No, you don't get the belt by dashing through Freek-a-del'ka, the belt is located near the center of the maze on the ground, but you have to be on high alert for the monster and watch out and hide when you hear its nearby squeaky footsteps. It's a game of hide-and-seek and hider must seek the prize before the seeker(Freek) seeks you. When the wiki says you have to have the courage to face the labyrinth and Freek head-on, it means you need to have the big balls necessary to enter such a scary maze with a terrifying Minotaur-like monster in it without chickening out if you want to search the belt. I've had high-blood pressure entering the labyrinth out of paranoia from the silent ambiance and I almost get heart-attacks when I hear the squeaky footsteps rushing at me that terrify the sh*t out of me when they pop out of the silence.
Oh, and as for the children, occasionally you'll find silhouettes of people gliding through the corridors, but they're VERY faint to see and are barely visible through the dark yellow hallways. The easiest place to see them is in Mr. Mix's cafe where the silhouettes contrast the white walls of the room a little better than the yellow ones.
I remember there being a compass item in the bunker, which located certain notebooks at a time in the language level, but I can't seem to find it again, maybe it's because items no longer float and drop to the floor, maybe it was secluded by a few 2D barrels. The last time I found it, it was in a certain dead end corridor of the bunker, not in a room. Maybe y'all can use this compass to locate notebooks a lot easier in the language level, if you can find it and get out of the bunker fast enough before Phonty and Antibreather catch you, and hopefully Marzia isn't there near Phonty's room, because she killed me once when I returned to wind Phonty after only 2 notebooks were collected.
Also, if there was a chemistry teacher in the game, it would look similar to this:
But Viktor said, "Fuck off from my school, little pussy!" So now there will never be a chemistry teacher.
Helpscreen. Because we both like cats and we have so much in common. If the protagonist wasn't silent, Helpscreen would make a great partner for casual conversations.
Why do you like the literally most annoying character? My favorite one so far is Marzia, because I think it‘s kinda cute how she walks and honestly, so far she was not even a threat. Viktor is cool, but he just tortured me to much. And I like the song Doggos „sings“, but if you don‘t see or hear him in time, it’s game over, and if someone is hunting you, it‘s also bad, if Doggos is near. So yeah, my favorite is Marzia.
My favourite Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski characters are Marzia and Phonty. Phonty because of his music, Marzia because of how cute she is.
If only you could gather some paper (from the cookies or trashcans) and place them in your mouth, maybe 2 papers together, slobber them up into a big nasty ass slimy paper spitball, and just spit it at Viktor like a chocolate muffin, making braniac mode a shit-ton a lot easier.
I tried to make a melon piece trail down that long hallway (halfway or so), and ran over to that area during the chase scene. Hoping Marzia would follow that trail.
If she did, I would run back to the elevator with plenty of time to re-input/input new numbers in the elevator. If she didn't, rest in peace. Marzia ate one piece and stopped in place...sadly...and killed me after I ran a certain distance away.
Pieces were close to each other, got all possible right answers in the language notebooks, this was a failed attempt without Viktor.
To answer both of your questions. Yes, the hallway ends at some point, just keep walking. And the watermelon spawns in a random trashcan, one on the math and language level.
I think I now know a lot more about; maybe too much; what Alice wants from her boss and her children and why she likes this music so much that she'd put it in the elevator.
I kind of doubt this theory as I feel like it was just kind of a joke by Mrdrnose just because of how strange the music was it feels slightly creepy. Also, the fact that it is a slowed down version of the original makes me think that it wouldn't make sense. We can't make any real decisions though until Mrdrnose edits the likes/dislikes section of the wiki himself and hear more of Alice's voice clips from the version of the hisory level that is completable. Nice theory, btw!
I think the reason so many language level completers don't think that they can beat the language floor without Viktor is because they completely half-ass it on the 10th grammar notebook and just click check without even typing in a letter, which causes Marzia to chase you extremely fast during the final chase, considering the number of blank spaces on that last notebook. It's not like Marzia can catch up to you that fast in the unlockable 9 room. Y'all just gotta do all the grammar notebooks right and maybe drop some watermelon slices during the final chase. This is Marzia Sin Brazos we're talking about, not Braniac Viktor.
