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"No running in the corridors during the lesson"


confused girl GIF


This is way better than carving a jack o' lantern!

(2 edits) (+4)

🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃 I didn’t have more time, so it’s just a sketch drawing. I want to meet with my friends now and go watch the new Halloween movie! But I really wanted to post this picture today, so... Yeah. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Have a great night of horrors!

Edit: The movie was awesome!

Edit 2: There. Now I colored it and added a spoopy pumpkin. :D

Warning: It’s kinda sad, I guess? Viktor is in this Video, too.

(1 edit) (+2)

I know the best (probably racist) joke that could possibly exist in this comment section.

In most of the world, some people severely attack schools and faculty.

In Soviet Russia, some schools and faculty severely attack PEOPLE!!!

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

Good one. I'm not sure, are the teachers in Russia still allowed to hit their students?

No but one of them has a cultish faculty. :D

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)
Viktor, the one with the most beautiful voice in the entire game:

Then I'm like "I'll stab you"

Deleted 3 years ago

Image result for vault boy thumbs down


Viktor when the soda misses

Related image




It's almost Halloween so here's best girl Alice <3


Oh my god, so cute! ^^


Wow, you still keep surprising me with new art styles after all of this time!  This look really suits Alice and kind of reminds me of Charlie Brown for some reason (don't ask lol).  Once again, great looking picture!  Also, Alice is the best.


I like this one!♥

Deleted 5 years ago

All of that code is cool, but don't you think it could be classified as ruining/spoiling secrets of the game?

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I don't know! They're already ruined anyway. The comment section is flooded with spoilers. :/

Thing, what comments are filled with spoilers is not important.

Try to set old data on computer. Maybe some things responce for data loading can't load data.

And erase the code text, it takes a lot of space and it useless in that format.

Also, Mrdrnose, what was changed in the 0.0.9c/0.0.94 update?  I can't find any differences except the moved lockpick in History.

Played again for over an hour today... Still didn't beat this level, but I'm close. I think I finally have a good strategy, and I will definitely do it without Viktor.

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OH NO!!!

Well, nothing else (like memory of unlocked levels and the Belt) seems to be affected, but oh. no. Now I might have to purge my achievements and start all. over. again. Dang it.

I spent DAYS getting some of those. Like, literally, more than 48 hours of my life have been spent playing and playing, I'm sure.

Did it happen spontaneously, or You somehow interact with .sav files?

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IDK. All I know is that today I changed the date on my computer for a little bit.

Didn't touch them until after, and I didn't modify them or anything.


I'm in love with Alice! She is really cute in her normal mode.Btw,her rage mode model really grabs my attention. Tentacles, claws, blood-covered clothes and a really weird smile( should I call it as pervert smile? XD) I was appealed to her design when I saw a Taiwanese Youtuber playing this game. Alice must be my favourite character in this game. 

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Strange, the only Youtubers that I know who have ever posted actual videos of the history level with Alice are MIX UP GAMERS and me, but neither one of us is Taiwanese, at least I don't think MIX is. Who is this Youtuber you speak of?

Edit: There's also Hiss Postie who posted a video of the history level. Do you mean him?


oh she's super cute, Viktor and her are my faves :)


To Devon9141,

Since beating math on braniac with Albert grants no achievement, I need to know the best strategy to win in alpha 0.0.9., because you're the only one to have ever beaten it without using the wastebasket/misplaced door glitch to do it, and also you've beaten it several times already. Things I need to know are:

. Which direction should I head after solving the first notebook?

. Do I need to visit Mr. Mix only once, or never, and if I do need to, then when?

. What items should I have in each of my slots at a time?

. Are there any specific classrooms in some corridors that I should skip and come back to them later?

. How do you normally find the time to solve each of the first 7 notebooks on time on a calculator without Viktor cornering you so fast, or having Mr. Mix's patience depleted by that time?

. If I'm following the path correctly, when should I stain Viktor to get him away and when should I juke him instead?

. How can I solve the final notebook with a calculator if the equations are too long and complex, and if Viktor is already too fast on braniac, even with the magnet door? By the way, the final notebook is now relocated back to the first classroom.

It would also be nice if you uploaded your math level map with lines and arrows guiding the player to what corridors to follow in order. Two more questions, did you ever use the gas mask to complete any of your runs, and can the gas mask be used to trick Viktor in this build?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll try and answers some questions you asked.

Which direction? Towards middle six rooms at the start, checking out how many math notebooks spawn (not collecting), eventually reaching cafe. I grab a lemonberry on the way.

Visit Mr Mix? I usually do this once when reaching the cafe, managed to snag all 10 math notebooks without visiting before.

Items? Towards the beginning: Lemonberry, NUTS bar, blue key, magnet (if possible). Towards the end: Chocolate chip muffin, lemonberry (new), NUTS bar (same), magnet (same or eventually found).

