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I love the new look of this page


I need to know who complete the level, what difficulty, version, and also who found which secrets.

(1 edit) (+1)

Me: language without math, boi difficulty, 10-23-18, no glitches, no Viktor or math notebooks, alpha 0.0.9. I have the video on my channel to prove it, yet for some reason I got the Spongebob smart boi achievement instead of the pink talk bubbles.

(1 edit) (+1)

I completed Language Level without Viktor/math notebooks during a more recent stream in v0.0.9.  Boi difficulty.


My most recent: Language without math, Brainiac, alpha 0.0.9 on 10-20-2018 as date.

Awhile back: Language with math, difficulty not stated, alpha 0.0.7c on 8-23-2018 as date. Went through comment section to find this.

Also, put zombieskull leaderboard for accessing TV game first. Don't think there are anymore secrets...

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(1 edit) (+2)

Mrdrnose, what are the controls for escaping bear traps, because I tried mashing the E button while aiming at the bear trap, but the bear trap keeps resisting. It opens, but not all the way, then it re-snaps after each consecutive touch of the E button, and no matter how fast I mash E, I can never completely open and escape one? You can see my problem in my latest video that I posted. Oh, and don't forget to put Zombieskull13, Devon9141, Vivanator, Hisspostie (or whatever his name is), and me, Pluto Neon on the leaderboard for beating language, some of us with with math, some of us without math.

One more thing, explain to us the achievement with the two pink smiling talk bubbles, please?


And also put me on the finders list for finding the secret first :)

I also need to be put on the leaderboard for beating Language without the math books!

Oh that's right! I forgot that Nosy only put you up for completing language with math!

Seems bear trap is closes too fast.

Pink bubbles is for winning language without math.

Everybody (not really everybody)'s gone and done that. And they haven't gotten their achievement. Seems there's a bug.

Those who beat it without math got the Spongebob smart boi poster instead.


Кто хочет русские субтитры😏?)))))))


Sure XD



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russian subtitles would be good i guess. but more people speak spanish and chinese and other languages than russian


Happy early Halloween again! Here are some AEWVS characters in Creepypasta costumes.

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Dope, and I recognize Marzia with the unknown language and pokemon trainer hat, clever.


Cool art! I like it) but Viktor's eyes are grey color.

I wanted to make costume party on halloween, but i have bad mood and i didn't want to do anything🤷🏻‍♀️


They're red with his axe in hand.


Viktor before and after you get a problem wrongImage result for dogeImage result for angry doge

Accurate 😂👌🏻


I know MIX UP GAMERS already made several streams covering the history level, but he is the only Youtuber to ever post videos of that level on Youtube, so I went and decided to be the second Youtuber to ever do so, only without the commentary.

And I cannot figure out for the love of Leviathan how to escape a bear trap. I've seen MIX UP GAMERS do it, but I don't know how. Mashing the E button while aiming at the bear trap does no good for me. For those who have beaten the language level, can someone please tell me how to escape a bear trap?

I also struggling with the bear trap spamming e does not work for me

What Are You Saying??

(1 edit)

History was historically the most obscure level of historical AEWVS and bear traps suck.
Also they make you bleed now.


Does anyone else see no description for the game now and only one picture? Also it says on hold again


Even all the tags but one was removed.


Wow, strange. I wonder why he is doing this? Is he being cryptic and trying to tell us something again? Also the tag says this is not a fucking baldi fan game lol

(+1) What is that?


The game? 😅


It said alpha 0.0.9 yesterday, what's with the extra 4 at the end? New patch?


The version I have right now is called 0094... And I didn’t redownload the game. It doesn’t update automatically either.


My version still says 0.0.9


Strange 🤔


One of my attempts at trying to beat the language level...yeah, did not go as planned...

Game is on hold again


I think it already said on hold weeks ago, even before Mrdrnose released alpha 0.0.9. He probably forgot to change it?

Oh? But now I don’t see the screenshots of the game anymore, just the profile pic. 🤔


He's probably working on that CUBE Unreal thingyo.

Oh, right. Yeah, that game looked really good. 🤔


Made online tables. Snippets below:

Main idea: Have less notebooks to collect for past teachers, 5 instead of 10. Notebook difficulty scales higher and wrong answers anger related teacher more depending on difficulty. These notebook spawns are more spread out and not as close together.

I went and made Viktor's notebook as an example for Boi, Default, and Brainiac...NOT Lil Puss as it would have the same generated equations as current Lil Puss, just less notebooks overall.

