Oh my god, I finally made it through the first level! My heart was pounding even faster than Viktor's in the end. Okay, now I have to calm down a bit... I just can't believe it! I'm so happy!
another thing you need to fix. GETTING TRAPPED IN THE BLACK ROOM WITH THE DOOR THAT LEADS TO THE START! ive tried getting cleany to open it but it doesnt work! i cant get back to the start when i really need to! its super annoying and its ruined 2 of my best runs!
Okay, thank you. Two more questions. One, can you upset Alice yet or is that still for a later update? Two, will I be added onto the list for beating the language level or does it not count :P?
What does it mean when the walls of the math level are heavily bleeding tar, like WAY MORE than the beginning of the chase and already HALF-WAY DOWN the wall and opaque black. Mr. Mix alert?
If I was teacher, I would be chemistry and I would be the most dangerous teacher in the game. My notebooks would involve matching atomic numbers and atomic symbols of random elements to their corresponding element names from 1 to 118, hydrogen to oganesson, H to Og and vice versa, and have an empty periodic table at the top where you would have to drag and place the element to the correct spot on the table after matching. There will be posters of the periodic table of elements posted on the corridor walls for the player to quickly glance at for reference, but they cannot be removed from the wall, they're super glued so no one can try to cheat, peel them off and sneak them to class. I would already be ultra fast from the start because I can run a full mile nonstop in real life. Instead of getting close to the player and catching her, I would shoot the player with a pistol when I see her, and the first notebook would be in a different corridor from where I am so I don't shoot her right away when she comes out the door. I will chase the player at a very fast speed and I can shoot the player from all the way at the end of the corridor. The more element names, atomic symbols, and atomic numbers you get incorrect and the more elements you misplace on the periodic table, the more accurate and faster my shots will be, because I may be rusty and slow at first and miss a few times before improving the angrier I get. I can also use corrosive acids to dissolve away neodymium magnet-locked doors, which may take a few seconds to accomplish. As overpowering as I sound, I will run out of bullets, so I will retreat when I'm out of ammo to reload in a certain room, like how Viktor changes jackets in bathroom. I am most dangerous when I meet the player in the same corridor as her, but there will be a shield item where the player would have to pull it out and face it directly at me to block incoming bullets. The shield is brittle and may break sooner or later like the lock pick, so use it wisely and don't encounter me too many times. After the player collects all 10 notebooks, I will give the player one last chance to redeem herself. I would appear behind the player and carry her like h-teacher to the classroom with the final notebook. I will give the player a 15 minute time limit to LABEL EVERY ELEMENT ON THE PERIODIC TABLE FROM 1-118! Just labeling the name of the elements, no atomic number, nor atomic symbols, nor weight labeling, nor dragging them to their spot on the periodic table, and there's no specific order which you have to label them. The element will simply automatically pop up on their respective spot on the periodic table when you spell it correctly, I will not attack when you misspell, the element will simply not count nor appear on the table until you correct the spelling. When the timer runs out before all 118 elements are labeled, it's game over. Game will not let you pause during notebook to look online for complete modern periodic table, so it's better and more challenging if you actually took the time to practice and memorize periodic table of elements. When player wins final notebook, my closing phrase will be, "Good. You have proven to me you are not a complete dumbass like I though you were. Now fuck off from my floor before I throw acid in your face." This is just an empty threat not literally attacking the player with acid.
Do you mean the protagonist? Well, I decided for myself that they are a girl, because the stepping sounds like high heels and if Viktor kills you, it seems like the corpse is wearing a white dress. I called her Kalinka, because it's a russian girl's name.
How come almost half of every enemy in the second level drains the player's sanity, the mannequin, Antibreather, Phonty, the gas mask itself, and a certain painting? How sensitive is the player to be so driven insane by so many things?
Well, I guess we do play as a child after all... Imagine you being a 10 year old and your teachers literally try to kill you, plus there are creepy animatronics or whatever Antibreather is supposed to be.
if you look to your down, youll see i have the same complaint. I HAD 9/10 NOTEBOOKS A REALLY GOOD RUN RIGHT BY THE 10TH AND CLEANY DECIDES hey i wanna screw you over AND SWEEPS ME INTO VIKTOR
I have a love/hate relationship with cleany. Love it when he sweeps away any of the baddies, but the second he touches me my runs are usually over lol.
also huge complaint, when im try to escape cleany clean guy, i press space and it pauses the game.
edit: this ruined my run of 9 notebooks! i was spamming space and then this happened! i got carried right into viktor right when i was about to get my 10th notebook. SUPER unfair
I BEAT THE LANGUAGE LEVEL!! I beat it a few hours ago, but I thought I would post a comment right after it finished processing. I beat it with [10/10 | 10/10] notebooks and got to a prototype version of the third level. I don't think it would be possible to beat it without all of Viktor's notebooks because Marzia is so fast at the end. This was a lot of fun to beat and I might do it again, here is the link to the archive and some timestamps!
