. I hope it's not wrong ... but I'm really sorry, thank you again!
So I was just in Brainiac mode, accidentally getting the sixth notebook example wrong and thinking "screw it, let's get the rest wrong" when the notebook just got reactivated but the game thought I was still in the overworld. So I got trapped in the notebook screen with no mouse. By the way I only got 1 wrong (until I did this one, when I got 6 wrong) and yeah. There's a bug. Hope it's patched! Bye!
You need to calm down about the "sexual crap", calling the community cancer when we were obviously messing with you isn't going to convince anybody to play it (to some extent we were). It is similar to inserting an unnecessary curse word or insult in an argument while the other person is starting to change to your side, it is deterring and doesn't help your case. You can also just not mention it, but we haven't said anything sexual since you left.
I wonder what this glitchy hidden room could be? I caught a quick glimpse of it in one of Absol's streams of the alpha 0.1.3 update at 1:07:49, near the hallway behind the first classroom while she was being dragged to the cauldron by the head teacher (after being spotted holding a knife). It looks like one of the rooms from the bunker.
(This post is a work in progress! I thought I might share it early. :D When I finish, I'll ping you.)
So I've been trying to think deeply about how to expand the curriculum of this school, to give successful students an advanced understanding of how the world works and how to operate in it, and I've done some online research about what the core learning areas are. A lot of what I've been searching of them, entire learning areas, fit into others, and a lot of them seem to be circumstantial subjects, but that's okay.
I want the experience of going to this school to be wholly and genuinely rewarding in the long run, so that people have more knowledge, thinking and logical ability and creativity, which was what all schools were designed for, while also learning strategy-planning, basic survival skills and general "morality" in the way that it does now. I'm still considering my idea I posted a while ago about adding more branches of subjects to the testing, the more difficult you choose your tests to be, while introducing all branches slowly in Lil Puss mode.
After all, knowledge is power.
Here is a list of main school subjects I've decided on so far (the list is subject to change):
-MATHEMATICS: Basic laws governing all of reality, and one of the only non-circumstantial subjects since the very idea of temporality is merely just another thing in the realm of mathematics. Mathematics makes for very practical advanced knowledge. Some important branches of mathematics include hyperoperation and general arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, topology, probability, etc. Almost every one of those concepts have something to do with spatial ideas.
-SCIENCE: Circumstantial mathematics governing a particular universe...this one. Science is crucial to know how physics and other real concepts work, which is in turn crucial to know how to manipulate the universe to one's will. I think the main branches of science are physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, social and formal science. I'm not entirely sure actually - I looked it up at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branches_of_science.
-LANGUAGE: Communicative sets of vessels for practical information conveyance between multiple individuals. Language is used since it's impossible for us to express raw information (information without context). The important factors of proper linguistic syntax are spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalisation and structure. I looked it up and don't have the foggiest idea why capitalisation isn't just another part of grammar, but I can assure You mrdrnose can't even do that. In my opinion, the most important languages to learn are the ones used by the biggest contributors to society in general, as well as Esperanto since that's apparently going to be the global and national language; but they should also deviate from normal written and spoken languages, such as sign language, Braille and body language (if the last one even counts).
-HISTORY: Past events concerning everything in the universe.
-ARTS: The expression of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Some important branches of arts include craft, painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, theatre, dance, etc. And those are just the main ones - all forms of style are considered arts to some extent, such as fashion and gastronomy.
-PARANORMALITY: (I thought it would be fitting for a place like Mr. Strobovski's school, where even SCP's exist. It would be a secondary pseudo(?)-science subject dedicated to the study of all the paranormal objects and activities.)
-PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Development in physical exercise. I imagine that PE will be the central focus at the climax of the storyline, when there are no other subjects in focus, and that it will test strategical survival. On an unrelated note, I imagine the last teacher will either be Laura or Helpscreen, specialists in something advanced, not really any particular subject.
There's also "humanities and social sciences", something that teaches subjects like history, law, politics, religion, economy, anthropology, and other things. I'm not sure how this kind of subject would fit into the school of AEWVS, but basically I think it's about the studies of general society. Not sure how that one would fit in, but maybe it'd have something to do with the lore.
Of course, all this probably sounds very overwhelming to just a small team of staff run by an indie curriculum developer, which is why I actually propose that we get help and assistance in expanding the school. Seriously, a lot of us should help build floors, expand the storyline, set things into place, do voice acting, multilingual support, and all the rest of it. We just need to be accepted so we can actually start helping with all of these things so that mrdrnose doesn't have as much tedious work to do.
Anyway, this post isn't finished, as you can clearly tell, but bye for now!
