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(1 edit) (+1)

Crap, three days already???

Alright, now I know it hasn't been long but I've been busy and I'm just going to drop this off. See you later.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hello again!

TL;DR: made a webpage that fairly shuffles all soundtracks from BBIEAL, AEWVS and ABIBAZ with every spoiler in it so be careful.

I made something quite different this time, because the playlist I made on YouTube just wasn't doing it well. It was mostly for myself, but if you can find a use for it, go ahead and do it, and have fun. Anyway, when I made sprites, sometimes I used to just open a related AEWVS soundtrack in Audacity and loop it in the background. But that became quite monotonous and I also started running out of new soundtracks to listen to when I put some on the phone (I listened to some of them for like over an hour or two in total during the course of my life). So, I decided to make a playlist on YouTube with the AEWVS soundtracks in it, but that didn't work out too well because I couldn't shuffle them fairly, so that I'd listen to every soundtrack once before it shuffles again. And besides, not all soundtracks were on there, and some were really quiet while some were really loud.

So, basically, I went and made a webpage that did it myself, which I tried to make fair for all the pieces of audio, although that part didn't quite work out, but it's much better now. It has pretty much all of the soundtracks BBIEAL, AEWVS and ABIBAZ have to offer, including a bunch you haven't heard before because they're stuck in the game files of AEWVS (or because you simply don't visit the BBIEAL wiki a lot), like the one about the Conservatory, as well as a lot of discarded ones like the beloved Toreador March from Phonty.

The main two that are missing are the 432 ambience (which I dug and dug through the game files to find and couldn't), and the birdsong ambience from ABIBAZ which I thought was...against the point, but now I'm thinking about putting it in.

This definitely warrants a major spoiler warning, since it includes spoilers from every part of all of the games. That being said, you can start here. Have fun.

P.S. I have no idea if Vocaroo will eventually delete some of the copyrighted files, lol. Last tweet they made was in November last year. I tried to put them in a wiki but some were over 2 MB which was "larger than the server is configured to allow", so I had to look for another audio storage host. Shame, too, I was going to use the Do Anything Wiki which was only ever seen by it's founder followed by myself. Also some audio might be broken a bit.


Hello My Name is RagingIdiotGamer You can Call Me Fred if you want I an person who Tweets things 

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"I an person"

you know him.

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(1 edit)

Blood bar pretty much does that already and in case you didn't know, once he catches you, he chops off your head and arms. And only Viktor himself (and other tarwills) can survive beheadings.

MrDrNose replaced the death screens so you get to see your killer instead of your corpse.

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Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

Try deleting and downloading the game again. If the problem persists, search the phrase "the global shader cache file is missing" in Google to see if anybody's had the same problem and had it resolved.

30SEC EDIT: I just did. It will solve your problem if you look at what other people have done.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, hello there! _,(^ ^)ノ"

In short: it's because I'm possible. Therefore I exist. Also physical laws and mathematics.

Anyway, this is 100% failing to work out.

I probably typed this a very long time ago but I wanted to make sure I had some new sprites ready for show before I posted anything. I did a lot of checking and only a difficult few are available. So here you are. Did two from each game, but Cloudy Copter was particularly difficult to imagine from the front view and probably belongs in the cursed forums.* Searches for "helicopter front view" yielded no reliable results since most of the images lacked the side arms or whatever Cloudy Copter had. cumulonincompoop

Anyway, a bunch of things happened in game which I probably don't need to say much about if I just put the images here. I'm kind of speechless in general anyway. There are a few big spoilers below.


Just stop.

Had to jump up to get there, but unfortunately for Viktor he can't jump. Which is another problem.

He was swept away by Mr. Cleany-Clean after that.

Ha ha, died in cutscene

This sucks. I was in a test map one time and the turret ran out of bullets or something. Neither of us are getting anything done. Just let me pass your facility. I want to talk to BCCM.

Well, that's all for now, so, bye, I think...!

nah jk lol

*It wasn't meant to be silly

Some deep secret spoilers below (they're related)

what does the talk mechanic do? I cant seem to get a responce when I type out anything. Is it just a goof?

Well there is one use...and...

It's a secret.



Angell (the Protagonist) has something inside her mouth that blocks her vocal chords, which is taking away her ability to speak. She can only „talk“ with some characters. It’s not really talking though. A few hidden characters have the ability to read Angell‘s mind and answer her.

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Except nobody told YOU that. So didn't need to reply.

(3 edits) (+1)

I had no idea I could fail so epically two times in a row. But I did.

scrina is now adult size

And that here was...kinda painful.

I now have to make some big decisions to cut corners. I clearly lied. I don't have room for just enough of all the details.

(6 edits) (+1)(-1)

I call this "standard attempted uneducated cognitohazard"

can make this game a mac version please

(1 edit) (-1)

Apparently not.


Okay. Alright.

(entire game spoilers ahead (and trust me, that's a lot))

Can somebody please tell me what the heck I've just done?

How did you get onto that platform? I've gone to the itms map but I couldn't get there know...

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(2 edits)

omg what did you do to aewvs

cant even appreciate the test maps properly anymore lol

and what happened to the priest the old phonty and all the wallpapers

and why are there so many deleted assets

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rip
gotta beat alice until i die

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I mean, cat wallpaper?


you idiot

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(1 edit) (+1)

(sees MUG stream)

(downloads new game)

(buys everything in the store)

(sees "JUMPING" hint)

WOW I had that idea as well. Don't know what it does in AEWVS (and it doesn't always even work, so heck) but I'd imagined that you'd use it to jump over items because if you ran on top of one you'd trip over. Also when jumping you wouldn't be able to change your momentum and you'd also knock over pot plants if you jumped at them.

(nvm you use it to do very weak parkour)

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The second anniversary on Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski next month GG!

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"Comment section : *sigh*"

-said this guy

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Well I thought you were talking about the things you did in the successive comment. I.e. trying to force the game to get attention


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the frustrated gamer he’s the best Youtuber he played Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski 


there’s another one you have might go on the App and look it’s on my photos all the time 

(1 edit) (+1)

I created this last night I made an good light up on Pepe the frog GG
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(2 edits)
Hello! mrdrnose. or someone else.
if you see this comment.
Thank you for seeing this comment.

I want to give to mrdrnose A feed back.

It's about store... umm;;;😥 to give their concepts to makes store better.

but,sadly the concepts are not completed yet,sorry fot that. so that if you're reading you'll maybe get confusing... i apologize for that..

I'll trying do much better,when i completely done of my collage homeworks.📕😨💻🖱⌨ sorry...💦 

it might takes a year,ohh... then the game is might get finished to developments and released...😰

but i hope this feedback might be giving an idea for mrdrnose.
or get feeling cringe to my feedback...
But please.. i hope someone reads about my one feedback(or opinion).

Sorry if this comment disturbs you...

You can download and see the Store concepts feedbacks here.