Skip rooms? The six middle rooms mentioned at beginning, otherwise; while making your way towards a specific end of the school...I never skip and collect notebook if possible.

Time for notebooks? I never used a calculator for first 7 math notebooks, gotta practice addition and subtraction. Saves time. Extra time if you lemonberry or muffin Viktor away from middle.

Staining Viktor? I usually do this twice before the final exam. One before collecting early notebooks, not in middle six rooms. One before rushing notebooks 8-10 on one end of school. I lemonberry Viktor as he's talking before final chase. Also, I rarely juke Viktor as I use warp doors.

Final Notebook? Luck of exam numbers for calculator plus fast fingers. Used to have enough time as exam could spawn on one end and you could force Viktor to backtrack towards bathroom and back, allowing plenty of calculator time, not anymore... That one thing cripples my current strategy, haven't been able to beat it since (suggest using warp door with two other doors while Viktor's talking before exam and collect 10th notebook in two rooms close to vending machine where alarm clock used to exist).

Gas mask? Never used it nor tested whether it tricked Viktor or not, I'm guessing yes. Guessing...


Current Route (complex): Not exactly good as it goes back and forth too much.

Ruined Route (optimized, but flawed): Thanks to exam location at start.

I don't think tracing these maps help; my best run on 0.0.9 Brainiac was 5/5 exam questions answered correctly, but died to Viktor during completion delay. That was with the best set up (lemonberry Viktor when he's talking at room door, run to warp door from one of two rooms labeled on current route, place magnet on 1st classroom door, get good exam numbers). Even had a 2nd magnet to block another door.

Brainiac Marzia is more doable than Brainiac Viktor (and doesn't require a calculator to complete the exam in a timely manner, just elevator number memorization).


Couple ideas.

1st: Involves coins and vending machines.

Combine coins into mixed change at an amount of cents, dollar's worth is the highest allowed when combining, can add coins to mixed change. Use mixed change in vending machines for items at prices, machines wouldn't carry infinite items.

Other things: 

  • Able to separate coins by "combining" mixed change by itself, fills empty slots with each coin (drops coins if all slots are full like melon slice recipe). 
  • There would be stock counter aside vending machines, telling you how much is left of each item. Adjusts per purchase.

2nd: Scaling language notebooks and adding spice.

Table is of similar format format from my previous idea post. Numbers are how many blanks are expected per sentence in language notebook, difficulty shows scale for notebooks numbers.

I used 1st language notebook for character and blank distractions example. All distractions would be bright-orange to bright-red as color range, characters can be numbers or symbols only, blanks are just blanks. Ignore distractions and focus on required blanks that are dim-yellow.

Other things:

  • Anger per incorrect character would remain the same on all difficulties, slightly less than current Default difficulty (alpha 0.0.9).
  • Required blanks generate first, distractions generate second. These would never overlap when generating. Ex: "QwErTyUiOp" on 10th Brainiac language notebook would have no distractions as all 10 letters are blanked out first.

Hopefully not too long of a comment. Eh...probably is. Also, language notebooks need something interesting when collecting later language notebooks.


I recommend you swap the muffin and the chips. The bar lasts 20 seconds and then drains stamina, while the chips last 15 seconds and then take a bit over 5 seconds to use all the stamina, and the muffin is just... really useful. Do you have an idea how far it can be thrown?

Lined the muffin and cheddar chips as if it were a pattern (defense, stamina, defense, stamina). Having the two switched would make sense, muffins against Viktor shouldn't be too easy in purchasing. I can see this argued the other way for later levels like language, all depends. Great recommendation.

I never considered how far the muffin should be thrown. Maybe same arc as duct tape ball, but muffin would splatter on floor instead of bouncing if you miss your target. Since duct tape isn't protecting muffin.

(1 edit) (+3)

🎃Pumpkin Emoji Test, I hope I didn't hurt your eyes  lol.

(6 edits) (+2)

What luck. The final Language elevator number was 0.

You know you could very well win with that...

But, you know. Just the Lil Puss mode. (I died like 5 or 6 times during the chase, 3 or 4 times to Doggos. Please purge him from Lil Puss and remember my other suggestions such as Marzia only following you if you solve all 10 notebooks correctly and something to show the game won't forget you did the 666 ending like a hard to see Leviathan Cross achievement with no description. Also, during this time that I won, I believe Marzia got stuck somewhere cause I didn't hear her break any more doors at some point.)

Also, quick question. Do you keep all your fan-posted ideas in a document (computer or reality) somewhere?

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh man, I‘m still stuck in this goddamn level. 😣 I think, I will try to do it without Viktor, because I always die either when I got a lot of math notebooks, or when I got all the math notebooks and about to collect the language notebooks. And when I do without math, I at least get to the ending. I just have to manage somehow that I put in as much codes as possible, but that’s easier said than done...