"And here's wikia about game. So, if You have something, add it to wikia:"
Do you know what's FUNNY???
Just because the administrators are lazy/inactive (including now me, the biggest contributor), JohnnyHarden made up the middle names and there are a few idiots on the wiki, you tell everyone not to trust the wiki when your actual wiki was so open and unprotected, random hobos could go and vandalise it. Also it was low quality. And you told us to run it ourselves while it was OFFICIAL.
For everyone who thinks that this is just a fangame: This game was inspired by Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning, but it has a lot of features which makes this game a lot different. So give this game a chance. Don’t miss something great!
You like studying? You want to increase your math, language and history skills? In this game you need to solve a few examples, and the teachers Viktor Strobovski, Marzia V. and Alice Freudenmacher will say what to do. Listen to them attentively and do what they say. The difficulty of the examples increases with each right answer, so don’t do mistakes, Viktor doesn‘t like mistakes. Nobody likes mistakes.
Yeah, but you said that we should change the description so it doesn’t sound like just a fangame with only one level for mathematics. And that’s what I did. I mentioned that there are other levels as well.
You should change the description so it doesn't sound like just a fan game with one level for mathematics. And about the wiki, I was getting too lazy to moderate it properly. If much or at all. I need help from better people. Bye!
Ok, so today, when I wanted to play Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski and try again to beat the Language level (I already beat math in all difficulties without Albert and math Boi mode with Albert), I saw that my computer deleted 0.1.2 version of AEwVS completely (the file I extracted and the zipped folder), and since I can't re-download older versions, except 0.0.1 and 0.0.3 (at least I saw them there, though I don't want to play them, mainly because they don't have the Language level) after the latest update is released, that left me with no choice but to download 0.1.3. However, 0.1.3 version of AEwVS is not fully downloading and I'm only getting partial downloads, which means I can't play the game again (at least not any time soon).
This is not the first time my computer deleted this game. It also did that with 0.1.1, but I didn't then have issues with downloading 0.1.2 like I do now with 0.1.3. My computer usually only deletes the extracted files, but it does sometimes delete the zipped folders, like it did today.
My computer also deleted AEwVS Christmas Curse two or three months ago, but I couldn't play it anyway because computer wouldn't even let me open the zipped folder, so I decided not to do anything about it, or even download it again until I find a fix for this and also find a way to stop my computer from deleting my games (And yes, I know I should've written about this earlier).
Can someone please help me find a way to fix the 0.1.3 update download problem?
Ok. Do you know how I can fix the issue? Because my computer deleted 0.1.2 version of the game and when I downloaded 0.1.3, it didn't fully download and instead, I got those 3 partial downloads: 013j (1). 7z, 013j (1). 7z.dqax3ia and 013j (1). 7z.4ubjgqd. I had to press the download button like 3 times, and it didn't download. The new zipped folder didn't appear and I can no longer play the game (except 0.0.1 and 0.0.3, which I don't want due to the fact that there is no Language level in those versions, and that's the one I tried to beat before I got the issue).
I don't have 0.1.2 or 0.1.1 because my computer deleted both of the zipped folders on its own each time the update was available (and would sometimes do it when it was not, but then it was less of an issue because because I could just download them again).
I didn't even have to do anything (I only ever had to delete the game once). They just disappeared on their own. Because of this, since 0.1.3 won't fully download, I'm stuck with 0.0.1 and 0.0.3 (at least for now).
My mum said that Norton Antivirus could be to blame, but I uninstalled it three months ago for deleting another game that I also like to play (that other game later got deleted by my computer as well, but there is a mobile version of it, so I don't have to keep reinstalling it now, unlike AEwVS)
I would probably just refresh my computer and if that doesn't work, I would look into my computer. Unfortunately, I can't look into yours, so if I can't have the computer I won't be able to know what the heck is going on. Also nobody trusts no-one with each other's computers.
Update: I have been told to try system restore. I haven't actally done it yet, but all the restore points (except the one I saved today) were done on the dates when I did have AEwVS, and it was 0.1.2. However, when I made the computer scan for affected programs on all restore points, it did not say that AEwVS would be restored. The 0.1.3 update still doesn't wanna download and the two older versions are still deleted.
Okay, I just got a bunch of ideas for the game. Half of them involve incorporating old sounds for no reason and half of them are about organising all the achievements, as well as adding some new ones.