Once I memorized the map, I will try to be the first one that beats language without Viktor, because I honestly don‘t want the help of a goddamn child murderer.
I entered and exited the bunker, but I DID NOT GET AN ACHIEVEMENT! I also couldn't find the gas mask, even though I had all 4 types of keys with me, and some doors don't open for any keys at all and are just permanently locked! I found the door that lead back to the start of the level, but no text appeared and I was greeted by Mr. Cleany! I exited the level, checked my achievement list, and what do you know? A BROKEN ACHIEVEMENT!
I didn't find an endless void room anywhere, just the door that warped me back to the start of the level. Even if I did pass by it, it was probably one of those perma-locked doors that wouldn't open for me, regardless of what color key I used.
I think this is how you can get the language level completion without Viktor achievement during the final chase, if Phonty doesn't kill you first that is.
Mr. Mix curse should not be broken, just trigger the minigame at the menu, get a time's up gameover, try to press esc key to quit, it won't let you, but you now have the achievement even when the achievement get text doesn't appear, so close the entire game manually with task manager, restart the game, go to your achievement board and it should be there. If this doesn't work, it may be broken, because I already have it.
Okay, I tried that now, but nothing happened... I was in the menu where Start is and tried to just hover my mouse, klicking, and klicking and dragging, even in other corners and everywhere in the Start menu. So I guess it's broken?
I should have it, got cursed in a previous version of this game. I already hovered my mouse in a menu corner to trigger the minigame, nothing happened.
For those who were wondering who put Alice likes the protagonist on the wiki, that was actually me who wrote that. It's kind of obvious, when the player gets a history question wrong, she doesn't seem to be angry at the player at all when she gets a history question wrong, rather she seems to have developed a mad lustful obsession with the protagonist (not the sexual kind, but the "please love me and be my friend forever and never leave me" kind of lust) after all the loneliness and isolation she has endured, driving her to develop insanity. She probably only wants to kill the player to prevent her from leaving and abandoning her just like everyone else did with her so she can stay with her forever in a hellbent desire for company and a friend (librarian doesn't count, she's so antisocial and a bad conversationalist), like the Other Mother (Beldam) from the movie Coraline. I bet Alice is stuck on the 3rd floor because the elevator codes were lost until you found them in the 2nd floor. So yeah, Alice is one of those "DON'T LEAVE ME! DON'T LEAVE ME! I'LL DIE WITHOUT YOU!" characters, not the "YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE FUCKED WITH ME, NOW I FUCK YOU WITH A SODA IN YOUR ASS!" kind. I mean look at the comments she says when she warps to your current room, do they sound like she's furious, or more madly obsessed yandere? Obsessed yandere obviously!
And what about H-teacher? If she catches you and drags you to punishment room, she sometimes says: „I hope you‘re here FOREVER.“ That sounds like a yandere to me, too. Maybe she also likes the protagonist in a not sexual way, but not as much as Alice does.
I think it is just supposed to be creepy how the head teacher says that, as when she kills yo u it is pure anger, even using the f-word and screaming "die in agony".
Hello. I signed up just now so I could post this comment and wanted to be on the leaderboard because if what I think is correct (NO), I'm the first one ever to find a stupid-looking developer secret that I don't know. I did this by squirting sweet soda in Viktor's face before being hunted down and coming to the door to see if I could get past him as he opens it. Also, I have version 0.0.7-c. For some reason you're not allowed to explore until you've started being in pursuit, and I think this is no exception. Just so you know, I only have the Helpscreen achievement so far and I've played for HOURS.
Also I have ideas for the game, so, if the creator reads this comment I might say something...
Welcome to the community, FireyDeath4. Sadly, you weren't the first one to find this secret, as it is also in level 2, but the fact that you found that secret so fast without help most likely means that you have a lot of potential in this community! A lot of being a part of this game means beating the level 2 (because that is insanely difficult for a lot of people) and finding all of the secrets hidden away in the game, which there are a lot of. The fact that you managed to find that (if it wasn't a fluke) means something good. I wish you luck with beating this game! If you need any help with the game, just ask, as all of us here are very helpful.