When the last number is 0, can you just hit the button and you‘re done or do you have to look at the codes one more time?


I would look at the codes and hit check to be safe, then hit the up button. If you're lucky enough in that situation.

(1 edit) (+4)

Freek-a Del'ka walked right to the entrance of RUST where I couldn't dodge it.

Also, it was screaming for my body in the Red Room, yelling "!|$}{^<#?^{@+^_@(%|!}%${^:@"$<^>$#&*$!)%($&%)!$|$}^{$":&#<%?^<@*!(" and I could hear it stomping in anger trying to break the wall.


Yeah, both of that happened to me once, too.


Hi guys! I've taken a look at the game and I really love it! I'm really sorry if my grammar is bad, I'm a Chinese which is still learning English:(I hope I will have a good time here with all of you:D


Don't worry. mrdrnose is apparently still learning English as well...


Oic, I'm just afraid that you guys won't understand what I mean:p


Welcome to the community!


You are so nice:D


Hey welcome to the community! The community here is amazing you will love it here.


Hello and welcome to the community. Hope you enjoy yourself.


Mrdrnose, can you please fix the achievements and the belt?  Some items that I put in it don't save and aren't in belt next round  and newly obtained achievements don't save after you close the game.


Hey Mrdrnose question for you. I know it may be a dumb question but would it ever be possible to port AEWVS to console? I know stupid and crazy idea. I'm a console scrub and I like console more than pc, I know its a crime lol.


The annoying thing about playing AEWVS on the laptop is that I don't have access to the laptop very often. The time I did, I played it repeatedly for hours upon hours trying to do something.

Wooo the black background is back, my eyes are no longer dying

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(2 edits) (+1)

I was planning to livestream aewvs today, but I need your guys' help to find walls clips/out of bounds glitches involving Mr. Cleany in v0.0.9, Language Level or Math.  I don't know about trying in 0.0.9c, because it might have been fixed in that version.  If you can find it and tell me about it before I can achieve it in a livestream I will credit you for it.

It isn't something too hard for me to do, but I think it would easier with more people searching for glitches like this in a large area rather than just 1.  To look, just place trash near walls that Cleany can reach and wait for him to come by.  Make sure to do multiple (not near each other) and check them frequently for Cleany.


I know, this has absolutely nothing to do with this game, but it’s Halloween. I just found this old animation. I only thought about it, when I saw it on my YouTube suggestions, and I was crying. Thanks, YouTube. 😭


Imaginary friend reveal made me sad. The dead body reveal of "imaginary" friend caught me off-guard. Great find!


Jeez, I thought it was "funny" crying, not sad crying!  That was really a really sad video.


My undertale au fan idea, because everyone on this god forsaken planet has created one. This was inspired by AbsolLover666's game, go check it out, its dope: pls dont hate me pls)

AEwVS: Beneath the Rubble

Alice = T oriel

The Fat Pigeon = Flowey

Viktor = sans

Marzia = Papyrus

Doggos = Greater Dog

Mr Mix = Muffet

Chara = Albert

Asriel = ???

Phonty = Mettaton

Gregory = Napstablook

The Nani Pigeon = Temmie

The Head Teacher = Asgore

Anti-Breather and Freek-a-delka = The Amalgamates

And yeah, those are my current ideas for the AEwVS x Undertale cast. You guys can add ideas if you want(again pls dont h8 me for this).

Yes! Viktor’s gotta be Sans! XD *Megalovania intensifies* And Marzia’s gotta be Papyrus then, because I already see Viktor and Marzia as siblings for some reason. The rest of the character ideas are good, too, but I wouldn’t pick Albert as Chara. Albert is more pacifist I think, so he’s gotta be Frisk. Also, thank you for playing my game! It really means a lot to me.


No problem m8. The game looks pretty good so far, but its quite flawed with a few glitches. I would make a list of those glitches, but I'm tired as freak. One of the main glitches though is that the enemies that, when they follow you, if you are behind a wall next to the room they are in, instead of going around the wall to get to you they will continuously run into the wall until you move to them in order to free them.

Yes, I know about that. It’s not a glitch, it’s just how RPG Maker logic works. 😅 I have actually no idea how to fix this... And I don’t know about any other glitches, though. 🤔 Would be nice, if you could make a list.


Asriel would be the hyper-rare SUCC pigeon.

(1 edit)

If Albert would be Chara, he would have killed Viktor in the end, instead of just stopping him from saying his last sentences. 😅 And I think Freek’a’delka would be good for Omega-Flowey. 🤔

(1 edit)

This is getting kind of weird and cringy...

But you know what? The Follower would suit Chara better. Probably.