Attempt starts at: 2:29:11 First Language Notebook at: 3:32:00 Final Notebook Room at: 3:46:50 Final Chase starts at: 3:48:01 Completes Level at: 3:58:40 Attempt Ends at: 3:59:00
[Bonus Timestamps] Prototype of History Level in v0.0.7a-a at: 3:59:08 Prototype of History Level in v0.0.7a-b at: 4:05:05
Thank you so much! I feel like it would be faster to do it the normal way, as you have to get insanely lucky to even do it how I did it. I even had the melon spawn in the final notebook room at one point!
It really did, the only reason it took so long was because of having to go back to Phonty every 2 minutes, which was the most stressful part of the whole run.
Looks like he made it impossible to do it your way in the new update lol, he added a block on the first door that Marzia sprints out of. It seems possible to do but bugged cleany right now is killing all my runs.
Bug: I can't enter Albert's torso room anymore... I can go into this part of the rust area, but I can't get into that room. And yes, I had the rusty knife equipped. All it does now is sending me back to the beginning of the rust area, where you're supposed to get to Albert.
And: When I tried to use the black key shortcut, I got stuck. I wanted to leave through the garden area door, but it closed infront of me. I tried to open it again, even with the black key, but it remained shut. I had to restart. (And it was such a good run, too...)
I'm encountering a weird bug, the game works for about a minute or so, but after that, it just closes? Is there something i'm doing wrong? Or is it an issue with the game? (I'm playing the game on Windows 10 and playing the 64bit version.)
It shouldn't be an issue with the game, as everyone else doesn't experience this from what I know. Maybe try reinstalling the game, as some files may have been corrupted while downloading.
The compass is an item found in a dead end of the bunker. It tells you where the nearest notebook is (albeit very poorly), which helped me find the final math notebook and a few others, though it can be misleading at times. The watermelon is a very rare item that spawns in only one trash bin for each attempt. It can be used with the knife to lead Marzia wherever you like, as long as the next one is within a certain distance of her.
What is the button combination used to confirm/finish crafting an item? I went through the tutorial and learned it but then forgot, and I think this is a faster way of checking than rewatching the whole tutorial for 1 line of text at the end. Also, it is not written on the title page like the other controls.
To craft an item up press middle mouse button on the items you wish to craft together then you hold middle mouse button on one of them and press e while your holding it
mrdrnose, I really need ONE more hint about the hidden RUST achievement you mentioned yesterday, please. Just one at least, like an item, or a hidden switch located in the maze, or using something on Freek-a-del'ka. I tried feeding Freek some organs and that that failed, I tried to use red key and rusty knife/fork on locked door in maze and it took me back to the school entrance instead of a secret room, I collected and played both video cassettes from the Albert area and the Freek zone, yet no luck in getting the achievement! It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the golden key in the red room with the second arm, would it, could sometimes I hear Freek charging at me from the red room, implying that RUST and red room are adjacent to each other.
Bug: I can't enter Albert's torso room anymore... I can go into this part of the rust area, but I can't get into that room. And yes, I had the rusty knife equipped. All it does now is sending me back to the beginning of the rust area, where you're supposed to get to Albert.
Still trying to craft a flashbang since that seems possible with the items in the staff only room. Also seems like you can get 2 of them for free in the server room.
Yeah, it was in the server room as well if I remember correctly. Also found a room with the number 9 next to it. I assume that's where you get the last language notebook since you have to have the other 9 to get in. Right now I'm trying to craft the best route to do that, I've gotten 8 before in my runs but Phonty always ended up killing me.
Damn, right after I turned around after getting the second language tablet wrong to commence the chase, a bloody headless mannequin immediately popped up in front of me in the classroom and drained my sanity to death! Does his mannequin replace the walking camera or something?
I found this staff only room as well as one other, it wasn't as interesting as the other one in terms of uses and progress in the game. This one a funny-interesting room, I guess. There is also a notebook.
I got through the locked double doors in the bunker and it was just an empty room. When I tried to go into Tar or gasmask world using the gas mask the game crashed. Are you serious!?!? (I'm not angry, btw)
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is it okay to post a hastily drawn comic ft. Alice or is that a spoiler and shouldn't be posted
Depending if it shows the official form she has when she attacks you.
