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(3 edits) (+4)

Oh my God, guys! I did it! I finally did it! My heart is pounding so hard right now... Even faster than when I beat Viktor for the very first time. I think, I'm going to die. But I did it! YES!!!

How I feel right now:


I beat language without glitches or gas mask again today on boi difficulty, again! 11-9-18. Not once did I ever need a flash bang, nor have I ever sighted or heard Marzia even once during the search. I finally got the pink talk bubbles achievement, and best of all, I kept my language+math achievement as well from alpha 0.0.9 without even solving any math notebooks! My strategy was slightly different from the one I used to beat it the first time, since Marzia's velocity changed, which would change her distance from you from the previous build. If y'all want, I can make a No Marzia Encounter Guaranteed Shortcut Speedrun walkthrough run tomorrow, if some one can tell me how to add walkthrough subtitles to an uploaded game recording capture, since I will not use a microphone and drown out the game audio with my parents' obnoxious music and Netflix/Youtube audio. Even if you have beaten it already or are still confident in your own path, I can show you a faster and more survivable way of beating it in this build. I promise there were no gas masks or glitches involved, and Marzia seems a lot slower in the final chase as well; you can even put 7 codes during the final chase now if your clicking is fast enough and accurate, but I recommend that you stick to putting 5-7 codes into the elevator during the search before the final chase instead. So what do you all say?

A: Use a microphone somewhere quite quiet and put it in the audios.

B: Get Windows Movie Maker or something.

(1 edit) (+1)

Made small edit...went through language level difficulties to see what was different. They're more noticeable on current alpha 1.0.1

Blanks per Sentence Progression:

  • Lil Puss {all contain 1}
  • Boi {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3}
  • Default {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5}
  • Brainiac {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Other Changes:

  • Math notebook difficulty and Viktor, similar as if played on math level. Was present in previous alpha.
  • Phonty winds down quicker on higher difficulty, Boi through Brainiac.
  • Doggos becomes active earlier on higher difficulty, Boi through Brainiac.
  • Marzia breaks doors down sooner after collecting a number of language notebooks on higher difficulty, Boi through Brainiac. Could be used to benefit your run...
  • Marzia footsteps and breathing become quieter on higher difficulty, Boi through Brainiac.
  • Steeper blanks per sentence curve mentioned earlier.

10th Language Notebook on Brainiac:

I was going to stream AEWVS today, but I think I will wait 1 more update as I don't think there is enough new content quite yet.


Viktor on Saturdays

Image result for masky

I love this! xD


update suk ill never play it


What is your problem dude




This is too good xD


Wut? XD


Am acting out my rage towards this fellow with the power of memes. 


Yes! XD

(1 edit) (+4)





Mrdrnose plz at me to finders and completion board




This is Viktor when summer holidays start. XD


lol in Marzia's notebooks it says that she enjoys big fluffy hugs


Mrdrnose you forgot to add me to the completion board for language, you also forgot to put me on finders list for the secret i found


Honestly this has to be one of the most difficult games I have ever played. I'm not upset though. I love the challenge this game give me, I just wish I was better at math. Maybe by the time i'm done with the first level I will be better and negative numbers.

(1 edit) (-6)

are you seriously that dumb

Look, first off, a quick tip to solve subtraction sums (let's start with +A-B=C) where the subtrahend is larger than the minuend (B>A) is to swap their positions (+B-A=-1C), do the sum, and then reverse the difference (+A-B=C).

Like...what if you wanted to work out 3-8? You swap their positions so you try to work out 8-3, and no worries, it's 5. Then you just reverse 5 and make -5, and poof! 3-8=-5! You know the difference between 3 and 8 is like 5. So if the larger number is the minuend (B), you know the difference is gonna be negative.

Also, what about an addition where the first addend is negative (-A+B=C)? No worries again. If it helps just swap them completely over (+B-A=C). Poof, subtraction is no different to addition except that it has negative numbers. Or if the positive addend isn't enough to make the sum not negative (-A+B<0), just go and swap all their roles (+A-B=-1C). Then go and reverse the sum.

Like -11+7 is... well, +11-7=4 so -11+7=-4.