OK, so, I've heard one or two people on Discord want the old Marzia chase theme back. I remember hearing before in an Itch post that it had too much of a positive sound to it. Well, I forgot what I was going to say! But I have an idea! For that very reason, let's get the chase theme in Lil Puss back to Trinchetto: Overture to the Sun! Lil Puss isn't a true mode; it's just there to prepare you for what the subject and map of the level is going to be like. Consequently, Viktor says you're a little pussy and the whole experience doesn't have a negative feel. So it's perfect! Yeah, I forgot what I was gonna say again. Don't drag me away when I'm trying to have a mental script of what I'm going to say. For the true modes - Boi, Regular and Brainiac - you can just keep it at Wrillez Basics: Discordia.
Anyway. Also I think Albert's old digit voicelines should be brought back for Brainiac mode and maybe Regular mode. They sounded pretty nice but they got replaced for being intelligible. Well actually I should put it this way: They got replaced for being intelligible but they sounded pretty nice. What's also pretty nice is the sound the doors made when they opened and closed in the first version. They should open a bit slowly like that in Lil Puss mode too, except for during the Marzia chase.
Another soundtrack that should be brought back is that G-major version of Toreador March used for Phonty when the elevator didn't even exist in the Language Level. That should be put back too, because Terry Tucker's Orange Clockwork is also too positive and...you know... Well anyway the Language Level is supposed to be the one that's very dark, gloomy and scary. And besides, Phonty already played that music during the Christmas party thing. Why do Phonty and Erie even have any plates. I think he should play his current theme in only either Boi mode or Brainiac mode, can't decide.
Okay, that's done. Now for my idea about the achievements.
So the achievements are all pretty cluttered and randomly-placed, right? Well, they should all be sorted into groups. I also have more ideas for achievements so here's what we should establish.
First off, the endings:
Math Endings: Normal, Albert, 666, Lil Puss
Language Endings: Normal, Mathematical, Lil Puss
So all the endings on true modes should all be ranked so the difficulties mean something. If you complete an ending on Boi mode, it'll give you some bronze-coloured achievement. If you complete one on Default mode, it'll give you some silver-coloured achievement and if you complete one on Brainiac, you'll get a gold one, you get the idea. (If you didn't realise, by the way, if you've already completed an ending and complete it again on a higher difficulty, the achievement will be replaced accordingly. There's only going to be one slot.) Lil Puss obviously isn't going to be ranked.
Next, the secret progress. There should be different achievements or ranked achievements for how close you get to finding the deepest secret of the corresponding level. There should also be other achievements for finding side-secrets like the Mr. Mix minigame, that skull in Smile Wolf's hideout that says "albert skull" in the game files or the wasteland of terwills.
Next, all the dumb ways to die:
Viktor, Cleany+Viktor (rank up), Marzia, Cleany+Marzia (rank up), Alice, Laura, Mr. Mix, Phonty, Doggos, Insanity (Painting, Smile Wolf, Grandma, Puppet, Phonty, Priest), Fleshy, AB, Electromagnet
Next, the random things. Those can stay. Can't think.
Oh, and you can't get the Priest achievement anymore. That being said, you should remember my idea to bring back the death by insanity. You should just have more sanity to start with so it takes more insanity to die.
P.S. I'm tired. Did I lose the plot at some point?
Actually, it's very normal to at first think "this is a fangame". And it basically started out as one! But the point is, today, saying that AEWVS is a fangame of BBIEAL is like saying Undertale is a fangame of Earthbound. Believe me or not, IT ACTUALLY STARTED OUT AS ONE. So, yeah! People with that mindset are actually pretty normal. We just need to bring them to the dark. Kind of a play on words there. Bye!
P.S. I think you can get rid of that game tag now.
Okay, so I don't know what to say at the header but BASICALLY I've figured something out about Baldi. Something unsettling. Though from the surface, not as unsettling as anything Viktor did.