No it's just the static art of her when you first get to the level
Okay, that isn't a spoiler.
great ill reply again when i beat it
This very cool what you beat this, i hope i can fix achivement system and then i can return achivements back.
another thing you need to fix. GETTING TRAPPED IN THE BLACK ROOM WITH THE DOOR THAT LEADS TO THE START! ive tried getting cleany to open it but it doesnt work! i cant get back to the start when i really need to! its super annoying and its ruined 2 of my best runs!
This happens on second level? Or on first?
the first level.
it just ruined another of my runs....
oh darn! a new update. i wish this would have came earlier so mix could stream it
I fix few glitches like Cleany and pause glitch, Marzia in elevator glitch, and added few test content. Pause on Q.
Is the update called "v0.0.7a-b2" or "v0.0.7a-c" ? I don't know because the .rar file name says "-c" and the download says "-b2".
This is not so important, i named patch with "c" but i think it too small for patch and then i named it "b2"
Okay, thank you. Two more questions. One, can you upset Alice yet or is that still for a later update? Two, will I be added onto the list for beating the language level or does it not count :P?
I add some things on her level, and i want to finish second level, place some interior and fill empty rooms, and fix glitches ofcourse.
Okay, what about my situation where I beat the Language Level?
How about you drop an item and wait for Mr. Cleany to come back and get you?
i already closed out of the game way before this xd
What does it mean when the walls of the math level are heavily bleeding tar, like WAY MORE than the beginning of the chase and already HALF-WAY DOWN the wall and opaque black. Mr. Mix alert?
I think it is just to give the game more ambiance and make everything more creepy. It doesn't mean anything else.
If I was teacher, I would be chemistry and I would be the most dangerous teacher in the game. My notebooks would involve matching atomic numbers and atomic symbols of random elements to their corresponding element names from 1 to 118, hydrogen to oganesson, H to Og and vice versa, and have an empty periodic table at the top where you would have to drag and place the element to the correct spot on the table after matching. There will be posters of the periodic table of elements posted on the corridor walls for the player to quickly glance at for reference, but they cannot be removed from the wall, they're super glued so no one can try to cheat, peel them off and sneak them to class. I would already be ultra fast from the start because I can run a full mile nonstop in real life. Instead of getting close to the player and catching her, I would shoot the player with a pistol when I see her, and the first notebook would be in a different corridor from where I am so I don't shoot her right away when she comes out the door. I will chase the player at a very fast speed and I can shoot the player from all the way at the end of the corridor. The more element names, atomic symbols, and atomic numbers you get incorrect and the more elements you misplace on the periodic table, the more accurate and faster my shots will be, because I may be rusty and slow at first and miss a few times before improving the angrier I get. I can also use corrosive acids to dissolve away neodymium magnet-locked doors, which may take a few seconds to accomplish. As overpowering as I sound, I will run out of bullets, so I will retreat when I'm out of ammo to reload in a certain room, like how Viktor changes jackets in bathroom. I am most dangerous when I meet the player in the same corridor as her, but there will be a shield item where the player would have to pull it out and face it directly at me to block incoming bullets. The shield is brittle and may break sooner or later like the lock pick, so use it wisely and don't encounter me too many times. After the player collects all 10 notebooks, I will give the player one last chance to redeem herself. I would appear behind the player and carry her like h-teacher to the classroom with the final notebook. I will give the player a 15 minute time limit to LABEL EVERY ELEMENT ON THE PERIODIC TABLE FROM 1-118! Just labeling the name of the elements, no atomic number, nor atomic symbols, nor weight labeling, nor dragging them to their spot on the periodic table, and there's no specific order which you have to label them. The element will simply automatically pop up on their respective spot on the periodic table when you spell it correctly, I will not attack when you misspell, the element will simply not count nor appear on the table until you correct the spelling. When the timer runs out before all 118 elements are labeled, it's game over. Game will not let you pause during notebook to look online for complete modern periodic table, so it's better and more challenging if you actually took the time to practice and memorize periodic table of elements. When player wins final notebook, my closing phrase will be, "Good. You have proven to me you are not a complete dumbass like I though you were. Now fuck off from my floor before I throw acid in your face." This is just an empty threat not literally attacking the player with acid.
um ok?
Too scary for you, or just too cringey?
just cringey xd
im very bad at chemistry especially with calculating but i like experimenting. so, you might be more dangerous than mr. Viktor.
yeah getting pretty annoyed with the cleany clean pause thing. also, what is the main characters name?
