its Always A Viewing Pleasure if the Sun is Happly out seems on Friday i Need to Be out In my Garden because is Gonna be 18 Degrees in Belgrade, Serbia
When I Was after Watching scary Videos I Founded the September 1904 long time ago in Belgrade where I Live in i Might see What it looks Like from 116 Years.
When i go On discord Server an User gives Me a Albanians Role i Not from Albanina and I Go "What the Heck did They Give me" by Insulting them On the Chat it Gives me Angry Mood when I Watch some Funny Vines that calms me Down but It doesn't I Always Angry and I Say a Word in Serbian "Zasto"
I Think me And my Team server is Done I Always feel Uneasy if I go Crackers but I Post it On my page but I Have to Re-create the Game page on This Site again
I Needed to Re-created SITC Server i Deleted it For no Reason I Get very In stress If I Feel Bad so Stuck In the Creep Discord Server is Under Construction right Now while I Fix Something.
I Needed to Re-created Like my Feelings go Way too far Like I Don't Know why I Acting Like this So i Needed to Did this Again then I Feel i say Something but I Try what i Can do I Just can be an 23 Creator.
Like i Tried to Grow my Game on on Other Social Medias to Share but They Ignore it when I Share my Discord Server they Ignore it too i Can't Insult people To Not to Say something About it
"bruh, you [mature reference] dog, [get] outta here, laugh-my-[butt(?)]-off"
also it's not too late, I know games that are currently being developed for even longer than this one, and passion projects* shouldn't be rushed (you'll know when you get to it) *yes, this is one - that's a lot of the reason why he's still going
Because you should leave constructive criticism, and I explained all your points away so far (about the amount of secrets, items,difficulty and basis, and I assume this means you haven't even gotten started on versions beyond 0.2 which have way more content)
no use complaining if you're not gonna do anything about it (that being said I try to do things about stuff every time)
also maybe answer "why" to both above posts
yes I think this is barely any detail yet but you might be shocked about the visual disproportion of this reply lol (that's usually why people hate me)
I had a dream last night that I was in some kind of test map and Anti-Breather was on a gray platform above me. There was a door with all four pieces of the Mastermind Gem in front of it, then I started eating M&M'S with the letter S on them instead of M. That's all I remember from it
Question, I'm playing the latest version of the game... I got the Teleportation Necklace recently, and for some reason it won't work when I put it on. I press Space and E but nothing happens, if anyone knows why this is happening please tell me
FireyDeath4 said that they changed the buttons to X + E instead of Space + E but it still doesn't work on the latest version, either I'm doing something wrong or it really is a bug
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Like On Roblox on Brookheaven I Explore then I Get bored
its Always A Viewing Pleasure if the Sun is Happly out seems on Friday i Need to Be out In my Garden because is Gonna be 18 Degrees in Belgrade, Serbia
When I Was after Watching scary Videos I Founded the September 1904 long time ago in Belgrade where I Live in i Might see What it looks Like from 116 Years.
That looks fascinating.
An Hour ago I Posted a Video is Moscow never Sleeps Yesterday's video I Just Only Joking
When i go On discord Server an User gives Me a Albanians Role i Not from Albanina and I Go "What the Heck did They Give me" by Insulting them On the Chat it Gives me Angry Mood when I Watch some Funny Vines that calms me Down but It doesn't I Always Angry and I Say a Word in Serbian "Zasto"
dont ask why i added the picture of baldi 2.
Ah yes, the aftermath of 99.
Ohhhhhh I's because Angell is going to have to break another, more serious curse. A fundamental one that affects reality
no is not baldi 2 ಠ_ಠ
I Was thinking A Word was Baldovski idk Why
yes is name Baldovski
I Think me And my Team server is Done I Always feel Uneasy if I go Crackers but I Post it On my page but I Have to Re-create the Game page on This Site again
I Needed to Re-created SITC Server i Deleted it For no Reason I Get very In stress If I Feel Bad so Stuck In the Creep Discord Server is Under Construction right Now while I Fix Something.
What if you used a transient fork in a frenzied grasp of Mazia's tongue?
That's a good jill
I Needed to Re-created Like my Feelings go Way too far Like I Don't Know why I Acting Like this So i Needed to Did this Again then I Feel i say Something but I Try what i Can do I Just can be an 23 Creator.