I've figured out recently (after watching a playthrough of BBBB (Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash)) that Professor Baldimore is a groundbreaking quantum physicist, because he knows what his universe is made of and can screw with it. (Didn't know where I'd say this, but in Baldi's universe, the idea that the universe is a simulation is canon.) Not just in a meta sense, but Baldi actually in general knows deep quantum physics. Why do you think everyone in the school is able to teleport around? Well, I suppose we kinda know now, everyone has a version of the Teleportation Teleporter. But not just that: why do you think the school is able to transform? (So far, it's only created and destroyed walls between the exits and the secret rooms at the top of the caféteria.) It's because there is some kind of control centre somewhere that allows matter to exist, decompose or be reformed. The kind of thing you'd find in quantum mechanics...OKAY, that was redundant/overdone, you get the point. But actually, I've come across a subject that highly references quantum physics before in Baldi's math questions. You know those infamous questions in the You Can Think Pad™ where the numbers are overlapping and everything? Well, it would actually make a lot of sense. The basic structure of the sum is A+(B×C), right? That's true of all renders of the sum. It doesn't make sense at first but think about this. You know how, in quantum physics, you can keep a bunch of particles at multiple points in space at a single time? (Until you put a photon on one, and then it's only there where it was "seen" and disappears from the other location.) Well, behold! It now applies to mathematics. Baldi's introduced some very interesting new numbers that are like that: they have multiple values at once. Except without all the complication of photons. It's just that they seem to be just glitched and make no sense, because it's not only a rare topic, but it's been demonstrated in a very...overstandable manner. I mean, it's simply hard-to-read, though correct. So the better way to display numbers like that is with ampersands, like 2742&4819. These are superpositious numbers. Let me just give you an example of a sum with superpositious numbers:
5&3 + 2&9 = 7&14&5&12
Obviously if you do sums with multiple superpositious numbers, you'll get an answer with even more values. At first I thought it was just similar, but I guess now it directly relates to quantum physics and mechanics. mystman12 said he wouldn't alienate people who don't know information so he'd have a lot of logic-based subjects, but HA! Baldi is actually alienating his students as seen here. It's funny, because he also alienated his godfather, mystman12, and someone that's not him figured out Baldi's secret. (Actually, I should tell mystman12 this. If he goes on without knowing the logic behind Baldi's new mathematics, it might really be something meaningless.) Anyway, yeah. Baldi must deep down think that "basics" are the key steps to understanding and controlling the universe before you. Like, LOL.
Anyway. The thing is, when Viktor was creating his Brain-Upgratonator v0.49, trying to take inspiration from the You Can Think Pad™, he didn't actually understand what the sums were. He just thought it was all an excuse to become angry and start pursuing his students. So he made actually nonsensical sums: sums that never finish loading and never display properly, hence having to be rendered a different way every frame. Why do you think Albert can't answer them? He also made it fair upon you in Lil Puss mode and in the eleventh notebook, so he must really know how nonsensical it all is.
Anyway, Baldi is one of the best fictional quantum physicists.
A moral/point is: No matter how great Viktor is - no matter how satanic, inhuman and evil he is...just DON'T underestimate Baldi. That's what y'all have been doing in your fanarts, but Baldi is much more powerful than that. Baldi is close to completely in control of reality and filename2 is just an example of his victims - by that I don't mean people he's traumatised like Playtime, but people who know what he's capable of and have tried to mess with him. Corruption is the very consequence of attempting to defy Baldi. Sure, he may not be the type to unleash everybody's organs and turn the world inside out so that Hell and people's organs are surfaced, but he can control reality, and filename2 is the closest anyone's ever got to thwarting Baldi. Angell might be able to but of course she never listened when filename2 told her how to get rid of Baldi. After all, she's the type to save everyone, to bring people to the light. That's why people don't delete BBIEAL.
(wow actually...Albert is VERY like filename2. Both of them have known the truth, but have been broken.)
The games might be very dark, but in the end, everything is in the light, right?
I really like the new description. It might be that AEWVS took inspiration from Baldi’s Basics, but Baldi’s Basics is nothing compared to Advanced Education. So yeah, it’s true. This is not a fangame!
← Return to AEwVS
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Hello, nice to meet you!
I am very happy to meet this game.
I especially like Viktor and Albert.
Recently I finally cleared the math level, but after all it is difficult.
The second stage linguistics level is also difficult, so I can not clear it yet ......
With all my gratitude, the fan art I drew.
Thank you for the nice game. I like this game very much.
I look forward to future updates.
Wow, you're good if you just came here. To this place.
Thank you!
I have read all the notices of your latest comment.
Very kindly.
Yeah, well, it's for everyone new here so they don't just see the game for what it used to be since it still has a lot of parts of what it was.
I'm happy waht you like it 😁 also very cool arts! you can upload them in descord #arts channel👀 (there's a big amount of different artists btw)
Thank you!
descord has never been done, and I am Japanese and sorry for the awkwardness 💦
For now, we have posted fanart on the #fanarts page.
I hope it's not wrong ... but I'm really sorry, thank you again!
Oh boy...somebody did a LOT with AEWVS in Japanese lol
AEWVS seems to have been secretly popular in Japan. It's great.👌✨
would you do an APK Version if you could
What just happened...?
Yay! Another new version! But is it a patch or just another experimental version just like Version 0.1.1b?
oops wait forgot to check the development log lol
I bet you my life and all my belongings that if mrdrnose saw this on Discord, he would react/respond with an Antibreather emoticon
I hope it doesn't take up much of the screen. but of course iphones have an extraordinary resolution
So I was just in Brainiac mode, accidentally getting the sixth notebook example wrong and thinking "screw it, let's get the rest wrong" when the notebook just got reactivated but the game thought I was still in the overworld. So I got trapped in the notebook screen with no mouse. By the way I only got 1 wrong (until I did this one, when I got 6 wrong) and yeah. There's a bug. Hope it's patched! Bye!