(it's unfinished,so it's kinda akward and might be boring to read😥💦)

if you download it and read all of texts and give me answer or feedback to me or else... 

then I thanks to you.😊 if you give me some feedback i'll read it and answer it.after the homeworks got finished.📖😣💦✏

(sorry for if grammers are wrong..)

(3 edits)
oml look at the nerve on your face...

You probably might want to type it entirely in Korean and come back. MrDrNose isn't all that good at English either but he's getting there. Also if Google Translate doesn't suffice maybe some people at Discord can do it.

Also if you want items, they're everywhere. And once you get good at AEWVS, you won't need a store for that. There are thirteen muffins in the Math Level alone already.

There's also "NUTS" graphics, test maps and hints. I don't think breaking the store out of the meta and putting it in the storyline would make really any sense. Get an earlier 0.15 version, buy lots of keys (they were sold at negative price), go back to the latest version, buy everything in the Store and you'll see what I mean. Have a look at the hints and the test maps. There are some memes and random object placements, and the game's immersion will be completely gone.

Oh and this is an indie game. Don't make too many suggestions that heavily influence the storyline. Mine was meant to influence it as lightly as I could BTW. Features alone are generally more accepted.

(2 edits)

Hello,Fireydeath4,Thanks for replied my comment😄 maybe right. 

It's just well-made indiegame.isn't it?

I was gone too far,to give too many ideas and give storylines,It'll be very tired and difficult to read them all and make them all either.

And if you read about my concepts and ideas.

I hope you tell me what problems they had. Umm..also known as feedback. If this requestion is hard to you,i am apologize and you don't need to requestion any of them.It'll be too annoying to writting feedback.

oh and i have a notice to you

I maybe no longer to answer,write comment and make them anymore.

Welp,if doesn't matter with you,ok then...😑💦

I just want to answer to you if you wonder why i am no longer reponses.or too long to ask your comment anymore😔...

Oh and excuse me but i want to tell my personal opinions.

1.dear FireyDeath4,I like your aewvs pixel art. I can see your You maybe pretty good at art.

2.You were wrote to me that you don't think that breaking the store out of the meta and putting it in the storyline would make any sense.

I'm sorry to say that but is it that means that give concepts and storylines is not good? If you are,ok then.

3.I am wonder that you said which wrote 'buy everything in the Store and i'll see what you mean.'although i'm not did yet cause it's too much for play them...sorry about that. But i also really want to know that which it means 'have a look at hints and the test maps. some memes and random object placements,and the game's immersion will be completly gone.'

Oh yeah... I have looked at some of hints and the test map. Your comment's right. They are breaking immersions already. But i want to know what you tell about what's your saying and giving some means to me. know,i'm not good at English yet. I'm so sorry about that.

I can't understanding your what excalty mean it. Such as each of  sentence's intension. That's the reason i keeping asking you that somes of sentences i couldn't get understand. Such as wrote about "NUTS"graphic part...and more. upon sentence mentioned,that means I can't understands what words,sentences means.

I can understand what sentence means,but i can't understanding what those inner means,sentence intension.and some of things that i couldn't even try to figure them out so that how to write that grammers get weird,confusing sentence meaning.etc in this a one sentence,google translate doesn't help me to understanding which sentence means. Yeah..😥

...oh gosh,i am so sucks at writting my reply comment writting by english.☹ Sorry for you.💦

But when the next time,i'll studying english more and more so that i can do better conversation using english.😤

Umm.. i guess i want to really end this comments right now.

I apologizes.

I guess that because i'm think i want to get focusing and being concentrating to my homework and my life,my job,my family,my moral mind,my specialty studying,most of all my vision.

I'm kinda worry being myself nowdays because i'm losing my objectivity,hope,vision. I think i'm getting being more cringy and selfish myself.😥💦

So,in a nutshell thanks for reading my comment and criticized my concepts and giving opinion yourself. But i can't reanwer to you anymore because i don't care about myself nowdays,so that i maybe become cringe,and being savage.

Well,this comment seems to me less sincerity than previous comment that i wrote.

If you or someone else did read all od my comments. Thank you for reading that.😔 yeah... thanks to you.

If my points have any of weird or strange or don't agreed. I hope you reply it in here. Sorry for that but i'm getting more busy and caring about myself as mentioned 3 times...

If you replied. I'll read that comment somedays and i'll keeping that in my mind(not the cringe or agressive pointless comments. Most of all none of point comments.I'm sorry but those comments feels me very sad.)

Then good bye to you 'fireydeath4' and the others who read this comments.😊

Oof sorry for a long reply, i'm more active on discord than here, and i can immediately respond🐡
Also it seems that disc link you send doesn't allow me to view or download files

(1 edit)




Greetings. At first,Thanks to you to read this document.

In this file,You can see All(NOT YET) a lot of information

about our 'D-foundation'and understanding D-foundation.   

Keep understand and understanding about D-foundation,   

You can be join of us and helping us for searching and studying about EVERYTHING for HIM.

Luciper,our saver,also our guardian.

So Introduction is end now."

Letter for MrDrNose:

"Dear mrdrnose.

Hello! uhhh.... my nickname is olied,I am one of the fans of your game,
'Advanced Education Viktor Strobovski'. 
(oh,add more,i'm living in south korea.)
first,in my opinion,I think Advanced education with Viktor Strobovski
is quite well made game.

At first,it was started as 'Baldi's basics education and learning'fan game.
(Markpiller was mentioned that when he did play this game,I am so 
Sorry if you feel very bad.Though,I might know your feel.
if my inspried game got be treated as fangame feels makes me 
very upset and hating about that game. even that game is just 
popular game but it feels me that it seems has no purpose and 
crappy.worst of all it might made for just famous...Umm.. my talking
is now get very long sorry.😥)

Sorry to say but i was also thought if just fangame.either.
But somehow i keep watching. it seems kinds going great.
It also seems possibly get might being one of the good game.
and since i watching your game project development progress,
you seems making the game gets deeper and deeper.
(Such as language level,Tarwills,the reason why teacher and staffs
get angry but some doesn't and more.)
now that's the reason why i think your game is good.)
at least,i am now get interests your Aewvs game now ;).

Sorry for a lot of typed...

anyway,I'll tell you what i want to say.
I want to talk about this topic:Store.
umm.I am so hate to say this....

the store system is kinda makes game akward.
(If you read comment who wrote by FireyDeath4,which complained
about Store,which comments is here.:
because...i think store option in the school's monitor feels strange.
I mean,why do they makes Online store system by themselves?
though,those items price getting ridiculosly expensive and it also
does acts main menu,as Options menu,exit,etc,even though.

but after i typed,i still wondering why is there store in School...
how does store work? where that store is coming from?
there is history about store?,how do they give items to angell 
and how do they even takes those items anyway? 
and MOST of All. how the heck do they even possible to selling 
secretive items?

...these makes player feel kind unrealistic,it even makes the game more
game which means,Store ui system is might get ruins player's
immersion. immersion of the game's concept(example,universe,realistic
concepts,plot lines.etc) if you feel bad to hear that i apologize.
but that store system ui could be effects game's quality...😔
..for game's concept's immersion.