Definitions: (explaining obvious)

  • # - Current notebook you're on.
  • Distinct Values - Amount of noticeable numbers in equation.
  • Integer Range - Numbers that are generated for values in equation.
  • Operations - Separates numbers in equations. What might affect those numbers.
  • Samples - A visual of the previous 3 terms combined.

I was going to include 6th notebook in tables. Would act as Viktor's exam, correct answers needed, easier than before, extra details... Idk.

Idea was meant to make collecting language level math notebooks less boring. It takes so long and isn't worth much (just an achievement and a NOW small benefit). Applying idea would take time as current math spawns need reworked with possible programming to generate equations.

I thought this achievement was for beating language without math, but I was wrong, it's not. This is the only achievement that remains to be discovered by anyone. What could it be y'all? By the way, I took this picture back when the achievement board was broken and leaked each achievement's icon, but not their description. I did not get this image by unlocking it.

Well, see if you can go into the AppData and find something like "Strobovsky" or "AEWVS" or "VS" or something like that...just find the folder that stores the Advanced Education save data and tamper with it so you have the achievement. I'm sure you'll find it in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData in one of the folders. I never did it myself.

Is there really no achievement for finishing Language without Math?


When I did beat it without math, it gave me "finished language level with math" (the SMART BOI Spongebob poster) instead, which is really weird, considering I did not collect a single math notebook. If you scroll down the comments and look at my language level victory video, at the end of the video I went to the achievement board and there is the incorrect achievement I earned right there. Well, at least I don't have to do Viktor's notebooks in language anymore, that would be sanity-draining, in real life, not virtually.

Took snippet of achievement text in Notepad. Here:


Do you get exactly the same achievement if you collect all 20 notebooks? Or are they just swapped in some way?

I tried collecting notebooks in both ways before, didn't get language level completion achievement.


This latest vid has terrible camera quality, and not a lot happens but hey its here. Hopefully next episode I can actually beat the first level.

Guys, the librarian now says something different upon entering her library, she brags that it's her library, her rules,  also tells you not to run, litter, be late, be stupid, etc. ( she only said that the first time I visited her and she goes back to saying "I will repeat this speech as much as I want," after you restart the level again), however, she doesn't react to the player doing any of these things yet. She will say she will not let you leave until you give her the book she wants, and she even talks way longer.

I have a recording of it, I just didn't upload it yet.  I mentioned it multiple times before during my recent livestreams.

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Does she only say it once, or does she sometimes say it again? Oh, and did Mrdrnose remove the nuclear pigeon? Combining a pigeon with 3 mushrooms does nothing for me, and I can't even combine one mushroom with the pigeon to make a fat pigeon.


So... I was in that one staff only room where a math notebook can be. There also was one, I solved it, but Viktor was near and I didn't had any sodas or muffins, but flashs.

Absol threw bomb at Viktor. It was not very effective. Viktor uses axe. It's super effective. Absol faints.

Viktor was like: "Did something just explode on my jacket? Nah..."


Use a revive!


I forgot to buy some xd

(1 edit) (+4)

I don't know if anyone here is still interested in seeing my progress but I was asked to continue playing Viktor. So I will be continuing, in fact a video is editing right now. The reason I want to make this post is to thank this community for the response ive gotten. Its been life changing to hear from you guys and the feedback I get makes my day. I love making videos for you guys and I hope you enjoy them as well. Expect to see more Viktor as well as other games, from yours truly. ~ Capt.C 


Glad to hear your still playing the game! And again welcome to the community and thank you for being a part of it! Excited to see next video! <3


I'm pretty sure everyone here wants to see your progress, even though if the first ones are beating the second level already. I'm looking forward to watch your video once it's out. Never give up trying! You can do it!


Can't wait to see how far you've gotten since last time. Glad you kept playing, good luck with the current level and future ones.

(1 edit)

Just died to Marzia and YOU KNOW WHY???

She clipped me through the wall.

The walls and doors are thin. So thin that character hitboxes can collide without needing to pass through them. You can die to Viktor just by walking to a banging door with a neodymium magnet on it. And...

Can you, like, make things such as walls and doors cut off character hitboxes so that they can't unrealistically collide past solid walls?

Excuse me,


I'll try combining it with *friend* and the TV.

Actually that's a PS1 controller...


By the time I copied the image the description was gone.


The Head Teacher when she sees the player with a broken lockpick.


XD Awesome!


Pretty accurate.