I just hope I didn't unwittingly post obscene words in that image without testing them with OCR and translation first. Just waiting for Noli to pass by at this point, he should be here in some days
That is a very good drawing! I have noticed that you are able to draw in multiple art styles, which I find impressive. Whenever I draw fanart or draw things in general, I generally stick to one art style, but I usually use a different artstyle depending on what I'm drawing ;) (though usually the other art styles I use look very similar). I find it impressive that your art styles vary in looks so much!
(Sorry I didn't respond to this art for so long, btw, I was live streaming)
thank you! my style is basically "please let this turn out looking somewhat like the thing I'm trying to draw"
I don't know if you use a phone with a stylus or a tablet to ever draw but what I've been using (when it's not paper and pencil) is this app called Sketchbook X, it's free and there are a few different drawing brushes that can help your art look very different. I used a wedge brush for this Alice since it's my favorite one (usually).
thanks again and no worries, you gotta create your own content too :)
No problem! I will make sure to try out "Sketchbook X", though I usually use my pc to draw when I'm bored. Though I do use phone to draw a lot, too, so I will try out the app!
That is actually very nice looking pixel art! If I had a complaint, it might be that the undershirt doesn't have the same pattern the Viktor actually has, but I think that pattern might be too complicated for pixel art, anyway, so I don't mind that :P (it is more of a nitpick than a complaint). Good job!
I'm so f****** lost on this map. I just can't memorize it. It wouldn't be that bad, if this stupid gramophone wouldn't be. If there's a way I can turn Phonty into scrap metal, please let me know. Oh, and I'm very happy, that my pictures made it to the art room. Thank you, mrdrnose!
I just heard a terrifying alarm siren just like Devon mentioned as I was solving a notebook in the blue key room in the math level! What does this mean?!
I wonder how Viktor will function in the Alice level considering it would look weird for him to use the elevator, and if you turn on the elevator before he catches you, he will be stuck on that floor and become threatless when you change floors. Also, to many flash bangs are too overpowering for Alice.
10 out of 11 notebooks in braniac, my new record 3 TIMES today (only showed 10/11 twice in this video)! Stupid Viktor changes too fast in less than one second in the bathroom during the final chase! If I don't earn the braniac ending tomorrow, I will research how to code and hack a game and mod a gun item into the game and shoot EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you‘re basically feeling like this (except the child doesn‘t have a gun):
That's what I had in mind, when I tried to beat the first level just on BOI. And that's why I don‘t even want to try Brainiac, because I don’t want to destroy my computer again because of a rage quit. 😅
*But I know how you feel, bro. Good luck beating it. I know you can do it!*
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No, you don't get the belt by dashing through Freek-a-del'ka, the belt is located near the center of the maze on the ground, but you have to be on high alert for the monster and watch out and hide when you hear its nearby squeaky footsteps. It's a game of hide-and-seek and hider must seek the prize before the seeker(Freek) seeks you. When the wiki says you have to have the courage to face the labyrinth and Freek head-on, it means you need to have the big balls necessary to enter such a scary maze with a terrifying Minotaur-like monster in it without chickening out if you want to search the belt. I've had high-blood pressure entering the labyrinth out of paranoia from the silent ambiance and I almost get heart-attacks when I hear the squeaky footsteps rushing at me that terrify the sh*t out of me when they pop out of the silence.
Oh, and as for the children, occasionally you'll find silhouettes of people gliding through the corridors, but they're VERY faint to see and are barely visible through the dark yellow hallways. The easiest place to see them is in Mr. Mix's cafe where the silhouettes contrast the white walls of the room a little better than the yellow ones.
Got bored again and wanted to kill some time...
Couldn't add letters past the endpoint per sentence. Couldn't get rid of unwanted blanks (Pretend they're not there).
Made by using "Tab" + "Backspace" in this current version. May get patched.
I know you can type in the comment section, but, this was more fun...
I remember there being a compass item in the bunker, which located certain notebooks at a time in the language level, but I can't seem to find it again, maybe it's because items no longer float and drop to the floor, maybe it was secluded by a few 2D barrels. The last time I found it, it was in a certain dead end corridor of the bunker, not in a room. Maybe y'all can use this compass to locate notebooks a lot easier in the language level, if you can find it and get out of the bunker fast enough before Phonty and Antibreather catch you, and hopefully Marzia isn't there near Phonty's room, because she killed me once when I returned to wind Phonty after only 2 notebooks were collected.