Also remember, +- is -, -+ is - and -- is +. Basically if the operators are different it's minus and if they're the same it's plus. Like 5--7=12 and 9-+3=6. It's also the case when multiplying any two numbers: 4×-6=-24 and -5×-7=35.

Finally, remember your plus tables. Also, have you ever worked out 4+8×5=60 and been told WRONG??? We don't just straight-up go left to right anymore! You use the PEMDAS method. So do all the multiplying and dividing first left to right and THEN do the addition and subtractions. So, 4+8×5 is apparently 44. Anyway.

It's literally easier than squeezing one lemon...(well maybe it's just because I have dermatitis and minimal access to lemons)

seriously how did you not get the hang of it yet


Hey. Don’t call him dumb, okay? He’s giving his best.




I feel like calling him dumb is a bit far and mean. Yeah he is really slow and does have trouble with math, but i feel calling him dumb is kinda mean. It may not even be his fault. He could just be slow. And yeah he is trying his best which is all he can do of course


Um, Mrdrnose, I looked at the completer's board, and beside my name says (alpha 0.0.9 boi, default, braniac), but that doesn't make any sense. I've never beaten either level on default or braniac mode, I've only beaten both subjects on boi difficulty. You must be confused with Devon9141.  Also, you did not put what subject was it that I beat in that build, which was language on boi difficulty, 10-23-2018. When you have the time, please correct it to Pluto Neon (alpha 0.0.9 language boi) please.


I actually got goose bumps, when I heard the clock and then this creepy, whispering voice talked to me, saying: "It's... your... time. It... was... always... your... time. Just... think... who... you... trust... and... don't... hurry... come... to... your... freedom." This was onehundred percent Albert, because I saw a picture of his not completed body right before the game crashed again. But what does Albert mean by that? Will there be some kind of betrayel in one of the next levels? 🤔 Like, you have to decide: Either go to Viktor, who helped you escape on one floor, or go to someone who made it clear, that he/she really wants to kill you? Who knows?


I just checked the update's completer's section and I realized I forgot to tell you about the two other wins that I have in language.  I have a brainiac mode (no math)  win and a second boi clear (no math).  Just so you know for your next update!

Did you do Brainiac Language?


Yeah, it was easy.  The only difficulty change is Phonty


Mr. MIX, do you remember in the older builds where you could use watermelon slices to lure Marzia to break down doors before the search chase began, I'm talking about SCP - 4002 spawning at the start of the level? What was behind the door right behind the player at the start when Marzia broke it down with the help of a melon slice? Just an empty room with no secrets?


The door behind spawn leads to a view just the hallway behind the start, aka the hallway that led to the "endless" corridor.  It's just void that you can't enter because the other hallway is too close to the door.


I feel like Mrdrnose should make an update every 2 or 3 days just to add a little bit more corridors/rooms to the History Level, as it could also help him get a better idea of what he wants to do with it, as it seems kind of straight-forward at the moment.  He seems a bit too focused on making multiple floors (specifically from the start to the floor above the library) that it has become a linear path that couldn't work with other paths.  He should focus on floor 1, then 2 (with how the library could work with the four separate paths), then any other floors that he would want to add.


A corridor layout of each floor per future update sounds good. Probably focus on paths from main elevator, connect paths by individual floor and add stairways where needed. Some other details such as notebook spawns, trashcans, desks, etc... Secret floors even.


I love how every update comes out 4-5 hours before I get home from school, it gives me such an advantage over people with later time zones xD.


AH, but can it beat someone with...



A: No, I hardly get to go on the computer anyways.


Well, at least I get to look at the history level with the help of the new test menu. When I opened up the game again, I saw the clock. What did it mean again? Is the game down for 12 or for 24 hours?


Clock means you play the game at that time (change computer clock to avoid long wait).


So I can play the game at 12 am again. Got it. 🤔 Thanks.


OMG HE ADDED BALDI xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd

Wut? Can't look at the new update, yet, because I did something... I did something bad.


Yup. Also, so many new sentences in language notebooks.


Oh dear... I wonder how long he would survive in that school. 🤔 He‘s probably as f***** as Player is.


That is why he is hiding in the unaccessible room xD, though he most likely will be grabbed through the wall by Mr Cleany.