So,I want to make concept of store. Really.
it maybe makes feel annoying and troublesome to me.
But if you made it. your game quality is getting much better.
i sure it,still the game is quite good,but making concepts to store.
players will might or may be get memorable and impressive that.
(.....yeah it's just my pectoral opinion,but it'salso just one of a suggestion.
So if you don't want to make it or it just feels likes cringe. just ignore it...😞💦)

But if you accept my opinion. Thank you so much!🤩
I can make you concept about store for you
and I already made part of concept.'s sad things.
i might can't be makes concepts during a year,the concepts not done yet.
because i have lots of univercity homeworks that

I apologize once again...😟 but i have to do concentrates those works,
because it's very important.
I also want to care to my vision,my study,my specialism😤 you know...😓
And take tasks very well is most important.😤

last,if you read it all and if you interested or want to know it.
just answer twitter or accounts to me. then i'll send you concepts of store.
(once i mentioned before,it's not completed yet...)

I'll tell you about concepts for store a bit. it's D-store,it was motivated
by Dcoins. D-store is store which opened by D-foundation.

Why does it Dcoins? ummm.... because,Dcoins is seems like not fit in
school. in my thought..

So i just thought made store which is using Dcoins.
Dcoins is money for D-store.

Well this is abridgement of the concepts for store... i hope you what's your opinion.
if you like it,I'll give some feedback or ideas,or we can takes idea each other.
(it might be impossible to give it cause i'm busy to my homeworks...)
If you like it,please reply my itho's accounts. i don't need copyright.
i'm just gives you ideas.

If you like it or not. i hope answer to my opinion about concepts for store.

Ending this message and i last say,keeping your progressing!
i'll cheer up for you ;) you're doing good work😄

(Since you keep reading,You maybe get feels letter's words and grammer are not fits
and feels terrible... :( i apologize for that.but i'm not good at english yet...)

                                                                    -By Olied-
P.S.May i ask you abouts aewvs game development terms?
     Because it's kinda very important. i guess..."

(1 edit)

DStore concept document:

"Advanced education with Viktor Strobovski

Game Mechanics_Area_Other location


Cafeteria   D-Store(D-foundation presents)







  3.1.2.Main Hall

  3.1.3.Secret Place


 3.2.1.Interactive Objects Objects Objects뜻:장애물) Objects Objects Objects


 4.1.D-store Clerk



5.Available to uses Dcoins

 5.1.Purchases Items list

  5.1.1.Items which available to purchase

 5.2.Exchanging Other Coins(Such as 25cents)

  5.2.1.Coins which available to exchange

6.Secret sub quests

7.Upgrading&Improving D-store




 "Welcome to the D-store.

   You can buying some stuffs by using Dcoins."

                                                               -D-store Clerk-

D-Store(or it also call as Store) is the place Where the player can purchasing items or exchaning to other coins(Such as 25cents as it mentioned before) by paying Dcoins.



D-store is place in very dark void space likes(the location is unknown)

 2.1How to enter

At first,gets D-store poster(it can be inside to the belt)

the way is getting the poster which is contained commercials about D-Store.

if you take it. you can see the poster.

the poster shows to player location of D-store and how to get the teleporter

When The player get entering,the player starts at the outside land

as describing,the entire scenery is rough very dark black void. The player can't even see none of things,except






  3.1.2.Main Hall

  3.1.3.Secret Place


 3.2.1.Interactive Objects Objects Objects뜻:장애물) Objects Objects Objects



4. Staffs

 4.1.D-store clerk(sponsered by D-Foundation)

 A clerk who in D-store is describes the head is demonic goat skull.

 Spice:Demonic creature,Imp



  as behaving,

5.Available to uses Dcoins

The Player can buying stuffs by using Dcoins.

When you ask the clerk to shows Items list,The clerks shows to The player Items list books.

interface has item list,buy-list,Dcoins remains.Dcoins you have to pay.

when you first to see the item list,it just shows cover of books.

you can open the books by clicks the book's cover,also you can go to next page to clicks <,>.

the first page shows you introduce of the 'D-coperation presents Item list'

the seconds page shows category of lists. you can go next step by cllicks the list you wants.

then the book shows to The players category's item list,and The player can buy it.

The Player can picks up items by clicks the item which you want.

then,interfaces shows you that displays,'how many wants you buy?'

and under the letters,theres numbers and up,down button,each 10,buy as much to pay all of Dcoins you have. when you decide it. it will be add on your buy-list.

When you decide to purchases the buy-list,a interface displays 'You sure to decides to buy it(if their multiples,it wrote them.)?' there's YES and Nah. when you choose YES,the clerk does ask once again,to give it by each ones,or put all stuffs in the box.

if the player answered give it each ones,then the clerk says "ok."

(When you starts any level, they are in your inventory each ones.)

if the player answered put all stuffs in the box,the clerk says "ok,they will be comes with box." (When you starts any level,a box which marked 'D' in your inventory,you can open box by press right click button. they will be come out by press right click button,they will be come out each as first The player maybe care about buy-list numbers think about the level.)

if you add buy-list over 4. the clerk says,"Too many stuff that you can't have each ones,so i will give you put all in a box."

 5.1.Purchases Items list

  -5.1.1.Items which available to purchase

in the cafeteria,The Player can purchase those items

Foods items


Clean carrot 4Dcoins

Clean carrot seeds 10Dcoins

качан 12Dcoins



Cookie 1Dcoins

Fortune cookie 2Dcoins

Ice creams

Ice cream 3Dcoins


Lemon-berry sweet soda 3Dcoins


Fully chocolate muffin 3Dcoins

Chocolate muffin 3Dcoins


Sour sauce and chedder chips 5Dcoins

Crab chips 5Dcoins

Paprika chips 5Dcoins


"NUTS" chocolate bar 6Dcoins


Donut 10Dcoins

Donut box 80Dcoins

Pet foods

Seeds 5Dcoins

Cat food 10 Dcoins

Medical Items


Medkit 25Dcoins

Small medkit 7Dcoins


Patch 1Dcoins

Bandage 3Dcoins


Empty Needle     3Dcoins

Needle[Water]    5Dcoins

Needle[Green]   30Dcoins

Needle[blue]     30Dcoins

Needle[Pink]     30Dcoins

Needle[Orange] 30Dcoins

Needle[Yellow]   30Dcoins

Needle[Red]      30Dcoins

Needle[Cyan]     30Dcoins


Pill pack[6] 7Dcoins

School Supplies,School utilities Items


Yellow Pencil 5Dcoins


Every chalks 8Dcoins

Chalk Piece 20Dcoins


Every notebooks are sells in 10Dcoins

Blue notebook

Yellow notebook


Duct tape 15Dcoins

Waterproof Tape 15Dcoins

White tape 8Dcoins


 5.2.Exchanging Other Coins(Such as 25cents)

  -5.2.1.Coins which available to exchange

The player can exchange Dcoins to Other coins

here's the exchange-able coins

1 cent=1Dcoins

25 cent(both of usa.v and alternate one)=3Dcoins

50 cents=5Dcoins

51 cents=6Dcoins


6.Secret sub quests


7.Upgrading&Improving D-store


Upgrading & Improving D-store

You can make Better D-store by funding Dcoins or purchasing a lot of stuff to paying Dcoins.