Do you mean the protagonist? Well, I decided for myself that they are a girl, because the stepping sounds like high heels and if Viktor kills you, it seems like the corpse is wearing a white dress. I called her Kalinka, because it's a russian girl's name.
So I'm looking at this achievement, and I'm guessing this black rod is a lock pick chipping a wooden plank? Or what am I looking at here?
That is a rust achievement, I believe.
Yes, that's the one I'm still looking for. Just trying to comprehend the icon meaning. You said something about RUST 2, I believe?
Yeah, that is what the file name is called for the 6th sun-looking achievement. I know nothing about how to get it or anything else.
Marzia chase music:
Language level and music:How come almost half of every enemy in the second level drains the player's sanity, the mannequin, Antibreather, Phonty, the gas mask itself, and a certain painting? How sensitive is the player to be so driven insane by so many things?
Well, I guess we do play as a child after all... Imagine you being a 10 year old and your teachers literally try to kill you, plus there are creepy animatronics or whatever Antibreather is supposed to be.
can i have the soundtrack for when marzia is chasing you at the end of the game?
mrdrnose, can we please get a soundtrack for the game?
mrdrnose, did you remix the math level starting music for the final Marzia chase yourself, or did you also pull it from somewhere else?
i dont know, i dont care. all i know is the music is awesome
Appears to be a bug with pausing, as it's the same button you escape cleany with lol. Makes it impossible to escape him currently.
if you look to your down, youll see i have the same complaint. I HAD 9/10 NOTEBOOKS A REALLY GOOD RUN RIGHT BY THE 10TH AND CLEANY DECIDES hey i wanna screw you over AND SWEEPS ME INTO VIKTOR
I have a love/hate relationship with cleany. Love it when he sweeps away any of the baddies, but the second he touches me my runs are usually over lol.
also huge complaint, when im try to escape cleany clean guy, i press space and it pauses the game.
edit: this ruined my run of 9 notebooks! i was spamming space and then this happened! i got carried right into viktor right when i was about to get my 10th notebook. SUPER unfair
I BEAT THE LANGUAGE LEVEL!! I beat it a few hours ago, but I thought I would post a comment right after it finished processing. I beat it with [10/10 | 10/10] notebooks and got to a prototype version of the third level. I don't think it would be possible to beat it without all of Viktor's notebooks because Marzia is so fast at the end. This was a lot of fun to beat and I might do it again, here is the link to the archive and some timestamps!
Attempt starts at: 2:29:11
First Language Notebook at: 3:32:00
Final Notebook Room at: 3:46:50
Final Chase starts at: 3:48:01
Completes Level at: 3:58:40
Attempt Ends at: 3:59:00
[Bonus Timestamps]
Prototype of History Level in v0.0.7a-a at: 3:59:08
Prototype of History Level in v0.0.7a-b at: 4:05:05
aaaa new highscore on notebooks for math
Nice job dude, just saw your run! I'll have to try and see if I can do it too, I'll keep you posted.
Thank you so much! I feel like it would be faster to do it the normal way, as you have to get insanely lucky to even do it how I did it. I even had the melon spawn in the final notebook room at one point!
Yeahhhh just saw the way you did it, wow. Looks like it took a ton of setup.
It really did, the only reason it took so long was because of having to go back to Phonty every 2 minutes, which was the most stressful part of the whole run.
Looks like he made it impossible to do it your way in the new update lol, he added a block on the first door that Marzia sprints out of. It seems possible to do but bugged cleany right now is killing all my runs.
Alice looks like the Mii-Maker standard character. xD
Well, I‘m shipping it. Or is it too weird?
Nah, that ship isn't weird. I actually kind of like that ship myself :P, and nice drawing of it!
Thank you
im jealous tho x.x
Bug: I can't enter Albert's torso room anymore... I can go into this part of the rust area, but I can't get into that room. And yes, I had the rusty knife equipped. All it does now is sending me back to the beginning of the rust area, where you're supposed to get to Albert.
And: When I tried to use the black key shortcut, I got stuck. I wanted to leave through the garden area door, but it closed infront of me. I tried to open it again, even with the black key, but it remained shut. I had to restart. (And it was such a good run, too...)
With Albert torso - when You grab item from belt, select other slot and then select knife again. And about door, this door is bunker too?
I now upload patch 007b, but i will fix belt and door tomorrow.
hey mrdrnose sorry if im asking for too much but if you could please add a settings option to change controls or adjust audio and stuff like that
It will take a time, i hurried with updates and they are become very glitchy.
its ok, take your time with the updates dont worry about it too much. just take your time
oh and mrdrnose by the way my achievement system is not working. it says i have them all but when i hover over them it doesnt say how i got them
I'm encountering a weird bug, the game works for about a minute or so, but after that, it just closes? Is there something i'm doing wrong? Or is it an issue with the game? (I'm playing the game on Windows 10 and playing the 64bit version.)