And then he‘s either eaten by Marzia or slashed in a half by Viktor. XD

Just realised, what you said is technically right in a way that you think is wrong.

After all, Baldi is in-universally metapotent, and Angell is literally one of the most resilient creatures out there.

Deleted 6 years ago

Just to keep you guys updated: RiskRim actually answered to the e-mail!

It’s not what I hoped for, but it’s his decision and there are still YouTubers left who haven’t responded, yet. There’s still hope!


yes i have asked him this many times to play the game,but he always resists also avoid to stream it. but yea, lets hope there will be vids of our strobovski game.

(2 edits) (+1)



when I thought Susie from Deltarune made it okay to call people dumba


This is sad, i love Riskrim he is a good youtuber, really sucks he wont even give it another chance because its apparently a "baldi fan game" smh

Nooooooooooo, he said it was LIKE Baldi's Basics, like how it has similar mechanics and everything. And he obviously didn't give it a last glance to see how it's pretty original and has a ton of stuff mystman12 hasn't and might never think of. Anyway, he's had enough of those Slender-started line of games.





(1 edit)

mrdrnose the fact that the Gas Mask artifact teleports you to somewhere else makes everything complicated and people are using them to lure staff members away from where you were before you put it on because you're in a completely different place on the map. Do something.

Also, I regained all of my achievements now. It hasn't been long. And I'm gonna remember to back up all my save data so whatever happened doesn't, like, happen again.

You know, the gasmask is kind of useless otherwise, as it serves no other purpose.  It is only temporary and no one can keep staff away forever because sanity and  breath go down while you are in Tar.  I think I kind of like it to serve a purpose like that because it is great during the final chase if you forget/can't do the numbers.  Marzia can open the elevator doors, anyways.

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm crying right now. No joke. I swear, I heard breathing behind that door! That distracted me so goddamn much! I'll just go to sleep...


Oh, one more thing, nothing to do with your flaws in your runs, but this is just a tip, a cheaty tip: If you stand inside the elevator, use the gas mask to teleport to TAR location for a few seconds, then take off the gas mask, the elevator door will shut itself with you still inside it. There is no way to open the door again unless you restart the level, but this will block Marzia from entering the elevator, giving you infinite time to put in the codes. Just don't press your body against the door with Marzia right behind it, or else there may possibly be a glitch where she can grab you through the door, so it's safer to stand closer to the back of the elevator. I never used the gas mask to win, MIX_UP_GAMERS has, I'm only suggesting this option to you if you really want to resort to an easy win, but just know that it is possible to do without it.

Okay, first of all, I don’t have the gas mask, because I have no idea how to enter the bunker. Second of all, I don’t want to cheat, and I know that it’s possible to do this without cheats or bugs or glitches. And third of all, I’ll probably never come this far ever again. But thanks for your hint, I guess.


Right around the 37:00 mark with the breathing. I encountered this before; Marzia walked past the window as she was giving her before chase speech. Marzia hasn't "teleported" yet apparently...

Exit the "9" door as usual once chase begins when it happens, you'll be fine.


I didn’t know! I didn’t know what to do at that point. I was too excited to realize that that breathing could also be BEHIND me... as usual. I just had to run an smash that codes into the elevator. I’m so stupid... This time, it wasn’t even something I had to die for. It was just pure stupidity.


If all will be good, update will came tomorrow.




I'm excited to see what it brings.


lol will suck xdd

If you don’t like this game, get the f*** out of here and play some Baldi’s Basics!


fight me xd ill beat u up

Yeah, right...


yes idoit


Here's what's new:


Dope. And also, Viktor should follow you in the pacifist route like in little puss mode.

And also........

Are you shipping Viktor and H-Teacher.....

Because if you are......

Image result for your clapped

lol jk do what you want with them.


34:41 (!)

I know what i will do before i go to sleep))

What will you do? 🤔

(1 edit)

If you (any person surfing the comments)'re reading this, tell meh, do you have any idea why the game textures are fine in-game, but when I view or export them with UModel, every single texture has their colours all stretched right out to the edge where the transparency should be? This is just getting hard...


Like this?


What the bloody hell is this?!


A bloody hell?

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe...? I don't know where that comes from because it doesn't look like the tree from the Red Forest. I think that's the gist of it though because it has those lines where I imagine the transparency should be.