There's 5 steps upgraing Structure (Extensioning D-store,place and rooms,adds Items,category)


처음에는 그저 평범한 잡화점으로써 존재하지만,더욱 더 많은 Dcoin들이 누적될수록

점차 여러 가지의 사항들이 개선되며 살수 있는 아이템의 종류와 품목사항들도 늘어나게 된다.


How to Upgrading & Improving D-store


Reaching to 30Dcoins by funding & purchasing stuffs.

Visiting over 5times

When you achived all of those requires the clerks mentioned

that you can give feedback to D-store to makes get better and improving itself.


Lists of that can gives feedbacks

Store's extension

Store's interior

Store's exterior

Makes sales days Decreasing Item's prices

Adds more Item's category

Upgrading D-pad

Makes get easily teleporting to the D-store

and might even more..."

DStore notes:


절대적인 존재가 되고자 하는 신.
기원:불명(미지의 차원) 
원하는 것:모든 지식을 알아내는 것,절대적인 존재가 되어 세상을 자신의
뜻대로 다루는 것 아름다운 것,진정으로 완벽한 영생
능력:전무하다.지식을 갖고 있기 전까지는 말이다.
D-foundation에서 절대적으로 찬양하고있는 존재이며 이 재단의
설립의 이유또한 이 루시퍼를 위해서이다.

D-foundation이 루시퍼를 위하여 하는 것들
거의 모든 것들을 하려고 한다.
회사 경영부터 시작하여,종교연구,신학 심지어는 과학 등등
또한 여러 사업들을 운영하며 'D-store'의 경우에는 체인점으로써
여러 곳곳에서 활동하고 거의 모든 것을 판매하며 상점을 운영한다.
'Angell'이 방문한 지역은 '000000'이다."

Run through Google Translate:

"Lucifer (D-foundation)

God who wants to be an absolute being.
Origin: Unknown (unknown dimension)
Birth year: Unknown
What you want: Finding out all your knowledge, becoming an absolute being,
Dealing with will, beautiful things, truly perfect eternal life
Ability: Nothing, until you have the knowledge.
D-foundation is absolutely praised by this foundation.
The reason for the establishment is also for this Lucifer.

What D-foundation does for Lucifer
I try to do almost everything.
Starting with company management, religious research, theology, science, etc.
Also, it operates several businesses and in the case of 'D-store', it is a chain store.
It operates in many places, sells almost everything, and runs stores.
The area visited by 'Angell' is '000000'."

(That being said, you have some story arcs to finish before AEWVS is done. Any that involve any connections with Satan/Lucifer/Hell are included, as well as the Al one, the tarwill one, the Erie/Scrina one, of course Angell's one, and some others. And drawing that chalk circle over the pentagram was a bit messy LOL)

(3 edits)

About the "NUTS" graphics. From the start and pause menus, there are quality options. For 30 DCoins, you can get "NUTS" graphics, which can alter the contrast and colours and also make the game look like a mess by randomising surfaces.

There are some test maps sold in the Store. They have random items and objects and character placements, and quite a few include memes and other random things. Some test the mechanics of future/other things, and some of them have items and artifacts that do random things. For example, the nuclear pigeon has "NANI!?" written on it with some eye flares and spews out 50 fast-moving flashes at once when used, the "PIGEON GOD TRUE SUCC FORM" is very large and spawns a circle of muffins, flashes everywhere and throws tons of items everywhere when used, inducing intense lag, the "pew-pew" is a picture of Bonzi Buddy that shoots syringes, and the "bouncy boi" is a Thiccobreather head that just bounces when you throw it or otherwise give it momentum. The last one can be brought from the Store and obtained in a loot box, by the way. So you can see how unseriously the game takes itself. And if you know anything about the creatures in the "T-POWER" map that repel three crosses and slice you to death, it's that they're memes always on Twitter and Discord. And you should see "itms". It has every item in the game in a line, all the characters gathered around, and most of the objects in the game. It's possible to access the items and see just how memetic and dumb some of them are.

That being said, there are some test maps that don't contain these things, such as "432-test", which demonstrates SCP-432 in isolation. But my point is, just, it would complicate everything if the Store was incorporated into the storyline at all. There are lots and lots of random, 100% uncanon things in it, which I've just pointed out, including meta and experimental things and random memes and effects and things to mess with for MrDrNose's and the players' enjoyment. If you're going to rework the Store, you WILL need a plan for them. The best I can suggest is to leave the maps on the main menu. The main and pause menus are also very meta, so I don't know what you'll do with the "NUTS" graphics. And you'll need a good plan for the DStore if it does get incorporated.

I think you should just type in Korean if it helps, and we'll just translate it with Google or some fellows if we have any. And if you can't read this comment, translate it in turn and see if it does anything.

By the way I just pasted the contents of your documents into replies underneath that of MrDrNose's. Didn't really need to download text files when it could be done here. And yes, you probably should join Discord. It's much more productive than a comment section, since it's a real-time chat room for entire communities. (Which is ironic since I wasted entire days on it, so it was probably a good thing anyway I was kicked...I only intend to watch now, for some time. Being out of the loop sucked.)


dear Fireydeath4.😀

Oh,wow i wasn't expected that you show my all concepts😮

Thank you..?🙄

Oh ok. then good bye to everyone.😐💦


(...Actually,I'll try to fix the link that makes able to show and download,but i guess it had been worked... if doesn't work the link. just notice to me.

If it is,Then i'll try to find a way to make to able to show and download.😓)


If you join my discord server well I need to add bots on I don’t know how


helicopter is annoying me in U.K. times in 10:56pm

Hints to Trick Viktor: 

Crouch next to the bed at the dead end on the left or right. You know the two white rooms with smile dog in.

Go outside next to cafeteria at the fence.

That won’t work oh man 

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(4 edits)

I've read your chats and as it turns out, NoseDiver is the same person. He's not really "at it again" though, really...still a bit weird but for some reason he's not really making as many senseless posts as he used to

Still did multiple redundant descriptions of Viktor on recent accounts though but hopefully he got some sense

Anyway, just a heads-up. See you again folks



Hello everybody! Sorry for the long wait. Now, I did say a fortnight ago that I would upload a few of the sprites I did in the meanwhile again, and, you know, I really should've done that, like, the following day. Guess I don't believe it, since there was always something I was wasting time on that I was doing when I could've very well been doing these things. And the big project is going to be MUCH bigger than the simple part where I create sprites for everyone. I'm behind on everything. Maybe I should find a way to watch the YouTube videos I do while doing work

Anyway, here's the new Phonty designs for a start. Literally whipped up the wallpaper just yesterday in less than an hour. So I'm just procrastinating. Since having the flat, face-on orthogonal one against the top-down view didn't make much sense, I tried another one that I totally messed up. The whole thing is messed up. In this format, a diagonal running from a tile up a wall to a tile down the floor is two tiles long. Which means you are literally elongating anything at a diagonal.

