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I recently Got My new pc and i Can now play The Newest Version Yaaaaay. And finally because my old computer ran Like crap with the newer version because it was work computer

(1 edit) (+4)

Hi, my name is Play#17! I absolutely LOVE this game, no matter HOW BAD my twin brother thinks it is! I have been playing this game since July 2018! I would DEFINITELY prefer this over Baldi! 

To MrDrNose: You have done such an AWESOME job on this game and it keeps continuing to get better and better!

Sincerely, Play#17

Edit: Keep up the EXCELLENT WORK!

Wow, so enthusiastic

If you know enough, you can join the Discord server if you want

MrDrNose's activity on Itch is rather low


Agreed. This inspired me to create my Baldi’s Basics fangame. I mention this game every now and then.

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Well, this is still an alpha, and some of them are pretty fun.

While it is unfair that they can be purchased just like that and show you de wae at every turn, exposing a bunch of secrets for just a few exploits or DCoins, they'll probably be gone in Version 1.0.0.

(4 edits) (+1)

See, this is where the design idea REALLY takes control.


  • Fixed Angell's hand but not the other notebook which I want to resize.
  • Home button is only to turn on the notebook. Still deciding whether I should keep it.
  • You will only get the elevator code upon completion of the notebook. It will appear onscreen. You also won't have to remember the numbers on your own now that they can be reused from the inventory.
  • Language tasks dynamically resize for the screen and can take the form of text, radio and checkbox inputs. They will have a variety of much better tasks than coping with a rickroll and a Thiccobreather onomatopoeia and a failure of a teacher. You can fix spelling, grammar, list words, choose words and statements, and all the rest of it, and you can probably learn other languages as well. You can probably also do literacy and analyse different types of writing.
  • I was there for a while trying to move all the boxes around the screen and see which setup worked. Still not sure if there's enough space for some other questions.
  • I might be done already and have to cut this comment short again. So. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I haven't spoken in the comments for a while now



last post was 12 days ago

Even I've been longer than that




Finally done with part of a completely different sprite project that is actually just the same but different. Now I can get onto designing the new notebook tasks for the curriculum or redoing the other notebooks.

Concept art for new notebooks and mechanics. Completely a stub by all means.


  • If you use the keyboard to input to a notebook, which is not even there, Angell will automatically write characters, enter them, delete them and submit them. Achievements will be rewarded for handwriting all examples with a mouse or plugging in a keyboard to your tablet device.
  • Switching hands now changes their activity rather than keeping items in storage in the left hand. Some items can't be used with both hands full. However, I plan to rehaul the inventory mechanic so items take up different storage volumes, weigh you down, and allocate more slots with bags and stuff. (But first, the wiki, and I'll have to see what your style as a whole in general is now.)
  • Here are more ideas for the notebooks (and that's just for the currently existing ones, and not even for new notebooks and tasks). You should read them.
  • Note the version number.

That's all for now so bye, but I'll probably start studying years 4, 8 and 12 advanced levels of each subject and make a table for every notebook question. They have REALLY dumb easy questions in my Year 7 math book, by the way, like "what is greater, 0.4, 0.33 or 0.001?"


my heart pounds if viktor scares me then it scares me underneath then i starting to say 'christ sake' then i i don't know

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(1 edit)

import Discord_server(Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski)_messages(all) > Itch_commentSection(Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski);

warning: inappropriate content found

warning: spam detected

error: stack overflow

removing pages...

terminating all associated accounts...

(1 edit)

Discord managed to restore the community before total disintegration. At some costs

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Don't like important deep secrets being made overused internet memes? Then let's do something about it people

bloody bunker is effectively turning into area 51

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W-h-t-that's bad! Seriously!

The name alone is even a spoiler for the actually hidden survival mechanic that you should figure out by reading and figuring out the piece of paper next to the transit, or at least dying and reading the achievement!

Okay we need to do something about a bit of the community, let's start


Change the colours back, Christmas was over a year and a half ago

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ok well thats literally not true but i agree he should change the colors back

I mean Christmas was actually also over 2023 years ago so that's literally the truth

(1 edit) (+1)

i aint scared Kifflom!


I gonna escape my home in midnight i do not accept my apology to my dad i pretended to aceppted the apology but i did not i already packed up for tonight NO QUESTIONS

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(2 edits)

I Definitely Leaving My Parents and my brother and sister in the middle in the nighty dad smacked me in the eye I not seeing them never again then take my bank card to buy grand theft auto v and ps4 I just shaking 

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Deleted 4 years ago
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According to MrDrNose, this fellow represents all emotions

just imagine the face in every context

(I know it's actually about the Moyai rock, so it isn't fully edited lol)

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i thought an plan 
(1 edit) (+1)

Something all the time is always beneath me that viktor scares me goes straight in my legs and my back feels frustrating I feel that viktor is gonna kill me when I asleep 


Can you also make it possible to go to test maps and buy levels using the currency of the game? 

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Is there a possibility that you would make the game a  zip file of the game so it has an assembly -C sharp.dll file in it?


i always HAVE a good day then SOMEBODY Comes and MAKES me very ANGRY on discord

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see this

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nobody doesnt see my screen shares on discord thats just sad 

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I changed my profile picture to Viktors true form.