Also, if there was a chemistry teacher in the game, it would look similar to this:
But Viktor said, "Fuck off from my school, little pussy!" So now there will never be a chemistry teacher.
Oh my god, this joke with the cat chemistry teacher is amazing! I can imagine it being just like that. XD
Who's everyones favorite Viktor Strobovski character?
Personally mine is Phonty
Helpscreen. Because we both like cats and we have so much in common. If the protagonist wasn't silent, Helpscreen would make a great partner for casual conversations.
My boi Viktor, mainly because he's such a savage and like dank memes like I do
Why do you like the literally most annoying character? My favorite one so far is Marzia, because I think it‘s kinda cute how she walks and honestly, so far she was not even a threat. Viktor is cool, but he just tortured me to much. And I like the song Doggos „sings“, but if you don‘t see or hear him in time, it’s game over, and if someone is hunting you, it‘s also bad, if Doggos is near. So yeah, my favorite is Marzia.
That memelord Viktor is my favorite
Honestly I think I hate Mr. Mix the most
Be careful what you say about Mixi, otherwise he will probably f*** your ears very hard.
My favourite Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski characters are Marzia and Phonty. Phonty because of his music, Marzia because of how cute she is.
If only you could gather some paper (from the cookies or trashcans) and place them in your mouth, maybe 2 papers together, slobber them up into a big nasty ass slimy paper spitball, and just spit it at Viktor like a chocolate muffin, making braniac mode a shit-ton a lot easier.
Cool idea.
I tried to make a melon piece trail down that long hallway (halfway or so), and ran over to that area during the chase scene. Hoping Marzia would follow that trail.
If she did, I would run back to the elevator with plenty of time to re-input/input new numbers in the elevator. If she didn't, rest in peace. Marzia ate one piece and stopped in place...sadly...and killed me after I ran a certain distance away.
Pieces were close to each other, got all possible right answers in the language notebooks, this was a failed attempt without Viktor.
Does this hallway even have an end? If so, where does it lead to?
And, is there a certain place to find the watermelon? Because I only found it once, and that was in math level in a trash of the staff only room.
To answer both of your questions. Yes, the hallway ends at some point, just keep walking. And the watermelon spawns in a random trashcan, one on the math and language level.
Alright, I went to the end of the way too long hallway. It‘s kinda cute and funny what‘s at the end, but it‘s not worth for dying because of Phonty.
Someone else who thinks that the mannequin looks like Michael Jackson?
I think he slightly does, actually xD. I never really thought about it, but now that you mentioned it he kind of does!
The history level elevator music is called "Pink Guy 33 Gibe de pusi b0ss."
I think I now know a lot more about; maybe too much; what Alice wants from her boss and her children and why she likes this music so much that she'd put it in the elevator.
I kind of doubt this theory as I feel like it was just kind of a joke by Mrdrnose just because of how strange the music was it feels slightly creepy. Also, the fact that it is a slowed down version of the original makes me think that it wouldn't make sense. We can't make any real decisions though until Mrdrnose edits the likes/dislikes section of the wiki himself and hear more of Alice's voice clips from the version of the hisory level that is completable. Nice theory, btw!
I think the reason so many language level completers don't think that they can beat the language floor without Viktor is because they completely half-ass it on the 10th grammar notebook and just click check without even typing in a letter, which causes Marzia to chase you extremely fast during the final chase, considering the number of blank spaces on that last notebook. It's not like Marzia can catch up to you that fast in the unlockable 9 room. Y'all just gotta do all the grammar notebooks right and maybe drop some watermelon slices during the final chase. This is Marzia Sin Brazos we're talking about, not Braniac Viktor.
Once I memorized the map, I will try to be the first one that beats language without Viktor, because I honestly don‘t want the help of a goddamn child murderer.
Marzia:*sees player with watermelon*
Marzia:
When you see the h teacher leave but then she catches you running
That happened so frickin often to me! Appearently she got eyes like an eagle or she can look through walls sometimes.
When you realize that holy crosses don‘t help you against demons, but sodas, muffins and watermelons do.