GUYS!!! GUYS!!! GUYS!!! I FINALLY BEAT THE LANGUAGE LEVEL DURING THE EVENING WITHOUT GLITCHES OR VIKTOR'S HELP!!! MY HEART FEELS LIKE IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE!!! I'M NOW THE 6TH PERSON TO HAVE BEATEN LANGUAGE: MIX_UP_GAMERS, DEVON9141, VIVANATOR, HISSPOSTIE (I hope I spelled that right), ZOMBIESKULL13, AND NOW ME!!! NO MR. CLEANY APPEARED DURING THE ELEVATOR RACE THIS TIME TO SABOTAGE MY RACE!!! I'M FINALLY GOING TO MEET MS. FREUDENMACHER, AND I DIDN'T EVEN NEED MIX_UP_GAMERS'S GLITCH TO DO IT!!! MRDRNOSE, I'M READY TO HEAD FOR THE LEADERBOARD, 10-23-18!!! Funny thing, the achievement that I got says, "finished language with math," even though I collected zero math notebooks along the way. It also seems that the achievement with the 2 purple happy talk bubbles has yet to be discovered by anyone yet.


Congrats! Hopefully I'll be able to beat it soon so I can join the glory of being on the leader board.

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Congratulations! 🍾🎉🎊 


Nice job!  It is great that more and more people are completing Language Level now. 


Great job pluto congrats! I knew you could do it man! :)


Great job on beating it. Congratulations!

Guys, please, I need your help! How can I counter Mr. Cleany if he can still sweep me towards Marzia during the final chase, regardless of whether I go left or right from the 9 room to the warp shortcut? He struck AGAIN, TODAY!!! This time, I had 4 codes left to put in the elevator and I would have made it if Mrdrnose removed that stupid janitor from the elevator race! Mrdrnose, if you're seeing this, please remove Cleany Clean from the final chase before you upload the next patch! Oh, and I don't know if Doggos does the same thing, but you should check him as well just to be sure!

(2 edits) (+1)

I just died to Doggos THREE times in a row on Lil Puss running in the GARDEN during the lesson. What the hell?

Also seriously I got an A+ on Language and Marzia still called me illiterate because she guessed I still couldn't correctly say )!_+#<@"^|?#{%}{&:#"@>^?@(%@#)*#$<^|#}@)^&#|%?:!<. So, if you get absolutely every character correct, Marzia should let you go freely to get out of her floor.

(1 edit) (+1)

Some suggestions I have for Language (and other things) mrdrnose.

- Can you fix the "Hint art" next to the teleporting door to the Bunker?

- The 9 door in my opinion should open automatically when the final chase starts.

- Disable Mr. Cleany-clean during the final chase.

- For "Lil Puss" mode maybe instead of activating the final chase, Viktor just tells you to go to the exit or elevator.

- "Default"and "Brainiac" modes should use the three digit codes.

- A new door type for the History door you need the "key" for. (Maybe wooden with a keyhole?)

- Maybe for extras in the prototype menu there can be a character gallery with info about each one? (Kinda like the detention room from Baldi's Basics)

(1 edit)

Very good suggestions! I also have another one:

- In language little puss mode, Marzia should actually be the one following you and maybe there should be playing different music.


yeah totally, it would be otherwise too repetitive


As a fan of the Halloween series, Halloween in general, and Viktor, here's a quick doodle

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Awesome! XD Happy Halloween, everyone! (Even though it’s not Halloween, yet.)


RIP I work on Halloween so I wanted to acknowledge it in advance

I was trying to think of what horror characters the other faculty would be but all I thought of was Head Teacher as Carrie and Marzia as a Bobblehead Nurse from Silent Hill


That is a really good drawing!  It looks like it used water colors, though I'm most likely wrong about that.  Also, it's been a while since I've seen you on the game page, how have you been?  Happy Halloween!

(Unrelated, I know you may have been posting comics and pictures on that other website, but I can't view/find them no matter what I do.  Would you mind posting some of them on this site instead?)


oh it's one of the air brush tools on the SketchBook X app, I like how it turns out soft and muted and doesn't completely overrun the black base sketch lines :) I work full-time and my boss is on vacation for 2 weeks so I've been pretty absent, I think I only caught one of the new updates and I think one video on YouTube, I see some new user names on here .^_.^ glad the game is getting more fans

I threw them up on Google Drive, does this work for you:

the only new one is an updated Myers-Viktor I did at work while on lunch today :\ the other ones I usually do post on this page :)

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Found a strange glitch in the language level. If cleany is able to push you against a wall, you will clip through it. I even have video proof:


Yeah, that happened to me once when I was solving a notebook. Suddenly I found myself in the hallways and then I got killed by Marzia.