Whay do you guys think. Should I change or keep it

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Thanks :)

By the way i Saw your video on how to do the 11th notebook the easy way and it really helped

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keep it its awesome

By the way FireyDeath 4. I'm following you now on your Profile

another follower? well that's just great...

i want disable feature for all websites for all accounts with no content



Also when Was the looking up and down mechanic Added in the game


Version 0.6 or 0.7

(1 edit) (+1)

Thx. Because I ended up finding a Google drive 9.7 GB zip file with Versions starting from 0.6 and Im uploading them to my Google drive so i won't lose the files and becuase I uploaded version 0.0.7c to my drive

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Bro What's With the Fucken Hate. Why, because you can't beat the game cause your a noob. This guy Spent Hours Upon hours Updating And making the game better. SO have some Respect for him

(4 edits)

I think he's talking about MrDrNose...he probably cares if he's an "idiot" "jerkface" rather than if he knows how to make games

Really I actually get why he'd step in Discord and think that, but really destructive criticism never works

(you can't just tell somebody they suck and expect them to take it to heart unless you mention why for some hours or speak to a vulnerable person followed by expecting them to just stop everything they're doing rather than keep going and getting better unless they're really vulnerable)

(3 edits) (+2)

For one thing he's a Russian guy who just turned 18 this year

Also, you sound like one yourself. You just made an account before posting that. Maybe explaining your case would help

PLEASE NOTE: MrDrNose upvoted the comment.


gerara here b


I'm Really enjoying your Game Keep up the good work

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Can you make it then???

Good luck with years of programming, 3d modeling, and more with ue4.

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I May sound like a Idiot Asking this but. does anyone Have The older versions Or do you know a file on site that has all the version

Yeah I do. Pretty much the only ones I don't have are 0.2 and some of the unreleased test versions.

There's a bunch of archives on Discord with some older versions, one of which is a 55 GB zip file. You can also look there. Once I get on the computer I'll tell you which ones I have.

Ok. Thanks

(1 edit) (+1)

soon i get my bank card i gonna do 2 boosts the server i really want a gif on my discord profile

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Also Why did MrDrNose remove all the other versions becuase my computer cant run the newer versions. I Played versions like alpha 0.0.6a. If anyone has this file can you please send me the link so i can play it. And MrDrNose please bring back all of the other versions Plz


To him, each older version is like a progressive layer of descent into a radioactive garbage pit hole. You go look at versions like 0.19 on YouTube.

Oh and they were active for a week when he said he'd bring them all back in Discord. There are other archives in there.

Deleted 4 years ago

Just a few days ago they were all available to download... I'm not sure why he removed them

(2 edits)

Because he said he'd keep them up for a week. It's not often he does that you know

Also, by the way, you, sir, have been driven nuts in the span of less than a day. What happened to you?

(1 edit) (+1)

what happens get AEwVS on xbox one, xbox 360 and PS

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I really wish this game would get made for consoles but i don't think it would ever happen. My pc is bad and im not a fan of playing on pc over console so i hope one day it gets a console port if possible


It would be a huge commitment to release a game on console, and it would probably cost a lot more money than the game is likely to make. It's possible that it could happen in a much later stage of development, but I feel like a console port isn't happening for years.


Even a Mac/smartphone port would be easier. And don't forget the game has a lot of copyrighted content


it sucks though because AEwVS would be great on console, and if it got enough recognition it could become really successful

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What do items with a yellow name mean?

(1 edit) (+2)

Any items with yellow or red text (there's no difference between those two colors in functionality) can be stored in the belt as an artifact. Also, regular black lockpicks can now be stored in the belt as artifacts (they still break randomly, but they will reappear in your inventory unbroken again when you restart a level), making the "Complete Albert" mission or obtaining the rusty knife much less frustrating.

(1 edit)

this may be a dumb question but to get the black key is the only way and intended way to use the cleaning dude exploit type thing? It's been so long since i played i forgot a lot of stuff lol


If you don't already have the black key in your belt, then yes, that is the only way, but things are much easier now. There are now blue and yellow paper notebooks found in random classrooms that can each be shredded into several papers, saving you time from having to collect other trash to make a trail for Cleany. Remember to have at least 1 lockpick with you (there are also uncommon steel lockpicks now, but they cannot be stored in the belt like the black ones) to open the locker with the black door key (remember which locker it is). One more thing, WHEN YOU SAVE ITEMS TO YOUR BELT, ALWAYS REMEMBER TO PRESS F WHILE THE BELT IS OPEN, OR ELSE YOU WILL LOSE EVERY ARTIFACT YOU RECENTLY COLLECTED IN YOUR CURRENT RUN WHEN YOU RESTART, EXIT, OR BEAT A LEVEL!!! NEVER FORGET TO SAVE YOUR BELT ITEMS WITH LEFT ALT+F!!!

alrighty, thanks a lot for the help i appreciate it

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After a good long time I've decided to come back to this game and Oh Wow have things changed!

- Updated models of some things. Including 3D models of Phonty (His horn looks a little weird though) and the Librarian. (The wiki says her name is Erie) 

-Water Fountains to regain stamina! Thank you mrdrnose!

-The History Level has finally gotten some more content.

-That Freakin Puppet has been removed and replaced by a Nutcracker who is much more manageable.

-The Head Teacher is still wearing that silly cat costume.

- And there's apparently now a fourth level after completing History. Looks like I better get back to playing!

Welcome back, i had just come back too. There is so many new and crazy stuff from last time i played, mrdrnose has done a lot with the game its pretty crazy


Actually, H-teacher no longer has the cat face in the current alpha.


Don't forget a store, new interactive title screen, over 100 new items, 2 new secret areas, physics, fixed grammar, bonus levels, Scrina cameo, electricity, big chungus, blood and injury mechanics, parkour, working gardening system, literal robot guardians, radiation, the ability to take off Erie's clothes, and so much more

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What are really and anyway? There's no explanation in Discord or Itch but I see had some bug fixes

I think might have many hard-to-find changes

(1 edit) (+1)

MrDrnose I have a suggestion. Can you make the game available to android. That's it. If you have read this comment. Thanks

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You Might be Right 

But you never know


can you make the game avaliable for mac too?

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aw man

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