When you go to your new school and you find yourself defending from sweeping skeletons, huminoid doggos and homicidal teachers.
True. 😂 I would be like: „Well that‘s an interesting first day of school... I think I‘m going to die.“
When you 'bout to get the last notebook but cleany pushes you into Viktor
I feel your pain, man.
I entered and exited the bunker, but I DID NOT GET AN ACHIEVEMENT! I also couldn't find the gas mask, even though I had all 4 types of keys with me, and some doors don't open for any keys at all and are just permanently locked! I found the door that lead back to the start of the level, but no text appeared and I was greeted by Mr. Cleany! I exited the level, checked my achievement list, and what do you know? A BROKEN ACHIEVEMENT!
For the achievement i just fell into the endless void room using a blue key on one of the doors, it seemed to work for me that way
I didn't find an endless void room anywhere, just the door that warped me back to the start of the level. Even if I did pass by it, it was probably one of those perma-locked doors that wouldn't open for me, regardless of what color key I used.
There should be a door somewhere in there that you use the blue key on that takes you to a endless pit.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I am good with the current profile picture I have now.
Be patient.
Im tryin man, its hard. This game is so good!
Something random.
Just because.
Holy sh**! WTF? Omg, how?! 😂
*What happens when you have too much freetime*
I think this is how you can get the language level completion without Viktor achievement during the final chase, if Phonty doesn't kill you first that is.
Possibly, if Mr Cleany doesn't get in the way.
Face sprites for Viktor are done.
I got the priest achievement as well!! Edit: Credit to devon9141 for finding the achievement and telling us how to get it!
The gas mask can still break the game, i put it on and my game just freezes and i had to task manager it and i lost the mask
I guess Viktor kinda needs help there...
Got the priest achievement. Shouldn't be this difficult to get, extreme luck required.
Are the other achievements broken? Ex: Chef Mix curse, watermelon, little puss completion, rust, etc...
Mr. Mix curse should not be broken, just trigger the minigame at the menu, get a time's up gameover, try to press esc key to quit, it won't let you, but you now have the achievement even when the achievement get text doesn't appear, so close the entire game manually with task manager, restart the game, go to your achievement board and it should be there. If this doesn't work, it may be broken, because I already have it.
How do I trigger this minigame, I really want to see what happens.
Hover your mouse over the top left of the screen in the start menu
Alright. Thank you!
Okay, I tried that now, but nothing happened... I was in the menu where Start is and tried to just hover my mouse, klicking, and klicking and dragging, even in other corners and everywhere in the Start menu. So I guess it's broken?
It works for me. Did you hover it over the little black spot in the top left of the classroom?
I should have it, got cursed in a previous version of this game. I already hovered my mouse in a menu corner to trigger the minigame, nothing happened.
How did you get the priest achievement? I've tried everything and just couldn't get it for the life of me.
You need to die from insanity by the priest.
I used the gas mask and ran through every door, it eventually worked. Good luck.
Viktor Stobovski looks like
Marzia Sin Brazos looks like
Alice Freudenmacher looks like
y
This post is amazing xD
I think Viktor looks like Michael Meyers, Marzia looks like a creature right from Silent Hill and Alice Freudenmacher looks like a Mii.
You should not have done this, Viktor. (Got lazy at the last picture lol)
For those who were wondering who put Alice likes the protagonist on the wiki, that was actually me who wrote that. It's kind of obvious, when the player gets a history question wrong, she doesn't seem to be angry at the player at all when she gets a history question wrong, rather she seems to have developed a mad lustful obsession with the protagonist (not the sexual kind, but the "please love me and be my friend forever and never leave me" kind of lust) after all the loneliness and isolation she has endured, driving her to develop insanity. She probably only wants to kill the player to prevent her from leaving and abandoning her just like everyone else did with her so she can stay with her forever in a hellbent desire for company and a friend (librarian doesn't count, she's so antisocial and a bad conversationalist), like the Other Mother (Beldam) from the movie Coraline. I bet Alice is stuck on the 3rd floor because the elevator codes were lost until you found them in the 2nd floor. So yeah, Alice is one of those "DON'T LEAVE ME! DON'T LEAVE ME! I'LL DIE WITHOUT YOU!" characters, not the "YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE FUCKED WITH ME, NOW I FUCK YOU WITH A SODA IN YOUR ASS!" kind. I mean look at the comments she says when she warps to your current room, do they sound like she's furious, or more madly obsessed yandere? Obsessed yandere obviously!