Me: *has completed all language notebooks and has all 10 elevator codes written down and has the blue key and 2 flashbangs*


Image result for i'm gonna stop you right there meme


For people who are unsure about what strategy to use in the language level, this is the best strategy I used to beat the language level without the Cleany 9 door glitch. With this map, you are almost guaranteed to never encounter Marzia during the search more than once, unless Mr. Cleany f*cks you up during the search, also watch out for him in the final chase. Also, remember to check for breathing or ticking sounds from outside of the room doors during the late game, and always have at least one flash bang in your pocket to throw at the door.


Great game!


I know the feeling Absol, it is super fustrating. But don't give up, i know you can beat it


I'll give you a tip, if you already have 6-7 codes implemented before the final chase, you can just put the remaining 3-4 codes during the final chase if you use the blue key shortcut fast enough during the final chase. Returning to the elevator to put in an 8-9th code after you just returned from the further half of the school floor before the final chase is like backing into a dead-end alley with nasty thugs cornering you there, it's too risky and it's not worth it, so save them for the end chase. Just remember to quickly hover over the number and click, don't click-hold and drag, it's faster if you know where to hover on the sliders before you click so practice that.


Nice tip Pluto. Not going back to put later codes in is really important. I generally search rooms on one side and put however many codes found on that side, then wind phonty one last time before searching remaining side. Hopefully having at least 5 codes.

Like the orange rooms having partial colors for notebooks. Makes things less confusing.

I didn’t even know that you can just click. 🤔 Thanks for that information.


Baldi has ascended in graphics!RIP AewVS

Képtalálat a következőre: „Viktor Strobovski x baldi”

Képtalálat a következőre: „Viktor Strobovski x baldi”

Képtalálat a következőre: „baldi's basics clickbait”

Grafics aren‘t everything. AEWVS has more content and a potential story.





I don't get it, what is these ?

I don’t even know, man. 🤷🏻‍♀️

(1 edit) (+1)

Actually, you're actually wrong this time (and did you read my take on your opinion? Be great if you did!) Baldi's Basics only contains flat models such as tables, chairs, walls, doors, vending machines and lockers, and the walls and doors are even almost literally 2D. Advanced Education, with it's "high-poly super mega HD graphics" has quite a few bendy models, such as the chair legs, the cauldron, the iron rod pike impaler, the neodymium magnet, the city view in the windows and the large lift. They also have better polyhedral models like the Bunker, the operating seats and the pots and trash cans. And, unlike Baldi's Basics, SOME characters and objects have multiple angled sprites (like Phonty, Doggos, the Librarian, the camera and the toilets).

lol u lier xddd

(3 edits)

Would you like me to convert eight entire hours of my neverending, meaningless and yet inescapable consciousness into a boring and possibly very risky grind of a task creating a video of myself downloading multiple programs to rip the data from both games and sorting it all out to compare them and prove to you that Advanced Education really does have slightly more advanced graphics just for you, you stupid, idiotic, foolish, moronic and oblivious compound of Homo Stultus deoxyribonucleic acid? Because I really will...LOL

lol u wont kid xddddddd

(1 edit)

I'll show you...

(Ugh, I'm already wasting too much precious computer time without this guy but whatever, life is meaningless anyways)

I'll post a video in 1 or 2 days, 3 or more if I'm unlucky.

Also, I'm not gonna do it with my own YouTube channel. I only want high quality content on there...

...remind me to do it

(1 edit)

Well...this is the consequence of your impetuous statement and that of many others like you

And even so, what you didn't realise was that the minimalistic, stock imagery of AEWVS was what people liked so much, you caused Professor Pig's Unusual Barn School to exist.

How does that make you feel, ThiccDood?

i mean never mind you probably have an existential crisis anyway
saw you in discord lol


"Baldi has ascended in graphics"
Not at all my friend, not at all. Also the pics you show aren't even the real game and not only that are more crap than the actual game. (I love both games though)


Hey Mrdrnose just wanted to let you know we all love you and your game and would do anything to see it suceed, please do not give up on the game, you have already put so much time and effort into it. This game has serious potential to be one of the best or even maybe the best horror game there is, at least in my opinion. Please do not give up and stay determined man, we all believe in you and know you can do it. Also i am willing to donate more money if that would help you make the game in any way.