Like the new spooky Halloween page, looks cool




Я думаю, что обновление выйдет не скоро)

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Cleany: *exists*


Image result for go commit uninstall life

Did he ruin your run?


He has ruin so many of my runs to the point where I have come to despise his existence in this world.

A̸̵͜n͏̡d̵̵̶ ̡I̧̕ ͟M҉ȩ͡an͞ ͘͝T̸ḩa͘͜t̴̨

(1 edit) (+2)

Anyone wanna stare at...well...

An edited image of a demon fetus? :D

Don't understand why this picture kills a bunch of people when it's looked at. It just has a bit of black, bit of red, bit of yellow and a bit of white and magenta.

Hmm...Maybe it's like Four's screech, only working when sensed in person, not through a communicator such as a computer screen. But HOLD ON. What if I were to change 1 pixel? 5 pixels? 10? 50? 100? What if I inverted it?

Before you ask, quickly used UModel. It's very useful for tearing data from Unreal Engine programs. :D And I managed to see the Head Teacher's full angry body with it.

Could be a reference to Giygas from Earthbound or FACE from Yume Nikki. Still don’t know why it kills you, though. Maybe it’s supposed to be like this one SCP (don’t know which one it was, but it’s in a screen and kills you as well when you look at it)


"SCP thats in a screen and kills you when you look at it in the screen" Thats SCP-895


I love the new look of this page


I need to know who complete the level, what difficulty, version, and also who found which secrets.

(1 edit) (+1)

Me: language without math, boi difficulty, 10-23-18, no glitches, no Viktor or math notebooks, alpha 0.0.9. I have the video on my channel to prove it, yet for some reason I got the Spongebob smart boi achievement instead of the pink talk bubbles.

(1 edit) (+1)

I completed Language Level without Viktor/math notebooks during a more recent stream in v0.0.9.  Boi difficulty.


My most recent: Language without math, Brainiac, alpha 0.0.9 on 10-20-2018 as date.

Awhile back: Language with math, difficulty not stated, alpha 0.0.7c on 8-23-2018 as date. Went through comment section to find this.

Also, put zombieskull leaderboard for accessing TV game first. Don't think there are anymore secrets...

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(1 edit) (+2)

Mrdrnose, what are the controls for escaping bear traps, because I tried mashing the E button while aiming at the bear trap, but the bear trap keeps resisting. It opens, but not all the way, then it re-snaps after each consecutive touch of the E button, and no matter how fast I mash E, I can never completely open and escape one? You can see my problem in my latest video that I posted. Oh, and don't forget to put Zombieskull13, Devon9141, Vivanator, Hisspostie (or whatever his name is), and me, Pluto Neon on the leaderboard for beating language, some of us with with math, some of us without math.

One more thing, explain to us the achievement with the two pink smiling talk bubbles, please?


And also put me on the finders list for finding the secret first :)

I also need to be put on the leaderboard for beating Language without the math books!

Oh that's right! I forgot that Nosy only put you up for completing language with math!

Seems bear trap is closes too fast.

Pink bubbles is for winning language without math.

Everybody (not really everybody)'s gone and done that. And they haven't gotten their achievement. Seems there's a bug.

Those who beat it without math got the Spongebob smart boi poster instead.


Кто хочет русские субтитры😏?)))))))


Sure XD



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russian subtitles would be good i guess. but more people speak spanish and chinese and other languages than russian


Happy early Halloween again! Here are some AEWVS characters in Creepypasta costumes.

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Dope, and I recognize Marzia with the unknown language and pokemon trainer hat, clever.


Cool art! I like it) but Viktor's eyes are grey color.

I wanted to make costume party on halloween, but i have bad mood and i didn't want to do anything🤷🏻‍♀️


They're red with his axe in hand.


Viktor before and after you get a problem wrongImage result for dogeImage result for angry doge

Accurate 😂👌🏻


I know MIX UP GAMERS already made several streams covering the history level, but he is the only Youtuber to ever post videos of that level on Youtube, so I went and decided to be the second Youtuber to ever do so, only without the commentary.

And I cannot figure out for the love of Leviathan how to escape a bear trap. I've seen MIX UP GAMERS do it, but I don't know how. Mashing the E button while aiming at the bear trap does no good for me. For those who have beaten the language level, can someone please tell me how to escape a bear trap?

I also struggling with the bear trap spamming e does not work for me

What Are You Saying??

(1 edit)

History was historically the most obscure level of historical AEWVS and bear traps suck.
Also they make you bleed now.


Does anyone else see no description for the game now and only one picture? Also it says on hold again


Even all the tags but one was removed.


Wow, strange. I wonder why he is doing this? Is he being cryptic and trying to tell us something again? Also the tag says this is not a fucking baldi fan game lol

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