Oh and I did a half-bothered job on old Phonty's emergent design. I should really try and do it again.

Tiara's at the bottom, which again was done from Alice's and Viktor's sprites for consistency. It does have some spoilers though so here's that in advance. I find that to be the best way, because it's a very good principle. I mean, look at AEWVS. Grab Viktor and Kostyan and put them next to each other. What do you think? 

Alright, is there anything else I did...(rummages through spritesheets) nope, doesn't look like it. I think that throughout this whole comment, I wasn't talking properly. What's wrong with me? What's going on? Nevermind, I'll just get to the other things I want to talk about.

So, apparently, the Panacea PAP Station and the Conservatory are going to be the last levels of AEWVS.


Yeah I did look on Discord and of course it's because it's a Baldi fangame with a boring and crappy reputation.

Anyway, we've only been taught mathematics, languages and history. So the school is clearly missing a lot. We don't even have science, the third fundamental subject of school. And we don't have the rest of them from this list. So, um, look.

Yep I'm really very nervous about doing what I think is making a request.

I still think all those subjects should be in Viktor's school. Maybe that should get a name as well. But anyway, since those two are going to be the last levels, can you...have them canonically exist in some way, but skip them? I forgot what I first thought when I heard that news, so I might've said it wrong again but that's the point. Maybe the story can just call for something that makes Angell skip the rest of them and go straight to the part where she finishes and saves the school. The game also has multiple arcs to finish before the end. Just do that so the school can make sense and we can utilise them if we want to. Not gonna lie, I sure do.

Also I have a question. Did you publish ABIBAZ under the username S-Pider_dev so that only AEWVS fans would know you created it? I mean, imagine what everyone would say if you published two BBIEAL fangames and one AEWVS fangame under the same account lol.

You can say anything here or on Discord if you want.

Also about Discord. So generally: I got this new laptop, pressed the invitation link absentmindedly (I think), and was kind of shocked to see that it wasn't invalid and I could get in considering I was using the same internet connection. My IP address should've been almost about the same. I don't know. But once I got in, I just sat there, decided I wouldn't say anything and stay there. I mean I was quite tired of being out of the loop. Also I didn't bring pizza. Might have to do that some time but only when I'm about to claim my account, which will be when this laptop gets returned. It was probably a good thing anyway. I wasted entire days on the server when I was chatting on it.

By the way, since it's a Baldi fangame with a boring and crappy reputation, we should probably change that. Recently I got the idea to try submitting AEWVS to Alpha Beta Gamer and see if that helps! Now, I haven't done that yet, for various reasons, but I think it should help a lot getting the flow going again. They're almost as popular as MediaGamesGuide with the 6 and 1 swapped.

Well, I think that's all for now. Tiara's down at the bottom, so here's your spoiler alert. Goodbye!

Alright, now time for this thing. Here you go!

I didn't really know where the veins were meant to go on Tiara's body so I removed them.

that’s the big thing you did wow...


Well this is what I've been doing and that's only the start of it.

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Yeah I already know. I think it's time everyone learned the truth so those people who only made Baldi and Alex plushies will be inclined to make Viktor plushies as well.

Also now that I think about it, someone should make a model of Perpaoulkon.

(1 edit) (+1)

I played a lot But my Computer had an crack inside so I getting an new laptop for my birthday next month on 22nd of June I never done anything to my laptop it was on my desk I always do that before school 

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Randomly found a guy that played a 0.15 version sometime in March and then never again. And he used Discord apparently. Also nobody of sense or from the community really commented...

We really should've put that in-game invite link in way earlier.


How about you inform us if you found someone who played the game so we can actually help him. If no one notices a smaller YouTuber played the game, we can’t comment under his video.

(6 edits)




Oh, that guy. Yeah, we actually noticed him play the game, but my god, his stream chat was horrible.

Hello hello hello, here's your comment and spoiler alert. Bye!

Yep, decided not to post it on the front page. It does have stuff in it and I just generally decided I wasn't going to deal with...whatever. I don't know lol.

Deleted post

Okay, wow, that sucked.

I have some serious bug reports, but first, the game is rigged.

And that'll be 10 DCoins. Have a great day while we give you 8 times as much for exploring somewhat wisely and patiently with no threat at all.
That was done with all wrong notebooks, the most basic strategy AND no magnet because I lost it. On pretty much the first real full attempt. And I also hit Viktor a few times at actually full speed with a soda. (Keep in mind that that is not the relative potential maximum speed: I did not run towards him. He was the one doing it relative to the Earth.)

(Spoilers here!)

Here is a list of things that helped:

-Silent Viktor is MUCH slower. He's generally slow when he does move, and angering him to full extent only made him move consistently. So he just calmly crept towards me like that. He was slightly slower than my walking speed, and even during the final chase!

-Laura completely stopped caring about several violations including running, eating and drinking in the classes and lesson time. Really the only ones she DID care about are prohibited items. Like she doesn't even care about the ARTIFACTS. Neither did Viktor or anybody else.

-Now that you can put items behind paintings, you can just face toward the creepy painting in the punishment room and spam your mouse to hide things before she confiscates them. Putting them in trash bins would be significantly harder anyways with that bin lid. I did this with a magnet once and it got the door. Left open. A double win for me.

-Mix is very much slower, not that I even met him at all during the short playthroughs.

-There are muffins just EVERYWHERE. Like there's several muffins in lockers, one on the ground near the double trash bins with the chocolate bars, one on a table, one in the rack, one in a trash bin, four in the locker next to the knife, four in the art gallery, and an absurd amount of sodas in the backroom. Not that I even used more than two.

-The final notebook is now always in Classroom 0011.

-I have scientific calculator. Once, I died during the final chase trying to get one after I used a regular calculator because the method was PEMDAS, not simply PLR. I also missed a few keys.

By the way, I have another bug. Items just phase straight through doors. Now, I know you don't want people to cheat at the secrets and game with the Unbreakable Coal, Now For Only 211 DCoins, but I did suggest regulating the use of artifacts and unnaturally-obtained items, and I think that might rather be better than phasing all items through doors.