Wait, this got updated 1 hour ago. What was the update that happened 1 hour ago?
You need to calm down about the "sexual crap", calling the community cancer when we were obviously messing with you isn't going to convince anybody to play it (to some extent we were). It is similar to inserting an unnecessary curse word or insult in an argument while the other person is starting to change to your side, it is deterring and doesn't help your case. You can also just not mention it, but we haven't said anything sexual since you left.
I hope you didn't.
Fine! I'll change it! But you
EDIT: I did change it. But don't mess up ok lol
Wide screens don't like AEWVS.
Sorry to interrupt you FireyDeath4 but im starting a stream playing aewvs for first time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WhbyHPaZAI
Got here when you posted 18 seconds ago.
Dang, I'm feeling too lazy to start moderating the wiki again. It just started getting pretty boring for me.
I wonder what this glitchy hidden room could be? I caught a quick glimpse of it in one of Absol's streams of the alpha 0.1.3 update at 1:07:49, near the hallway behind the first classroom while she was being dragged to the cauldron by the head teacher (after being spotted holding a knife). It looks like one of the rooms from the bunker.
(This post is a work in progress! I thought I might share it early. :D
When I finish, I'll ping you.)
So I've been trying to think deeply about how to expand the curriculum of this school, to give successful students an advanced understanding of how the world works and how to operate in it, and I've done some online research about what the core learning areas are. A lot of what I've been searching of them, entire learning areas, fit into others, and a lot of them seem to be circumstantial subjects, but that's okay.
I want the experience of going to this school to be wholly and genuinely rewarding in the long run, so that people have more knowledge, thinking and logical ability and creativity, which was what all schools were designed for, while also learning strategy-planning, basic survival skills and general "morality" in the way that it does now. I'm still considering my idea I posted a while ago about adding more branches of subjects to the testing, the more difficult you choose your tests to be, while introducing all branches slowly in Lil Puss mode.
After all, knowledge is power.
Here is a list of main school subjects I've decided on so far (the list is subject to change):
-MATHEMATICS: Basic laws governing all of reality, and one of the only non-circumstantial subjects since the very idea of temporality is merely just another thing in the realm of mathematics. Mathematics makes for very practical advanced knowledge.
Some important branches of mathematics include hyperoperation and general arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, topology, probability, etc. Almost every one of those concepts have something to do with spatial ideas.
-SCIENCE: Circumstantial mathematics governing a particular universe...this one. Science is crucial to know how physics and other real concepts work, which is in turn crucial to know how to manipulate the universe to one's will.
I think the main branches of science are physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, social and formal science. I'm not entirely sure actually - I looked it up at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branches_of_science.
-LANGUAGE: Communicative sets of vessels for practical information conveyance between multiple individuals. Language is used since it's impossible for us to express raw information (information without context).
The important factors of proper linguistic syntax are spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalisation and structure. I looked it up and don't have the foggiest idea why capitalisation isn't just another part of grammar, but I can assure You mrdrnose can't even do that. In my opinion, the most important languages to learn are the ones used by the biggest contributors to society in general, as well as Esperanto since that's apparently going to be the global and national language; but they should also deviate from normal written and spoken languages, such as sign language, Braille and body language (if the last one even counts).
-HISTORY: Past events concerning everything in the universe.
-ARTS: The expression of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
Some important branches of arts include craft, painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, theatre, dance, etc. And those are just the main ones - all forms of style are considered arts to some extent, such as fashion and gastronomy.
-TECHNOLOGIES: give me a description first.
Some important branches of technology include oh what's the freaking point. I'm. Too. Lazy.
Here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fields_of_Science_and_Technology
-PARANORMALITY: (I thought it would be fitting for a place like Mr. Strobovski's school, where even SCP's exist. It would be a secondary pseudo(?)-science subject dedicated to the study of all the paranormal objects and activities.)
-PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Development in physical exercise. I imagine that PE will be the central focus at the climax of the storyline, when there are no other subjects in focus, and that it will test strategical survival. On an unrelated note, I imagine the last teacher will either be Laura or Helpscreen, specialists in something advanced, not really any particular subject.
There's also "humanities and social sciences", something that teaches subjects like history, law, politics, religion, economy, anthropology, and other things. I'm not sure how this kind of subject would fit into the school of AEWVS, but basically I think it's about the studies of general society. Not sure how that one would fit in, but maybe it'd have something to do with the lore.