And what about H-teacher? If she catches you and drags you to punishment room, she sometimes says: „I hope you‘re here FOREVER.“ That sounds like a yandere to me, too. Maybe she also likes the protagonist in a not sexual way, but not as much as Alice does.
I think it is just supposed to be creepy how the head teacher says that, as when she kills yo u it is pure anger, even using the f-word and screaming "die in agony".
True that
Btw, how does H-teacher kill you in second level? I didn't find the kitchen yet, if there even is one.
"Impalement by iron rod"
Oh... Rip child protagonist 2018-2018
Hello. I signed up just now so I could post this comment and wanted to be on the leaderboard because if what I think is correct (NO), I'm the first one ever to find a stupid-looking developer secret that I don't know. I did this by squirting sweet soda in Viktor's face before being hunted down and coming to the door to see if I could get past him as he opens it. Also, I have version 0.0.7-c. For some reason you're not allowed to explore until you've started being in pursuit, and I think this is no exception. Just so you know, I only have the Helpscreen achievement so far and I've played for HOURS.
Also I have ideas for the game, so, if the creator reads this comment I might say something...
Welcome to the community, FireyDeath4. Sadly, you weren't the first one to find this secret, as it is also in level 2, but the fact that you found that secret so fast without help most likely means that you have a lot of potential in this community! A lot of being a part of this game means beating the level 2 (because that is insanely difficult for a lot of people) and finding all of the secrets hidden away in the game, which there are a lot of. The fact that you managed to find that (if it wasn't a fluke) means something good. I wish you luck with beating this game! If you need any help with the game, just ask, as all of us here are very helpful.
I never find the 10th notebook. Does it randomly appear in a place I've already been in?
Oh, also, I was just curious. So it's probably not going to be very useful.
To your question, no. The 10 notebooks are spawned in already. Explore the math level a little more, try and open doors that are locked.
Hope that helps FireyDeath4
Welcome to the community FireyDeath4. The community here is amazing and i know you will enjoy being a part of this amazing community. <3
I mean, I'm not really sure about that (it's probably just me), but in any case...the game was great
(̷̰͚̻̣̜͎͇͒͜ả̷̹̅͆́̍̓̈́p̸̨̭̝͍̞͖̙͛̇̕̕a̶̢̢͍̥̞͎̠͈̬̪̔͌̀r̶̖͉͍͂̃̃̾̈́̐t̷̞͇̭̺́̐̉̿ ̵͖̯̲͚̳̋f̵͙͔̻̦͉͋̃̽͑͐͝͝r̴̦̣̹̞͖̎̔͊̋̒̄̃͐̐͠o̵̧̝̰͔̙͗͗̏m̶̡̨̭̦̼̞̹̤̱̄̈́̾̅ ̷̨̢̡͍̝̤̬͈͖̞̊̾͒̽̊͘̚͠å̵͍̫̘͕ ̷̧̹͇̫͑͌̐́̈́̊̾̅͆̅f̸̢̱̗̠́̏̿̿̈͘e̸̖̤̯̣͉̻̞̝̻̼̐́w̸̢̧͇͙̩͙̼̻̾̈́̈̇̽ ̸͉̻͍̰͙̀̾͋̃̓͆͠t̵̫̦͕͚̜̫̥̾̏̌͒͆̃̚̚h̸̢̝͖͖͖̑̇i̷̛̘̭̥̾̔̈͊͛͛̆̈́̚n̵̡͙̠̋͋͐͌́ǵ̶̹̣͔͈̝̺͔̣͖́s̷̢̡͇͎̣̱̩̮͉͔̉̈́̇̆͊)̶̷̙͙̙̯̦̻̝̱̭͂̿̏̈́̄̆͐̎̌́
apparently those things don't really matter to me though
Well...look how far I've come
and gone back
I just hope I didn't unwittingly post obscene words in that image without testing them with OCR and translation first.