Also I was told Patreon is really labourious. I mean, making a new thing every month for your subscribers is really tiring for some people. I'd just thought a regular subscription service for, I don't know, pure support or maybe some of MrDrNose's files and models and assets outside AEWVS would make everything good for everyone here. We already have a donation thingy here at Itch. Anyway, soz for that

Also am behind on bringing my assets and sprites together. Reworking things manually is always drilling work when I could be getting to the point. I think the new Phonty design I tried sucked and also I have generally a lot to do. I mean, we have Thiccobreather, Spoxxys, Kostyan, Torus, Oreichalkini Gata, BCCM, Helpscreen (again), Santa, <C:\Users\BALDI\AppData\Roaming\BALDI\filename2.DATA>, SpoopBalloons, Cloudy Copter, Chalkes, Mrs. Pomp, Beans and PlaceFace left to do now. I'm behind again. I think I may as well stop doing the characters and start early. Or I could hurry up and do them and get the fanart done. Whichever suffices. I already did a bit of Natural Tiara by the way. I think I might have to put some images in. I'll post them shortly.


(2 edits) (+1)

Well, the staff ignoring the fact that you are holding a SECRETIVE item is on purpose. 
If you're talking about the Knife, Albert, etc, DrNose has stated he intends to make characters react differently to you holding these. He didn't say what it would be though.
So yeah, he removed the cool "instant-death" script.

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Good to know that everything I try to do to help out this game is basically useless. Imma put my last two videos on not listed, since it’s easy for this pretty much forgotten and unknown game to find new players itself. 👌🏻

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(1 edit)

Okay, sheesh. First of all, that comment is not only not on the front page anymore, and of course also MrDrNose finally did my job for me - yay - but it's also outdated. And do you really think people are going to go through the developer logs and read that after first looking at the game? I mean, it's still a comment, not even at the top of the page. Also, I still think it bears some kind of resemblance to BBIEAL, and I didn't even say it in 35 sentences, unless you count the whole speech.

You also didn't contextualise the paragraph below the first one. It's just generally a thing I do. Suddenly I realise how many recurring uses of language I'm using nowadays lol

Secondly, I still think I exclusively pointed out some things that would be useful and good to know for new players, returning players, or otherwise users playing the game that are quite strange to the current versions. Now I know I have to update my comment, but I think only me, you and ET (you know the kid) ever really saw it after it got there. And I think it's going to stay there now for two very good reasons.

Also thirdly, how would you expect it to find other players by itself? It doesn't get advertised literally anywhere except for Itch and also GameJolt where the latest version was at Christmas Curse and is now obsolete, and a great number of the BBIEAL community already know to some extent what AEWVS is. Yes, perhaps they don't know about

the new trash bins, lockers, desks, graphics, quality settings, dynamic items, secret areas, tarwills, medical things, Marzia, the language level as a whole, Kostyan, even the Puppet, Watcher, Alice, also Erie, who's the most influential character in the game('s community), any of the SCPs, pretty much any of the memes in the game, the red skies, or even something as simple as what happens to the last math notebook

but they do know something about AEWVS already: that the start of the game seems to copy BBIEAL so much that Viktor literally teaches and moves like Baldi but dynamic rather than tile-based and slower, Mr. Cleany-Clean is the only helpful character and that soda and chocolate are useful. Even MrDrNose described his first versions as "garbage". And I'm not sure the game preview's description and image are even enough to convince any returning players at all that AEWVS has changed much, let convince anyone that it's become much more different to BBIEAL than when Markiplier last played it. And who would even imagine actually working on this game like it has been worked on for nearly two years? I think that if we're going to bring this game back to relevance, in spite of the knowledge of the community as it is, we probably WILL have to readvertise it and have some way to let people know that it's all new and different, and that it's starting to be one of it's kind. Now, I know that's not your goal, but really, people have willingly played much more tedious games than this and really, the biggest obstacle here is realising that you're supposed to learn what everything does and form strategies. So it's not even that hard anymore. I mean, come on, the new update really simplifies everything by a lot. Brainiac might even be at regular difficulty at this point. Anyway, getting anyone to play this game will be a lot harder with existing videos of people playing old versions of AEWVS (unless you manually search "AEWVS" on YouTube and fall into the rabbit hole of spoilers, memes and most importantly late versions), as well as most people knowing how much it was just a BBIEAL remake with advanced aspects to it.

Oh and by the way, my strategy was to start at the bottom and get lots of little YouTubers to play the game, especially ones that allow requests. Now I know revisiting this weird fangame sounds tedious, but you'd probably be more willing to do it if it's more popular with people. The game doesn't say it's a remake or a redo though, so nobody will really know until they play the game. And then get stuck for a lack of experimentation.

Look, if you can think of a better idea, go on, let me know.

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‪Please leave a like and share this video with as many people as possible, if you want to support the developer of this game!


Please leave a like and share this video with as many people as possible, if you want to support the developer of AEwVS!


Wait, so we share it with people to support the developer (presumably to get them to know about AEWVS and play it), but there isn't even a lot said about it and people don't know what's up more than last time (Version 0.0.3 is what I'd guess all the popular players got to) before we get to the parts with all the spoilers? I mean it is pretty difficult to explain the game in contrast to it's older versions to newbies without a lot of spoilers but still

Maybe someone should do something about that

also i just realised how much discord trivia we're going to have to add to the wiki now lol

Should I make a video with reasons why people should play AEwVS again? Which would be:

- game isn’t ridiculously hard anymore

- tons of updates

- difficultly levels have been added

- you can make the teachers stop moving while solving the notebooks, which makes the game even easier

- a hint/item/bonus map shop where stuff can be purchased with coins you can collect in-game

- tons of secrets to find

- tons of achievements to get

- lore

- new characters

- 3D sprites

- new upcoming levels

- and eventually a real ending to the game

- plus the developer is working hard on AEwVS and does a better job than a guy who got $64k for the development of his game

This would be a pretty short video. I don’t know if that’s worth it. Actually, it might actually be worth it. I might do that.

I think if mystman12 wasn't doing a 90's horror edutainment parody, the game would probably be a lot higher quality (it's intentionally low). And of course the money''s...yeah. But okay, go do it

Any help? It’s also not written on the wiki., it definitely is.

I think MrDrNose didn't write the words properly when exporting the files. He might have to do that again. And it's the same answer everybody gave you already in case you didn't try it.

Most people say it’s cucumber. I do not see cucumber on the wiki. The sound file is also missing.

Huh? Oh. That's strange.

(1 edit)

I'm looking at the Mr. Mix wiki page and I can see it clearly. It's right below coconut and above guacamole. The sound file is not missing either. I just clicked on it and it works. I don't know if it was just added recently or what?

It was just added recently. It wasn’t there before.

Yeah I just added that. Wonder if there's others that were missed

(1 edit)

Ho ho ho...I managed to fall into the pit of the bathroom, and whoever figures out how I did it gets a prize, but first I want to say something quick about the characters.

So, pretty much all of the characters in AEWVS (besides the direct allies) just harm you in some way and have a strategy for avoiding them. And that's except Mr. Cleany-Clean. Now when the game was in it's early stages and still extracting the basics from Baldi's, you had that, and mystman12 said in contrast that none of the characters should be able to end the game except for Baldi, and a whole 5 of the characters in BBIEAL are actually useful if you use them in the right circumstances as opposed to the measly...(checks wiki) *inhale* one.