Of course, all this probably sounds very overwhelming to just a small team of staff run by an indie curriculum developer, which is why I actually propose that we get help and assistance in expanding the school. Seriously, a lot of us should help build floors, expand the storyline, set things into place, do voice acting, multilingual support, and all the rest of it. We just need to be accepted so we can actually start helping with all of these things so that mrdrnose doesn't have as much tedious work to do.
Anyway, this post isn't finished, as you can clearly tell, but bye for now!
"And here's wikia about game. So, if You have something, add it to wikia:"
Do you know what's FUNNY???
Just because the administrators are lazy/inactive (including now me, the biggest contributor), JohnnyHarden made up the middle names and there are a few idiots on the wiki, you tell everyone not to trust the wiki when your actual wiki was so open and unprotected, random hobos could go and vandalise it. Also it was low quality. And you told us to run it ourselves while it was OFFICIAL.
I have also a suggestion for a new foreword:
For everyone who thinks that this is just a fangame: This game was inspired by Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning, but it has a lot of features which makes this game a lot different. So give this game a chance. Don’t miss something great!
P.S. This game is still getting updated.
I have a suggestion for a different description:
You like studying? You want to increase your math, language and history skills? In this game you need to solve a few examples, and the teachers Viktor Strobovski, Marzia V. and Alice Freudenmacher will say what to do. Listen to them attentively and do what they say. The difficulty of the examples increases with each right answer, so don’t do mistakes, Viktor doesn‘t like mistakes. Nobody likes mistakes.
That's just the old description, but with the three levels added in that aren't even the whole game.
Yeah, but you said that we should change the description so it doesn’t sound like just a fangame with only one level for mathematics. And that’s what I did. I mentioned that there are other levels as well.
You should change the description so it doesn't sound like just a fan game with one level for mathematics. And about the wiki, I was getting too lazy to moderate it properly. If much or at all. I need help from better people. Bye!
I have a problem with the 0.1.3 update.
Ok, so today, when I wanted to play Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski and try again to beat the Language level (I already beat math in all difficulties without Albert and math Boi mode with Albert), I saw that my computer deleted 0.1.2 version of AEwVS completely (the file I extracted and the zipped folder), and since I can't re-download older versions, except 0.0.1 and 0.0.3 (at least I saw them there, though I don't want to play them, mainly because they don't have the Language level) after the latest update is released, that left me with no choice but to download 0.1.3. However, 0.1.3 version of AEwVS is not fully downloading and I'm only getting partial downloads, which means I can't play the game again (at least not any time soon).
This is not the first time my computer deleted this game. It also did that with 0.1.1, but I didn't then have issues with downloading 0.1.2 like I do now with 0.1.3. My computer usually only deletes the extracted files, but it does sometimes delete the zipped folders, like it did today.
My computer also deleted AEwVS Christmas Curse two or three months ago, but I couldn't play it anyway because computer wouldn't even let me open the zipped folder, so I decided not to do anything about it, or even download it again until I find a fix for this and also find a way to stop my computer from deleting my games (And yes, I know I should've written about this earlier).
Can someone please help me find a way to fix the 0.1.3 update download problem?
I kid you not, when I loaded this page, you had posted it FIVE. SECONDS. AGO.
Ok. Do you know how I can fix the issue? Because my computer deleted 0.1.2 version of the game and when I downloaded 0.1.3, it didn't fully download and instead, I got those 3 partial downloads: 013j (1). 7z, 013j (1). 7z.dqax3ia and 013j (1). 7z.4ubjgqd. I had to press the download button like 3 times, and it didn't download. The new zipped folder didn't appear and I can no longer play the game (except 0.0.1 and 0.0.3, which I don't want due to the fact that there is no Language level in those versions, and that's the one I tried to beat before I got the issue).
I don't have 0.1.2 or 0.1.1 because my computer deleted both of the zipped folders on its own each time the update was available (and would sometimes do it when it was not, but then it was less of an issue because because I could just download them again).
I didn't even have to do anything (I only ever had to delete the game once). They just disappeared on their own. Because of this, since 0.1.3 won't fully download, I'm stuck with 0.0.1 and 0.0.3 (at least for now).
My mum said that Norton Antivirus could be to blame, but I uninstalled it three months ago for deleting another game that I also like to play (that other game later got deleted by my computer as well, but there is a mobile version of it, so I don't have to keep reinstalling it now, unlike AEwVS)
I have NO idea.
I would probably just refresh my computer and if that doesn't work, I would look into my computer. Unfortunately, I can't look into yours, so if I can't have the computer I won't be able to know what the heck is going on. Also nobody trusts no-one with each other's computers.