Just waiting for Noli to pass by at this point, he should be here in some days
also oof, obviously all developer secrets are stupid-looking at this point, I mean look at some of them
I've been sick for almost a week and haven't drawn much but I love the progress on the History level so far ;3;
here's an Alice doodle, I forgot to look at a reference photo and I think she's more shadow than flesh color in-game, oops
Wow thats a really good drawing! Nice work!
thanks! she's my second favorite character <3
TH1S should be in Phonty's room in the next update!
that would be a dream honestly ;U;
That is a very good drawing! I have noticed that you are able to draw in multiple art styles, which I find impressive. Whenever I draw fanart or draw things in general, I generally stick to one art style, but I usually use a different artstyle depending on what I'm drawing ;) (though usually the other art styles I use look very similar). I find it impressive that your art styles vary in looks so much!
(Sorry I didn't respond to this art for so long, btw, I was live streaming)
thank you! my style is basically "please let this turn out looking somewhat like the thing I'm trying to draw"
I don't know if you use a phone with a stylus or a tablet to ever draw but what I've been using (when it's not paper and pencil) is this app called Sketchbook X, it's free and there are a few different drawing brushes that can help your art look very different. I used a wedge brush for this Alice since it's my favorite one (usually).
thanks again and no worries, you gotta create your own content too :)
No problem! I will make sure to try out "Sketchbook X", though I usually use my pc to draw when I'm bored. Though I do use phone to draw a lot, too, so I will try out the app!
Nice work, man!
Thank you!! Alice is a very close second after Viktor for my favorite, and I like her angry form more than her normal one :0 so cuuute <3
Well, I drew a digital face sprite of Viktor for my fangame. What do you think?
That is actually very nice looking pixel art! If I had a complaint, it might be that the undershirt doesn't have the same pattern the Viktor actually has, but I think that pattern might be too complicated for pixel art, anyway, so I don't mind that :P (it is more of a nitpick than a complaint). Good job!
Thank you! <3
Alright, I will try that. Thanks for your advice!
I'm so f****** lost on this map. I just can't memorize it. It wouldn't be that bad, if this stupid gramophone wouldn't be. If there's a way I can turn Phonty into scrap metal, please let me know. Oh, and I'm very happy, that my pictures made it to the art room. Thank you, mrdrnose!
Yeah ikr the map is so confusing. Oh and btw nice picture!
I think just temporarily stop him would be good enough.
Alright. Thank you!
No one except mrdrnose himself seems to have noticed it. (I'm sorry, if I'm getting annoying with that...)
I noticed!
Yes, and you of course. Thank you!
The problem is that I really can’t draw digital. If someone could do that for me, that would be amazing, since I plan on updating the game soon.
This is one of my digital sprites. Does it look good?
I just heard a terrifying alarm siren just like Devon mentioned as I was solving a notebook in the blue key room in the math level! What does this mean?!
Maybe it‘s just a random thing that happens to scare the player? 🤔🤷🏻♀️
I wonder how Viktor will function in the Alice level considering it would look weird for him to use the elevator, and if you turn on the elevator before he catches you, he will be stuck on that floor and become threatless when you change floors. Also, to many flash bangs are too overpowering for Alice.
mrdrnose, are you planning to add a bribery for every teacher? If so, can it please be vodka for Viktor? 😂
Hey, Mrdrnose, you might want to change the recipe for the nuclear pigeon, people know the recipe.
Devon figured it out, he is in the third level.
10 out of 11 notebooks in braniac, my new record 3 TIMES today (only showed 10/11 twice in this video)! Stupid Viktor changes too fast in less than one second in the bathroom during the final chase! If I don't earn the braniac ending tomorrow, I will research how to code and hack a game and mod a gun item into the game and shoot EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you‘re basically feeling like this (except the child doesn‘t have a gun):
That's what I had in mind, when I tried to beat the first level just on BOI. And that's why I don‘t even want to try Brainiac, because I don’t want to destroy my computer again because of a rage quit. 😅
*But I know how you feel, bro. Good luck beating it. I know you can do it!*
When I was searching trashcans, a siren alarm randomly played, it eventually stopped.
And, red some comments about the history level. I felt stupid not realizing what to do with the pigeon, reading posts help. (Explosions!)
A siren? I thought Silent Hill was in second level. 😅