That makes Mr. Cleany-Clean a very out-of-place character. He is the one useful character where you can use him to carry you wherever you want - and now that I think about it - you might be able to STEER HIM BY THROWING ITEMS. Never tried that before but it's a revolutionary idea at this point. And I just figured out how to master the GM (though I went to the bathroom and couldn't clean it), so I'm getting around to some good stuff. Anyway, that's that along with all of the characters being disproportionately progressively high-quality. Now, we can't get rid of Cleany at this point because obviously it would make no sense and ruin a lot, but I thought I should point that out in case you want to make another character that pushes people in a direction where smart people can choose if it's the right or wrong one. Three out of five of the ones in BBIEAL push you, though, so yeah.

(EDIT: Turns out that it doesn't actually get you very far if you try to throw an item behind Cleany to make him turn around. But throwing items doesn't count as littering, so that's a handy new exploit anyways!)

And now back to the bathroom!

Whoever figures out how I managed to do it gets a PRIZE!!! This one should be significantly easier than the other contest I did which nobody entered yet, and the prize is the same, so getting it will be much easier

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No, keep trying.

lel u failur xd

Deleted 4 years ago
(14 edits) (+2)

And...why them in particular?

Most of them actually tried and got pretty far compared to the other YouTubers who played it and ditched it at the first 5 notebooks and the first 4 versions. Now I know it kinda sucked at first (though I was hooked on those videos when I was done with the BBIEAL ones and ended up coming here after watching Neurobew who got considerably further), but for some reason they stuck with it.

Smile Wolf is a creepypasta similar to Smile Dog, by the way. I'd like to see if anyone's reported any serious sightings other than Slender Man. (WAIT NEVERMIND IT'S THE USER)

Also I bet literally any other Discord server is like the same. In fact...join another one and I'll see if you make another rant about Discord as a whole. This one is still peaked at a mere 230+ users.

Also, it's really true that AL66(6) made the Discord Server. Here, see, look.

And you should be careful with that statement. I left the server (though I ended up joining it with a guest account on my new computer by accident - why, exactly?) but if you made an account and got on it, you might get COVID-19 too. It doesn't matter really, since even though I'm pretty distant socially, it turns out I'm never so distant physically. Keep slipping past people. And, you know actually the whole thing was my idea and I'm here acting so great even though I'm too insignificant for my own good, the same as everyone else on Earth and in mathematics. You should hate me too.

The question is though, do you hate MrDrNose? Before Discord, there was just Itch. Several things in AEWVS would be very different right now if I didn't do that. Like, Version 0.1.5 might not even exist right now. The game could be just gone.

And if you're going to rant about people, you should do it carefully, so as to not look merely like a troll not to be taken seriously. Especially with all that mocking laughter up there.


You've certainly made a lot of character development compared to last year.

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You know the only thing I did was sit in my house and probably start upholding my belief that people should know what they're doing wrong in any situation. I never liked it when people are misinformed, even if they've been told already and are dumb. I also break things down a lot. Oh and also I realised how cringy some of my posts on this very page are. Just the thing I want to save others from.

Look I haven't changed much. Mostly all I did was alter my possessions and get a year older. Wish I was still a preteen.

(1 edit)

Sigh. That guy is talking about me. Isn't that obvious.

Edit: Sigh at me. I suck at reading, you clearly said it's the user. (Me)

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Hello again, and welcome to another one of those comments where I absolutely just screw around with the game and thrash every bit of living life out of it.

Today, I have descended down into the deep darkness of what Viktor (and possibly Baldi) are hiding - or helpless to - with the help of something MrDrNose probably shouldn't have allowed you to transfer.

But first, here are all the random things I did leading up to that point just to increase the suspense unless you scroll down to the bottom of the post and spoil yourself before going up and reading the rest of it.

And also here's your obligatory spoiler warning. It's the deepest spoilers out there. I mean, literally, I'm finding secrets that are not even compatible with the established lore. But anyway, let's do this!

Now, do you see what I mean?

This is the ALBRT map, which costs only 30 DCoins as opposed to the 950 required to get the Rusty Knife from the STORE. And there'll be a lot more where that came from, hidden in the maps. Just full of artifacts that are even sold for much higher prices.

See, I want to completely block the consequential path of users just wasting away, farming DCoins, in order to exchange them for the school's secrets - to no real profit for the Watcher - from being crossed or allowed an option. I think that the people should just do it honestly. I still think this game (should be that it) is about experimentation and transtemporal relayering in order to completely flesh out the school and everything. I see it that Angell will be the last student to go to the school, as so many before her have crossed, died, created cryptic notes, and slowly advanced further and further to the point of near escape. But, anyway, other than that, I think I might just have to deal with the Watcher's carelessness...

Anyway, I think you should bring this back as well. You should summarise the points in both the description and my notice. (It is, still, outdated, but the important points should still be there.) Subsequent views at the beginning will be optional, of course.


Now, I want to talk about something that makes the locking of doors in Lil Puss absolutely pointless (except for one point, which is a rather big one now that I think about it).

Are you really just going to sit down and leave Untitled8 lying around for pe--HEY

No, Santa, I'm not interested in your darn presents!

people to just go and take the unbreakable coal?

Now, I kid you not, the unbreakable coal is OP. Sure, it may be strong enough to not only take out metal doors, but also completely destroy parts of the wall around it, but you'd expect it to be extremely heavy to have such resilient momentum conservation. If it was light enough for a normal human to throw, it wouldn't just go through the door! It'd bounce off it, like it normally does on the walls! And more inconsistencies ensue.

But while I'm talking about that, that does do something quite special.

Just, what. Now, I did talk about the doorframe holes before, but this is just on another level. It's insanity.

And then there's this.

I think the "crossing the Bunker" achievement is going to end up going the same way as the "death by Priest" achievement. Speaking of which, I've heard that dropping your sanity limit to 0 kills you again, but how the heck do I do that?

Now, you won't believe how many uses the coal has, even though all it does is break down doors, induce glitches and stun two characters. It allows me to do extraordinary things.

Note the lack of the hovering ring of stars adorning Viktor's head. You suck, Mr. Strobovski.

What a breathtaking view...and I think I found out where Laura spawns in Lil Puss.

oh oof lol

Now, this is just messed up, you see? I really don't have much to say...

That's where it is, people. And after gathering the remote, which was in an extensively more obvious location, the console, which was within view of an Antibreather plant that just goes to show how dwindled and dumbed down it's become because of the influence of the Watcher, and the controller, I've come, here. Now I know where Marzia spawns in Lil Puss mode, and you see what I mean about finding secrets that are not even compatible with the established lore.

Hello, Angell, welcome to my floor. Now get out of this game and go and do some studying, which, might I add, you'll inevitably fail to do because of your sheer lack of intellectual gain. I heard Viktor likes cats nowadays. Just kidding - you're going to die.

OK, I really don't like the look of this.