It shouldn't be an issue with the game, as everyone else doesn't experience this from what I know. Maybe try reinstalling the game, as some files may have been corrupted while downloading.
I got [ 10/10 | 10/10 ] notebooks on the new language level!! Sadly, I couldn't get the ending, but I'm the first one to do so!
(The video is supposed to be 4:37:37, but if it is still processing it may appear as shorter, so you may have to come back to see it later.)
Also, the attempt begins at around 3:28:35, and ends at around 4:29:40
Nice job dude!
Thank you! Though it sucks that I am going to have to redo the whole level for over an hour :P, at least next time I will know what to expect.
I have some questions, how'd you get the watermelon and the compass? I don't really understand the point of either of them too lol.
The compass is an item found in a dead end of the bunker. It tells you where the nearest notebook is (albeit very poorly), which helped me find the final math notebook and a few others, though it can be misleading at times. The watermelon is a very rare item that spawns in only one trash bin for each attempt. It can be used with the knife to lead Marzia wherever you like, as long as the next one is within a certain distance of her.
Very interesting, thanks.
Hey mix, whens the next stream?
I need language little puss mode to practice memorizing the map better without getting lost in terror. The map is extremely big and hard to memorize.
Hey Mrdrnose when you said 3 new enemies does that include the re skin of the camera?
What is the button combination used to confirm/finish crafting an item? I went through the tutorial and learned it but then forgot, and I think this is a faster way of checking than rewatching the whole tutorial for 1 line of text at the end. Also, it is not written on the title page like the other controls.
To craft an item up press middle mouse button on the items you wish to craft together then you hold middle mouse button on one of them and press e while your holding it
How do i know which achievments i have and dont have?
What's the brown one one the bottom right?
mrdrnose, I really need ONE more hint about the hidden RUST achievement you mentioned yesterday, please. Just one at least, like an item, or a hidden switch located in the maze, or using something on Freek-a-del'ka. I tried feeding Freek some organs and that that failed, I tried to use red key and rusty knife/fork on locked door in maze and it took me back to the school entrance instead of a secret room, I collected and played both video cassettes from the Albert area and the Freek zone, yet no luck in getting the achievement! It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the golden key in the red room with the second arm, would it, could sometimes I hear Freek charging at me from the red room, implying that RUST and red room are adjacent to each other.
Bug: I can't enter Albert's torso room anymore... I can go into this part of the rust area, but I can't get into that room. And yes, I had the rusty knife equipped. All it does now is sending me back to the beginning of the rust area, where you're supposed to get to Albert.
Still trying to craft a flashbang since that seems possible with the items in the staff only room. Also seems like you can get 2 of them for free in the server room.
Have you found the red key yet?
Yeah, it was in the server room as well if I remember correctly. Also found a room with the number 9 next to it. I assume that's where you get the last language notebook since you have to have the other 9 to get in. Right now I'm trying to craft the best route to do that, I've gotten 8 before in my runs but Phonty always ended up killing me.
Has anyone found any items to combine yet?
Melon Man: plunger head + stick = plunger
Damn, right after I turned around after getting the second language tablet wrong to commence the chase, a bloody headless mannequin immediately popped up in front of me in the classroom and drained my sanity to death! Does his mannequin replace the walking camera or something?
Yes, i added a new texture for this npc. And he has head.
this.. is something.. fabulous..
tho, why the death screen is just a flashing white screen, thought it will be the character's face zoomed in or smth
I made a little fangame, if anyone's interested. It's just a short story, so it's nothing special.
complaint, i spilled soda on viktor while being carried to detention and did not get the badge!
Maybe you didn't hit him right?
he went to the bathroom tho
Oh. Well then I don't know...
Was everyone but me playing at midnight to dawn? Why do all the comments look like they were posted at midnight to dawn?
yeah thats so true...
Well, I live in Germany. It's 3 pm right now. 😅
No, I played or an hour an quit last night at 12:00 am.
I found this staff only room as well as one other, it wasn't as interesting as the other one in terms of uses and progress in the game. This one a funny-interesting room, I guess. There is also a notebook.
There is also a pizza item.
I got through the locked double doors in the bunker and it was just an empty room. When I tried to go into Tar or gasmask world using the gas mask the game crashed. Are you serious!?!? (I'm not angry, btw)
Yes, please turn the game page black again. This is a horror game after all, so a bright white that burns your eyes away doesn‘t quite fit.