If you could manage to do this after the 10th notebook, you could theoretically get a view of the whole map, including any secret areas we haven't found yet.


I swear, if there is no Viktor costume available, I'm abandoning Halloween. My parents force me to go t' o' t'ing every year, regardless of my adolescence and the fact that none of my classmates even do that anymore. If I say no to t' o' t'ing, they're just gonna call me an "emo f@ggot like every kid of my generation," and make me go anyway. They always suggest the stupid lame kiddish costumes, like the ridiculous tight muscular Batman and Superman costumes, or something stupidly generic like a police costume. The costumes that I like are the cool dark ones, like Ghostface, Nightmarionne, SCP, etc, but my little pussy parents say that I'm going to have suicidal thoughts and become a school shooter for wanting to dress up as something badass with a bit of edginess for once. The f*ck do they know? They're Christian hypocrites, like 99.99% of every Christian that ever walked the Earth. They call you out for sinning, even they do questionable, stupid, and unforgivable sinful things themselves without even admitting it, am I right? I will only go as Viktor, whether my heretic-ass parents allow it or not!!!


All you really need for a Viktor costume is a plaid shirt, a brown leather jacket and a white comedy mask. 

And an axe.

1. Upon sinning Christians usually try to fix their actions or learn from their mistakes, sincerely trying their best to do good even though they're fools.

2. No-one's gonna recognise you as Viktor Strobovski, and the one person that by little chance passes you by and does will probably think you're a moron. Especially for picking such an unpopular character since nobody around you will get the joke (and we all know how they're ruined when explained).

Also Pluto, you really need to be gutsy. Like the one time I got SO angry that I decided to go on a killing spree with a knife but didn't end up killing anyone before I found myself calmed down in the mental ward. Like, don't be a little pussy. Be a little rebel.

(1 edit) (+4)

Imagine if this game had a multiplayer mode, and the chase with Marzia would probably look like this:


This is amazing xD


This is too good xD



Irrelevant to everything, but Oreos were created the day the Titanic sunk


I have no idea how I could possibly make this face sprite look good... Any suggestions?


How about this? I fixed it on Windows Paint, just like every drawing I've ever posted.


Yes, that’s way better! Am I allowed to use this for my fangame?


Are you making a fangame...?

Yes, you can check it out, if you want.

I‘m going to update it soon, so you can get to the second floor.



Of course, be my guest!

Thank you!


I noticed some things that might be worth mentioning:

- One of the sentences to type in the Language level is "Forgive us". Does that mean the teachers aren't acting on their own free will or is there something worse?

- Albert's speech during his ending has him refer to the player as "The last hope" and to "Save them". Apparently, are there more lost souls too?

- The sirens that play at random during a run (Pretty sure everyone knows this now) Did something happen to the school before the player arrives?

(2 edits)

Yes, all of those things you mentioned have probably something to do with the lore of this game. I'm pretty sure that the teachers don't even want to do that, and that Albert meant that we aren't just the last hope for the lost souls of countless children, we are also the last hope for all the staff members. Maybe the sirens are a sign for a war that's going to break out between enraged ghost children and teacher demons? Or maybe this school is in an area where a war broke out and that's why no one cares about what's happening in this school, because everybody has bigger problems right now? (Those are just wild theories of mine.)

Edit: Other lost souls could probably be in Puppet and Doggos, and maybe even in Phonty. I got FNAF flashbacks right there...


I agree with you with there being souls in the Puppet (Just look at it) and Phonty (What else can explain a Phonograph being alive). But, I think Doggos is some kind of robot because it's music has some robotic sounds to it.

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Could be possible that Doggos is an animatronic programmed by someone to kill everything that’s moving and that’s not a staff member (he was probably programmed by Viktor.) But maybe there’s also a soul trapped in Doggos?


Maybe there is... We'll just have to wait and see. 

Something else I've noticed that's odd. Alice's level is presumably on the 3rd floor, but the secret area in that level is outside.

Maybe it’s actually going downstairs and not upstairs?

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mrdrnose should hold a fan teacher idea competition when the third level is completed, if there will be more levels that is. People who would like to enter the competition should let mrdrnose know and draw a detailed picture of their teacher and write down their mechanics. The winner will have their teacher idea implemented into the game!

That’s a great idea!


Me when I go to wind phonty and then cleany pushes me away then I hear someone bust a door down.

