I was told to post this by someone in the comments of my "Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski v0.0.8a-a2.2 - Exploring the new update! (#18)" video, it is filled with I believe requests, things to add, and bug fixes.
What I was told to post:
The Game in whole: Add echo to Headteacher's "No entering staff only rooms' dialogue Adjust Headteacher's sprite so she doesn't look like she's floating Death screens to Phonty, Doggo, and Sanity deaths Items not going into your tool belt (This is a major bug for me)
Math level: Fix the items that spawn on the overturned desks beside Smile Wolf's window (I can't pick them up) Fix the camera angle during the 'Boiling in the Cauldron' death
Language level: Difficulties More Lockers Classroom windows Subtitles foe Marzia during the first language notebook Areas accessible only by teleporting doors (Like the area beside the Cafeteria in the Math level) More secret areas Items that cause characters to instantly kill you if seen holding it (Like Albert's body parts, and the artifacts) A character that helps you complete the lessons faster (Like Albert in the Math level)
I finally finished the second half of MIX_UP_GAMERS's language level map for all you grammar rookies out there! It was a real pain in the anus (I don't have one) because of trying to get the rooms and corridors to be as proportionate and accurate as possible without causing any overlappings while at the same time trying to avoid the gay mannequin that's constantly chasing me. Here's a tip for all you language rookies:
Always have the map open on an illustration window like Windows Paint, pause the game after checking all the rooms in each corridor, press the windows button to quickly go to the illustration window with your map, draw different symbols on the rooms you've already checked (one symbol for no notebooks, one symbol for math notebooks, and one symbol for language notebooks) to keep track of the rooms you've already visited, and ALWAYS REMEMBER TO WRITE DOWN OR RECORD YOUR LANGUAGE TABLET ELEVATOR CODES IN ORDER! I do wish MIX would make a bunker map as well so I can find the compass, gas mask, and exit a lot easier.
Good job on completing the map, I just kind of got bored of making it after a certain point and stopped, so I really appreciate it. Sadly, though, I actually had certain rooms color coded to say which rooms contained which kind of notebooks, like the blue were the rooms that could have Math notebooks, the light green could contain Language notebooks, the straight green ALWAYS contained Language Notebooks, and the pink contained both. Instead of coloring which rooms were locked, I would just change the color of the door to represent their properties. The orange rooms in the top half were the rooms used by the head teacher, the dark green was supposed to be a landmark for the outside, and some more things were corresponded with other colors.
Also, the second half of the map is scaled larger in width and height (more on width, though), as the endless hallway goes on for about 2-3 times the size of the second half, the two areas would run into each other if they were that size. The reason I didn't put the full length of the endless hallway is because it would make the image unnecessarily large, then taking up a lot more space on the page than needed.
Those details are more of a nitpick, though, as if you were using he map to get around it wouldn't matter as much. The colors are the main problem with the second half. Good job!
Huh. I thought the orange rooms were basically any of the staff-only rooms. Oh, and I knew that the blue rooms contained math notebooks, but because the notebook type spawns are so random, and the fact that I rarely explore the bottom half of the map, I didn't know which rooms contained which notebook. I want to try being the first to get the language level ending WITHOUT Viktor, because no one has done that yet, and I think there is an achievement for it. I want to be on the leaderboard for that.
Poor mrdrnose, they(not wanting to assume genders) have been working on this game non stop to give us new content and new levels. I think its best that all of us give them at least 2 weeks off so they can catch up with their daily life.
Just by playing his game is already a good amount of support. Dont worry about not being able to donate to him. Just by being a part of this community is doing a lot. I honestly feel bad for Mrdrnose. thats why i was saying we should help him out
Ok. Just donated 54 dollars to this game. I suggest we all try to donate and help Mrdrnose with this game. Even just a dollar helps. Lets all help him make this game that we all know and believe in! I know we can do this guys! And we all believe in you too Mrdrnose, you can do it, you have amazing potential! <3
Mrdrnose might use the russian currency called "rubles" (not racist assumption), I would donate but I don't know how much a ruble is (as in how much the average pay of rubles a job is). 1 US dollar is equal to 66.85 Russian rubles, so if I did 20 US dollars, it would be 1337.07 Russian rubles, but I don't know how much that is "worth" in Russia (above average or below average).