Like i Tried to Grow my Game on on Other Social Medias to Share but They Ignore it when I Share my Discord Server they Ignore it too i Can't Insult people To Not to Say something About it
alrightmost impetuous comment ever
go look
and go add
oh yeah I forgot to mention
twowell three things:Don't get me wrong, I'm still literally months behind on a side project.
welp...second instance of "hell yeah" in my AEWVS
careerhey mrdrnose you suck create AEWVS
He did.
and uh if you think AEWVS is bad for any of the reasons we discussed already,
that's pretty much your opinion
but you see how mrdrnose don't know make AEWVS and except for glitched santa
But it isn't even beta yet.
The game isn't completed.
no it's too late
brhu yu mf bih foh lmeo
what? 🤨
"bruh, you [mature reference] dog, [get] outta here, laugh-my-[butt(?)]-off"
also it's not too late, I know games that are currently being developed for even longer than this one, and passion projects* shouldn't be rushed (you'll know when you get to it)
*yes, this is one - that's a lot of the reason why he's still going
LOL whatever
some old versions are back so YAY I guess
They're changing dynamically. I think there are personal requests on Discord
I'm going to try to hack my save data to get lots of dcoins. But which one? There Several files
I know to have backups ready in case game has a heart attack if I try and do this
Well open one in Notepad and have a look
Here's one I have from DATA11.sav
yeah what the hell is all of this
Just found out that its data 12 with all the dcoin words.
Now how to configure the code to increase the amount of coins
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...did you do it?
na code is too confusing
So what
When i Saw an Advert of Wrecknado i Was Like what
imagine mcdonalds on thiccobreather
so much thiccness
who was that?
That's Mr. Purple
When i Was playing different Baldi Mods after I Got incorrect Answer It screamed Loud i was Like "Шта"
that makes sense
Jesus Christ,* I just got into this game when I was 13 and now I'm freaking 16
Definitely gonna end up like MrDrNose at this rate
*blasphemy is a stupid social meme I wish didn't catch on
i somehow can not combine items into one in
[RECENT] Alpha (64 bit)
or i am just stupid
If i Record but I Too Lazy sometimes if I move
The downloads of all of the older versions dead B(
Like everytime the Time Flies By i Just find a Game to Play on
I went to the Tarwill World and found this in a cage, what is this?
When i was Adding something on Stuck in the Creep discord Server i Putted Serbian And Ukrainian General chat on
this AEWVS is stupi >:(
can you stop it
Because you should leave constructive criticism, and I explained all your points away so far (about the amount of secrets, items, difficulty and basis, and I assume this means you haven't even gotten started on versions beyond 0.2 which have way more content)
no use complaining if you're not gonna do anything about it
(that being said I try to do things about stuff every time)
also maybe answer "why" to both above posts
yes I think this is barely any detail yet but you might be shocked about the visual disproportion of this reply lol (that's usually why people hate me)
(nigh inaudibly)
no u
Also, why hasn't anyone ever talked about the fact that if Marzia takes Erie's "stick" away from you with her tongue she starts sucking on it?
I had a dream last night that I was in some kind of test map and Anti-Breather was on a gray platform above me. There was a door with all four pieces of the Mastermind Gem in front of it, then I started eating M&M'S with the letter S on them instead of M. That's all I remember from it
They were in an M&M package and tasted like M&M's, which was really weird
I would have offered some to Anti-Breather but my dream ended before I got the chance
Like when i Playing AEwVS i Go to My playlist on Spotify And play Music
Why is a viktor_trip in the files this file is never used can he remove it
also i found also these
Viktor_marzia (Crustmass Curse)
Viktor_Alice (Crustmass Curse)
pertinent possibility
are any of the lyrics different
Question, I'm playing the latest version of the game... I got the Teleportation Necklace recently, and for some reason it won't work when I put it on. I press Space and E but nothing happens, if anyone knows why this is happening please tell me
FireyDeath4 said that they changed the buttons to X + E instead of Space + E but it still doesn't work on the latest version, either I'm doing something wrong or it really is a bug
Can I have a link to Alpha 0.0.8 please?
also works on latest advisor
Like all Day i was Listening to Phonty is Here it was Too Perfect to Listen to it