Oh, cool. He could really use a donation because he can't sell this because of copyright.



(1 edit) (-5)

this game is so bad xd

baldi's basics is best 

i hope it dies xddddddd

im actually not joking

im never gonna play this game anymore

lol its boring

goodbye gaem


You should not have done this.

Képtalálat a következőre: „Keep calm and play baldi”



Image result for really? face



This game is awesome, man! Don’t give up on it.


"sarcasm". I'm just kidding🙃




Image result for destruction 100

(2 edits) (+1)

Alright, let's think about this...

Baldi's Basics In Education And Learning is...well, it's short. Actually come to think of it I'm already onto something. For starters, Advanced Education With Viktor Strobovski is hard. It has multiple unusually long-winded levels that are pretty difficult, have some bugs and have multiple ways of killing you, not to mention lots of endings and secrets to find. Baldi's game is straight-forward. Get all the notebooks and flee from the school. There's no large wall of achievements - it's just one short, easy to think about level where everything can immediately be put at your fingertips. Viktor's game is again, long-winded and difficult and has tons of stuff, as symbolised by the Rusty Fork artifact. In a way, typing this makes me think about what the Simulacra says in Pipe Dreams: Games have straight-forward, definite goals. Life is one large world that if it was a game, it would be tagged simulation. It doesn't have any goals. Everything you do will be for nothing one day. There's no real reward for being conscious. One time, I realised that Viktor's game very much is a surprisingly good representation of life. Breaking the rules that are supposed to keep everything in harmony is necessary for survival, but they exist because survival is such a mainstream thing since apes broke natural selection and made life so easy to live that idiots can live happily. You get so used to breaking the rules, you become greedy and think you can still do that, but no. It's also because yes, Viktor's game is large. It has tons of ways to go, and tons of obstacles in your way, and like life, it takes a lot of dedication to not give up, and like the game, there's so many things to look at and discover in your lifetime. You learn, get better, and eventually break free. You can do the right thing for everybody (such as Albert)...or you can commit sins (such as filling all 50 examples with 666 and going to the Red Forest).

I also realise that Viktor's game lacks children. Baldi's game, with 3 children and 6 non-adolescents, has a ratio of 3/9 children (excluding yourself). Viktor's game however many characters so far? Only Albert, Gregory (possibly) and the Puppet are children, making 3, and they're all kind of dead. Viktor, Marzia, Alice, Head Teacher, Mr. Mix, Mr. Cleany, Fleshy, Phonty, Antibreather, Follower, Watcher, Librarian, Doggos and Grandma are 14 people and non-people. Only 3/17 characters  are children, apart from you, a white-dressed rag. I KNOW school is partially about making friends, collaborating, and learning together, and YOU have to be the leader saving the children in Viktor's game! Survival aside, just going to school, that's a major reponsibility for you. Most schools are meant to teach the importance of equality, and here you have to be the one well above all with your supernatural artifacts. Despite a ton of supernatural events occurring in Baldi's game, at least everything's even.

So, what else? Baldi's game is bright. Everyone there is more of an individual. Baldi has his weaknesses such as relying on hearing, you have a living friend who left his noteboos there, the Art and Crafter is shy and jealous, and Playtime...well, she's obviously Baldi's victim based on her insanity. Everything, despite being so eerie and unsettling, is still bright and playful and lively. But in Viktor's game, it's just eerie and unsettling. But it's also dark, hiding tons of secrets kept by the faculty, and filled with corpses and blood. Everyone always knows where you are. Everybody's just trying to focus on killing you. The Head Teacher doesn't even punish anyone except you (although that might be because everyone else is staff, and only students get punished). They're going full-on, trying to draw blood and organs from your body. You're the one in a white rag so white it illuminates the darkness by just a little bit. You have no friend, but also more desperate responsibilities. Everyone that can kill you just comes up with an excuse to go and kill you. It's just darkness. Most characters such as Doggos and Phonty severely lack a personality and just be like "you moved" and "you didn't wind me up so ironically I'm wound up and will kill you". Baldi is only going to smack you, although I kind of believed that his ruler is also an artifact that has infinite torque when wielded by a person and has the potential to swipe the organs out of someone like a wide bullet.