Oh dear. XD


Gotten around testing Phonty's wind down from full to empty. Used online timer to figure this out. Tested on Alpha 0.0.9, stood in storage room alot.

  • Boi: ~14 minutes (13:55 from timer)
  • Default: ~9 minutes (9:17 from timer)
  • Brainiac: ~8 minutes (7:56 from timer)

Should've used an iPhone timer right when the gauge was at max.

Good to know.


Found the remote! It was a b*tch to find! Oh, and I was testing for how long it takes for Marzia to open doors on her own without anyone breaking her out, and I estimated it to be about 50 seconds.


Good job!  That sounds about right, when I trapped her during my live streams it took a minute or a bit less for her to get out.

(2 edits) (+4)

I kind of feel like Mrdrnose should start to work on Level 3 again because people are starting to beat the Language Level.  Otherwise, people might get bored while waiting for more content and things to do in the game.  It is just a small fear that I have concerning the popularity of the game, though this isn't an excuse for Mrdrnose to "rush out a completed Level 3", I just feel like it should become something that gets more work each update while he makes secrets, extra content, and bug fixes for Level 2.  I'm just worried because I feel like the progression in making Level 3 has been severely halted.

I also would kind of like it if Level 3 was made slowly over the course of several updates rather than instantly in one update because: 

-hype (duh)

-it lets us memorize the map over time

-it lets us make suggestions (let's say through my streams or through

-it helps with finding glitches/finding errors in nav_mesh

-it let's Mrdrnose have enough time to efficiently plan ideas, the layout for the map, secrets, etc. in a better fashion (like with the Level 1 and Level 2 in their earliest versions)

-the game comes out over a longer period of time, by the time everyone finishes Level 2, Level 3 would be just finished, if not, almost finished

-the level wouldn't be a rushed mess, like how Level 1 in version 0.0.1 was (I liked it a little, but it sucked back then, before it was fleshed out over several updates).


Here a fun fact, you know why I discovered all these bugs, it's because when I have 9/10 language notebook, the game rebels against me, in mode, "no you will not win", each bugs = each dead.


I don't know if the "headteacher not moving" bug is really a severe problem that would halt your victory, I feel like it would be the opposite xD.

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi Viktor, here some bugs : 

- Sometimes The Headteacher don't move.

- Sometimes we don't hear Doggo song, and when we hear him, he has already see the player and we can't react correctly, then we die. 

- In Lill Puss mode, we can't find Viktor last Notebook

- Sometimes the Maths interface bug, where the player can't move his mouse, or finish the notebook.

- When Mr.Cleany caught the headteacher, you can't get out of him (When i see Mr.Cleany, i press she space bar and then it happen). I was stuck like an idiot and this *** de Cleany, delivered me to Marzia, dirty traitor.


I think the head teacher not moving is intentional, I think she's just taking short breaks from her patrol from time to time. She's not stuck, she eventually starts moving again after a certain time has passed..


That Headteacher doesn’t move sometimes is no bug. She’s just taking a break during her patrols. In Language Lil Puss Viktor‘s notebooks sometimes spawn in rooms you can’t enter, because you need the key. And in Lil Puss items don’t spawn. But mrdrnose is working on that. Yes, the bug with Doggo happend to me in my latest video. It was really annoying. I never encountered the bug with the math notebook though. Only in late language notebooks I sometimes couldn’t use my mouse anymore, which always really pissed me off.


Ok,here a new bug.


Guys, guess what the f*ck just happened today? Mr. Cleany still spawns in the final chase elevator race AND HE F*CKING  SWEPT ME INTO MARZIA VITCHFACE AFTER I HAD ALL 10 NOTEBOOKS AND 3 CODES LEFT TO  PUT INTO THE ELEVATOR!!! 



Holy sh*t man im so sorry to hear that! Luckily for me i never ran into him during the chase


Me neither... Yet. It’s probably going to happen, because stupid things like that always happen.


Same here. I must've ran a different way to avoid Cleany during final chase.

zombieskull, I found the remote. Pay attention to chairs when searching classrooms somewhat close to "9" room. Nothing new in TV game.


Did you go right instead of left upon exiting the 9 room? I went left because it was longer and I thought I could distance myself from Marzia faster that way? It was still the same amount of doors to smash anyway.


Yes, I went right. Through the TV room. Through shortcut door. Etc...

Glad you found the remote btw...I passed its location multiple times when searching. Lol.


Ok, thank you devon :)

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