Update: I have been told to try system restore. I haven't actally done it yet, but all the restore points (except the one I saved today) were done on the dates when I did have AEwVS, and it was 0.1.2. However, when I made the computer scan for affected programs on all restore points, it did not say that AEwVS would be restored. The 0.1.3 update still doesn't wanna download and the two older versions are still deleted.
Okay, I just got a bunch of ideas for the game. Half of them involve incorporating old sounds for no reason and half of them are about organising all the achievements, as well as adding some new ones.
OK, so, I've heard one or two people on Discord want the old Marzia chase theme back. I remember hearing before in an Itch post that it had too much of a positive sound to it. Well, I forgot what I was going to say! But I have an idea! For that very reason, let's get the chase theme in Lil Puss back to Trinchetto: Overture to the Sun! Lil Puss isn't a true mode; it's just there to prepare you for what the subject and map of the level is going to be like. Consequently, Viktor says you're a little pussy and the whole experience doesn't have a negative feel. So it's perfect! Yeah, I forgot what I was gonna say again. Don't drag me away when I'm trying to have a mental script of what I'm going to say. For the true modes - Boi, Regular and Brainiac - you can just keep it at Wrillez Basics: Discordia.
Anyway. Also I think Albert's old digit voicelines should be brought back for Brainiac mode and maybe Regular mode. They sounded pretty nice but they got replaced for being intelligible. Well actually I should put it this way: They got replaced for being intelligible but they sounded pretty nice. What's also pretty nice is the sound the doors made when they opened and closed in the first version. They should open a bit slowly like that in Lil Puss mode too, except for during the Marzia chase.
Another soundtrack that should be brought back is that G-major version of Toreador March used for Phonty when the elevator didn't even exist in the Language Level. That should be put back too, because Terry Tucker's Orange Clockwork is also too positive and...you know... Well anyway the Language Level is supposed to be the one that's very dark, gloomy and scary. And besides, Phonty already played that music during the Christmas party thing. Why do Phonty and Erie even have any plates. I think he should play his current theme in only either Boi mode or Brainiac mode, can't decide.
Okay, that's done. Now for my idea about the achievements.
So the achievements are all pretty cluttered and randomly-placed, right? Well, they should all be sorted into groups. I also have more ideas for achievements so here's what we should establish.
First off, the endings: Math Endings: Normal, Albert, 666, Lil Puss Language Endings: Normal, Mathematical, Lil Puss
So all the endings on true modes should all be ranked so the difficulties mean something. If you complete an ending on Boi mode, it'll give you some bronze-coloured achievement. If you complete one on Default mode, it'll give you some silver-coloured achievement and if you complete one on Brainiac, you'll get a gold one, you get the idea. (If you didn't realise, by the way, if you've already completed an ending and complete it again on a higher difficulty, the achievement will be replaced accordingly. There's only going to be one slot.) Lil Puss obviously isn't going to be ranked.
Next, the secret progress. There should be different achievements or ranked achievements for how close you get to finding the deepest secret of the corresponding level. There should also be other achievements for finding side-secrets like the Mr. Mix minigame, that skull in Smile Wolf's hideout that says "albert skull" in the game files or the wasteland of terwills.
Next, all the dumb ways to die: Viktor, Cleany+Viktor (rank up), Marzia, Cleany+Marzia (rank up), Alice, Laura, Mr. Mix, Phonty, Doggos, Insanity (Painting, Smile Wolf, Grandma, Puppet, Phonty, Priest), Fleshy, AB, Electromagnet
Next, the random things. Those can stay. Can't think.
Oh, and you can't get the Priest achievement anymore. That being said, you should remember my idea to bring back the death by insanity. You should just have more sanity to start with so it takes more insanity to die.
P.S. I'm tired. Did I lose the plot at some point?
Yeah, I've made my mind. That game is a masterpiece. I love it.
PS: Doggos is my lover.
And the Wikia?
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It's Laura! D:
I beat math Brainiac without Albert
is it because of the cheat (x2)
Yes, though I still had trouble because of Mr Mix.
I will be streaming the new update of AEwVS in 50 minutes! I will post the link here when I start. I hope I can see you there!
Привет Дарья Плотникова👀
Actually, it's very normal to at first think "this is a fangame". And it basically started out as one! But the point is, today, saying that AEWVS is a fangame of BBIEAL is like saying Undertale is a fangame of Earthbound. Believe me or not, IT ACTUALLY STARTED OUT AS ONE. So, yeah! People with that mindset are actually pretty normal. We just need to bring them to the dark. Kind of a play on words there. Bye!
P.S. I think you can get rid of that game tag now.
Okay, so I don't know what to say at the header but BASICALLY I've figured something out about Baldi. Something unsettling. Though from the surface, not as unsettling as anything Viktor did.