I also thought of something else here. mrdrnose isn't really doing the best at making this game top-notch. Only two levels in and you're finding yourself in a pool of dumb memes and bad English. And, as Viktor used to say, there's loud noises, fast brightening lights, violence, swearing, offensive language, weird speech, weird English, crooked photoshop, high-poly super mega HD graphics, and spooky moments. It's noticably choppy and has some inconsistencies, but you know. This is just the alpha version.

Also, you might be influenced by how popular Baldi's game is. I mean, everybody saw this as a fangame and left before they got to see how big and branched out it was. And then they also left because this game was too stressful.

That's my take on your opinion. And, everybody, it's just an opinion, like Sr Pelo said about a couple months ago. Truly, these two can't be compared as it would be unfair to compare two things like these that are very different. They have two very different philosophies. Baldi's game is meant to be a straight-forward, original, Sonic Schoolhouse horror parody, collecting your friend's noteboos and out you go before meeting someone trying to help fix this mess quickly (Filename2). In Viktor's game, YOU are the ONE student in an obscenely massive, supernatural complex that is now a "school". You have different subjects, different teachers, different assignments and modern, tabletish notebooks. The entire faculty is hiding multiple dark secrets they're trying so desperately not to break while you do your best to cleanse the massive complex. mystman12 made something viral and is now working on a larger, original, copyright-free game like the original Baldi's Basics, but WAY expanded. mrdrnose here is striving to make a different kind of schoolgame, and the only profits he can get are the donations the odd player gives to him. He can't sell this or it'll 100% get taken down. Everybody sees this as a Baldi's Basics fangame - and it is, seeing that somehow, without a 10-year-old's spoopy comics going viral from a competition, a Russian man wouldn't strive (with a headache) to make something much bigger and much more horrifying and pussywussychild-unfriendly. But the truth is, it was merely a small inspiration from Baldi's Basics. Everybody saw the "fangame" bit and left soon since it was too different and/or uninteresting, but Baldi's game was probably merely the small push to get Viktor's game up and going. It's way too big, considering it has tons of copyright (with 4 different variations of Overture To The Sun in it). Where was I? Oh yeah. This's out of proportion. Anyway yeah, that's just my take on your opinion.



it won't die dude. I dont know why, but baldi made the impossible question that isn't possible. Viktor's questions are possible though. So get outta here bruh.

Also baldi's basics is dead.


That's where you're wrong. Viktor didn't understand Baldi's equation as much as everyone else when he was making the Brain-Upgratonator! Baldi's equation is three overlapping variants of A+(B×C). Since we know that all three equations follow this structure, we (or at least I) know that the sum is just one A+(B×C) equation where A, B and C are superpositious numbers. (For more of an explanation see this post I made.) Viktor's equation is just an inconsistent mess that never finishes loading or even just gives even Albert a chance to think about what the equation means. It doesn't have just one structure with superpositious numbers in it. It's never even the same at any point in time. It's just...completely nonsensical. He thought Baldi's equation made no sense? Well I made sense of it, and HE COULDN'T! Although maybe it's just because mrdrnose hasn't been surfing YouTube half as much as I do and learning tons of information (I mean come on, I worked out the meaning of life when everyone else on Earth couldn't, so, I must be one of a kind or something). Anyway, Baldi's equation IS possible (except if you're playing the game and not actually in it), and Viktor's equation is not because Viktor himself didn't know what Baldi did and he was trying to copy him a bit. Baldi is at least fair. Viktor is too in a way, like when you're a pussy or when you're trying to get the final notebook. In fact Viktor spares you when you do well enough, but Baldi just keeps going and going. So yes, Viktor's equation is more impossible.

aw gawd

megamassive comments strike back

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+3)

hi everyone. I'm am joining the community. I read the comments too.

Hope this game is fun.


News flash buddy, this game is VERY good.


Titan is right, this game is phenomenal


I know it is. It looks great too.