The whole thing is just rather sad.

AEWVS is such a different game to what it was before. Indeed, now the items actually behave, as opposed to just float in the air like they did when Markiplier played the game. I'm not even going to list the sheer amount of things that were added since even Neurobew last played it - and I daresay he failed. I mean, his channel isn't even active anymore even though I KNOW he's still around after responding to one of MrDrNose's recent tweets.

Now there are even more secrets, items, characters and things to mess with than ever before, and yet, the relied hub for the members of it's community - Discord - still has little more than 200 members. Sure, it allows MrDrNose to communicate and share with his community while he still can, but all of the people who once saw it - a fangame that stood out, until it was little more than that, and only so - are gone. They have more trendy and more important games to deal with.

I think MrDrNose sees all this, and has made the decision to...well...stop caring.

Were they really just playing FNAF before BBIEAL came around?

Now, this disc from "friend" used to be in Tar, which was accessed with the Gas Mask. Aaaaaaand now I think I've figured out the etymology of "Tarwill", now that it takes you to the land of the extinct-in-the-wild Tarwill instead. But I want to address the line of secrets for a moment.

Knife > Rust > Belt > Albert > Fork > Bunker > Mask > Chalk > Tarville

Now, pretty much all of the other secrets in the game simply branch off around the game and are all individual. But even though I don't know much about the land of Tarwill (that frustrating piece of paper never did me any good, and it was LITERALLY the other key I had to accessing it - will someone just give me the unscathed code already), it seems like the last secret in the line so far might go the same way as all of the other secrets - ending right there. I don't really know what could come next, except if it would happen to hide another important artifact. You know, it would be pretty fun, actually, if the line of secrets actually branched out and all came back together in the end.

Anyway, I decided to have a look at-


Okay, this doesn't make sense. Look,

Marzia went from the podium after I got all 10 notebooks. So isn't this where she went?

Are you trying to keep it a secret which Marzia is at the real spawn point? Because if so, you're one step ahead of me lol

And now for the shenanigans of the Untitled16.

Yes, even the new patch doesn't stop the Watcher from giving you money to take away it's endless supply of keys. I think it somehow knows that something's wrong, even though it doesn't really act like it. Anyway, because of this, I can go and look at all of the Untitled maps and decide which ones are my favourite! Some of them had me hooked for like an hour at a time because they were such fun to mess with.


Using a BANDAGE will literally save you from dying from necrotic infection, if you were to just stop the bleeding. The game doesn't have a wellbeing bar or anything on it at the moment, so what could be fuller logic at this point?

There are also those capsule shapes with arrows on them. They do this.

Don't do drugs, kids. OK but seriously don't, you don't have a PHD. Unless you're physically in a world as simple as DR MARIO WORLD

If you're going to die with progressive blood loss as a result of your death, bandages will literally save your life completely at every turn. And, you know, I want to talk about that. Even Konstantin XI has a death screen, but it never appears because Kostyan didn't kill you, blood loss did!

Well, yeah right, Viktor, Marzia, Mix, Laura and I didn't kill me, really. Decapitation, digestion, burning, drowning, impalement and blood loss did! You know, actually, the whole thing is tied to damaging or depleting your brain, so pretty much loss of brain function is always the thing that really kills you.

If I die of blood loss or insanity, which are causes of death given by many others, I also want the thing that killed me and made it happen. I think the thing that last stabbed me or made me insane should do it.


Now, I think I may have found the potential final boss of AEWVS...or something? I dunno, but the sound effects were very cinematic. Look at this weird thing.

Now, it throws sharp objects at you, launches things towards it, makes you insane and consumes you like Freek-a-del'ka. (Why did you cook that meatball, by the way? It looked better raw.) It's in Untitled14, and one time, when I was playing it, I got exceptionally savvy and multitasked breathing, walking and putting all of the sharps in the trash bins and consuming all of the food. Nothing happened, though, and I was too lazy to trash the compass, clock, bones and pieces of paper as well.

Okay, so now for a map I found very amusing.

You REALLY do not want to see the name of this item. (The one I'm not holding is fine.) But it's fun.
As you can see, items support a lot of physics now. I'd like to see what'd happen if you tried that with the bobbing floating items!

Threw some flash mines at the bear traps. The plates are inexplicably floating in the air now.

Anyway, back to the Language level again.

Hiding under the table makes you unfindable since the AIs are always at ground level or a bit higher. That being said, this is rather frightening.

Look what it does!
Go on, wind him up, it won't do you any good or more bad than you have now...

Notice that I brought daylight to Language pursuit. The way I did that will be revealed soon, but I will tell you straight away it has something to do with the coal.

Oh god, I just realised I think I might have changed the resolution from 70 to 100 between screenshots. Oh noes.

I find that coal to be a very useful artifact. Great for ruining the game and messing around with it.

Strolley down the halley! And what is this?

Oh. w--

What is this???

Yeah I did drop all my items. You think I'm dumb enough to put spoilers at the top of the page? Well I am dumb enough to succumb to ADHD LOL
But not this...

To be continued

P.S. I just ran out of characters. I'll finish in a reply.

(1 edit) (+1)


So anyway...

A rack room?

OH, so that's how you tell if you're transported to another location! Gotcha. Always one step ahead with this trusty air-polluting rock.

So THIS is what--

Ah yes, I really like the TrrrrrrOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ROOM

Yep. Just a big empty void I wasn't meant to see. Apparently the game can be broken more than the coal. Spawn the needles rather than the Thiccobreathers, unlike them the needles will eventually despawn as long as you don't pick them up.

In case you didn't know, you can put items behind paintings. Apparently there's a dead mouse behind the painting in the corrupt greeting room.LET"SEATIT
Speaking of which, what's in the lockers?


I accidentally ate those chips :(

Nowhere to go but on...

Oh. Freak...

I plan to break every door I pass from now on.

Wait, I haven't been here yet?

Okay, I am being thoroughly bamboozled. A copy of the room I was just in, transported yet again. Hooh, three copies! Now where am I?

Oh, didn't expect to be teleported as soon as I opened the door. Let's explore the Math Level's old Tar!

Oh, that's...quite bemusing.

I'm always a different distance from the entrance, see. I think I'll have to map this.

Whoa, refreshing food AND drink in this corrupt world? Thanks!

Yeah, I don't really like them chaaaaar burns, myself.

Well, this is the end. Ready?

Imagine having Spoxxys there lol

Might have some fun while I'm here...


Hmm, what's this? Interesting...

Well, I'll have to map this later. As for now, I think we ought to stop here. 38 images just for my descent into madness. I might have to stop this.

So, I'll tell you now how I got daylight in Language after dark.

This area is always lit.

Just find a door that leads to nowhere, fall in, and get transported back into the normal world! :D

Well...Bye. Oh, oh, before I go, I want to see what's at the end of the normal hall, to see if anything changed since I last saw it.

The wiki told me Antibreather was at the end of here.

Well it didn't change. Clearly I was lied to


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