I've figured out recently (after watching a playthrough of BBBB (Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash)) that Professor Baldimore is a groundbreaking quantum physicist, because he knows what his universe is made of and can screw with it. (Didn't know where I'd say this, but in Baldi's universe, the idea that the universe is a simulation is canon.) Not just in a meta sense, but Baldi actually in general knows deep quantum physics. Why do you think everyone in the school is able to teleport around? Well, I suppose we kinda know now, everyone has a version of the Teleportation Teleporter. But not just that: why do you think the school is able to transform? (So far, it's only created and destroyed walls between the exits and the secret rooms at the top of the caféteria.) It's because there is some kind of control centre somewhere that allows matter to exist, decompose or be reformed. The kind of thing you'd find in quantum mechanics...OKAY, that was redundant/overdone, you get the point. But actually, I've come across a subject that highly references quantum physics before in Baldi's math questions. You know those infamous questions in the You Can Think Pad™ where the numbers are overlapping and everything? Well, it would actually make a lot of sense. The basic structure of the sum is A+(B×C), right? That's true of all renders of the sum. It doesn't make sense at first but think about this. You know how, in quantum physics, you can keep a bunch of particles at multiple points in space at a single time? (Until you put a photon on one, and then it's only there where it was "seen" and disappears from the other location.) Well, behold! It now applies to mathematics. Baldi's introduced some very interesting new numbers that are like that: they have multiple values at once. Except without all the complication of photons. It's just that they seem to be just glitched and make no sense, because it's not only a rare topic, but it's been demonstrated in a very...overstandable manner. I mean, it's simply hard-to-read, though correct. So the better way to display numbers like that is with ampersands, like 2742&4819. These are superpositious numbers. Let me just give you an example of a sum with superpositious numbers:
5&3 + 2&9 = 7&14&5&12
Obviously if you do sums with multiple superpositious numbers, you'll get an answer with even more values. At first I thought it was just similar, but I guess now it directly relates to quantum physics and mechanics. mystman12 said he wouldn't alienate people who don't know information so he'd have a lot of logic-based subjects, but HA! Baldi is actually alienating his students as seen here. It's funny, because he also alienated his godfather, mystman12, and someone that's not him figured out Baldi's secret. (Actually, I should tell mystman12 this. If he goes on without knowing the logic behind Baldi's new mathematics, it might really be something meaningless.) Anyway, yeah. Baldi must deep down think that "basics" are the key steps to understanding and controlling the universe before you. Like, LOL.
Anyway. The thing is, when Viktor was creating his Brain-Upgratonator v0.49, trying to take inspiration from the You Can Think Pad™, he didn't actually understand what the sums were. He just thought it was all an excuse to become angry and start pursuing his students. So he made actually nonsensical sums: sums that never finish loading and never display properly, hence having to be rendered a different way every frame. Why do you think Albert can't answer them? He also made it fair upon you in Lil Puss mode and in the eleventh notebook, so he must really know how nonsensical it all is.
Anyway, Baldi is one of the best fictional quantum physicists.
A moral/point is: No matter how great Viktor is - no matter how satanic, inhuman and evil he is...just DON'T underestimate Baldi. That's what y'all have been doing in your fanarts, but Baldi is much more powerful than that. Baldi is close to completely in control of reality and filename2 is just an example of his victims - by that I don't mean people he's traumatised like Playtime, but people who know what he's capable of and have tried to mess with him. Corruption is the very consequence of attempting to defy Baldi. Sure, he may not be the type to unleash everybody's organs and turn the world inside out so that Hell and people's organs are surfaced, but he can control reality, and filename2 is the closest anyone's ever got to thwarting Baldi. Angell might be able to but of course she never listened when filename2 told her how to get rid of Baldi. After all, she's the type to save everyone, to bring people to the light. That's why people don't delete BBIEAL.
(wow actually...Albert is VERY like filename2. Both of them have known the truth, but have been broken.)
The games might be very dark, but in the end, everything is in the light, right?
Whoops I forgot to mention the new random map generator that's going to be in the full game
it’s good 👍
Sue me, or don't.
This is so weird XD But good job 👌🏻
People like you make me lose my mind...what are all these pictures you're posting??????
(of course, they're WEIRD. Buuuuuut you get the point.)
I really like the new description. It might be that AEWVS took inspiration from Baldi’s Basics, but Baldi’s Basics is nothing compared to Advanced Education. So yeah, it’s true. This is not a fangame!
He should probably remove the insult, though, it kind of deters me each time I see it.
Yeah, you’re right.
But unlike "simulacra" and "Sara is missing" nobody needs aewvs
Except aewvs fans
The fact that you responded to me makes me cringe.