Hi mrdrnose,

It's easier to give up than go all the way, I know it's frustrating, not to reach a goal. But do not reason like that. Patience, Hope and Perseverance are the keys that will help you stand out and succeed in your goals. Many people give up more and more, because they are insatisfied, everyone has been there, even me. But that does not stop there, consider insatisfaction as your worst enemy, because when it hits ,it hurts, and only your reason to go forward can counter that insatisfaction.

To sum up, do not abandon this project, do what goes through your head, do not let others discourage you or otherwise you will never be satisfied with your futur projects. At the end,give up for you will become normal and the solution for all your problem. 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I mean, he could always pause the game's development, and then create more levels and stuff later.

But in the meantime he'd need to make sure everyone sticks around during the break to make sure they don't lose interest.


yeah, agree, Patience will be maybe the key. 


I just love the way a game based around school can allow me to do THIS. :D


what if I took something out...? C:<

(2 edits) (+2)



hey you know mrdrnose, forget 4th and 5th levels. if you wanna just finish 1st 2nd and 3rd levels. then just do that. honestly thats really all there needs to be. as long as you dont quit the game in its process, and do some sort of wrap up, nobody will be mad



mrdrnose needs at least ONE other person working on this.

Also, who the heck only teaches arithmetic, Memeglish and history in a school that size?

(2 edits) (+2)

Welp. I wrote an e-mail where I explained our situation and send it to 8 bigger Youtubers who played the game 4 month ago. I hope this works and someone of them plays it again.

I send this to 6 english YouTubers (Markiplier, Bijuu Mike, 8-BitRyan, CoryxKenshin, RiskRim and Luigikid) and 2 german YouTubers (Sev and Corrupted)

I hope this is enough...


Ok, i will help too.


"Please, help us, you last hope..."

(1 edit) (+1)

I actually have high hopes that those youtubers will read this and consider it, mainly because they're good people that are normally willing to help anyone. I also do hope this email DOSENT go to their spam emails.


I didn’t add any links or anything else, so it shouldn’t go to their spam E-mails.


I updated my fangame! You can't go to the second floor yet, but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer. There are 2 more endings now!

Go check it out:


I'll have to check it out!  However, I need to wait until tomorrow first, as I need to get some sleep for school tomorrow.  Good job with being such an active member, btw.  It's kind of impressive!


Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy it.


Looks fun to play, I'll have a look.


I hope Mrdrnose starts working on the game again real soon, I'm scared people are going to lose interest.


Sadly even though i love this game to pieces, i still am slowly losing interest in the game.


me too


...wait wut mrdrnose?


OH MY GOd JESUS, GET BACK INTO IT! I WILL GIVE YOU MONEY IN 5 years when I will probably get a bank account or something. Also might be risky.

(1 edit) (+2)

Update will come tomorrow, don't worry. Just alpha 0.0.11 can came out after a long time. And money can't help in game progress a lot.

(My 900-th comment😏)

Is it because if we had to pay for anything for your game (other than donation) it would get taken down from multiple copyright claims?


?!? 😢


A bit sad, but I can see why.


I'm sad too, nobody just don't want to know more, and chooses game with small amount, and created in few days, instead game, that developes for 4 mounths. That's not funny, i got a headache.


We (or at least I) will do my best to help you out! I'm going to write e-mails to some bigger YouTubers, since writing under their latest videos doesn't seem to work.


mrdrnose stay D E T E R M I N E D

Don't lose hope 

Drink some water.

I do it when I have a headache because Mum or someone told me it would work.


What we really need is a large, self-sustaining fanbase, kind of like Undertale's. Except without all the idiots and cringeworthy individuals.

Well, it would be true. If Deltarune didn't exist right now. I can't think of any other one-thingy franchises that have that much fanbased expansion.

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is your definition of idiotic cringeworthy individuals? I'm just asking because I'm not part of the Undertale community/fanbase myself.

IDK. You'll know when you find yourself there.


Since we're all just going to be plagiarizing random soundtracks for this game, how about this theme for a future notebook subject search ambience theme, or a secret labyrinth theme like the bunker and RUST?


It might be a bit too high pitched, low pitch sounds fit Rust better, so just put a pitch lowering software (i.e. audacity) and it might just fit.

(1 edit) (+4)

When cleany is pushing you away from Marzia but then you turn around to see that he's pushing you into Viktor



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