"Utility costs are not expensive in Russia." (not comparing other location) The average monthly utility fee in Russia would "cost around $110 for an 85 m2 apartment and that includes electricity, water, heating, and garbage" and internet would add an extra "as low as $6.50 per month." (https://www.expatica.com/ru/about/cost-of-living-in-russia_1167463.html)
The average monthly pay in Russia is 46.2% of the average weekly pay for men in the US. The average pay of Russia is 10.7% of the monthly pay for men in the US.
I don't know if that helps with setting things into perspective on how much money could be worth in Russia or if I am missing factors (which I most likely am).
Is there any way we could help him. Like donating or something? I want to help this game be a bigger and better thing. I know this game has very much potential. It would be very sad to see it go to waste
We both did it at the same time xD, I solved it when you pointed out the missing letters and posted a comment a 30 seconds later due to double checking.
2 out of 3 of my aewvs videos got monetized by a stupid copyright claimant named
SOLAR Music Rights Management
!!! The stupid faggot says that he's accusing me because the song that plays in the begining of the math level "Overture to the Sun" is copyrighted! Who's the faggot that I have to visit to hold him at gunpoint till he removes the god damn claim? And one of my videos is NOT monetized for that! I think it's time mrdrnose actually creates some original tracks or some original remixes for this kind of dumb shit.
I was thinking about something deep. It alludes to the possibility that Albert is actually the real antagonist (45% sure). It's because the staff are unusually strict. It's probably not really because they really want to kill you in particular. It's because they want to keep their secrets from you (you see how much they panic when they see you with legendary artefacts? WHOOOOOOSH!). If they really wanted to kill you, they probably would have just made it quick and struck at you, but nooooooo, they're giving you a small chance to pass. For a place with people trying to kill you, it's unusually elaborate, so they probably don't really care if you live or die. When you show them what you know, they just do as if they really wanted to kill you to start with. There's also too much unnatural stuff at the school. So, I've decided it's possible Albert put the school under a curse, and they're killing you to protect their secrets and something else — I forgot what I was going to say (dang). But also I want to know something. I know the theme that plays in the greeting room (Overture To The Sun) but Siri and the thing that runs Shazam couldn't tell me the one that plays during the final chase. i hope someone does. (nevamind see the reply I said)
Oh my, this post looks quite BAAAAD (oh wait, the comments section is flooded with MEMES. 🕶
I agree with you when you said that the characters don‘t really want to kill you, but if they see you with artifacts or Albert‘s parts they want to kill you, because those things have something to do with the secrets they want to keep. But I don‘t think Albert is going to be the true main antagonist, because it more seems like Albert wants you to find out the secrets on your own. Maybe Albert couldn’t really explain everything to you, because he just had a short amount of time to speak to you. I think Albert is the strongest human soul, reborn as a ghost-bear-hybrid thing and he wants you to help the other children’s souls, which would explain why Albert calls you „the last hope“.
The game was something, more fear inducing than Baldi, tho grandma scared me the most next to the slightly dark corridors, it was great, and will play again.
You could have sin ( pi ) = 0, cos ( pi ) = -1, sin (pi / 2) = 1, etc, asking basic questions about trig operations and identities and stuff.
But maybe if we had a geometry level, it could be done differently. Maybe the Geometry level is composed of different kinds of shapes - where you have an octagon room, a rectangle room, a triangle room, etc... And when you solve the notebooks, you have to answer "what is this shape?" Then it places the shape on a map of the Geometry level to help you navigate. The more notebooks you solve, the more of a complete map will appear in each notebook. If this makes the game too easy, maybe the Geometry level can be randomly generated each time and the map-building process is there to encourage you to find notebooks as quickly as possible.
But this whole idea of a Geometry level seems kind of redundant. We already have a Math level and Geometry is just a subset of Math. Why not explore the other subjects? Art, P.E., Music, Science. My opinion is that the 4th floor should be a Computer class. The teacher on this floor could be virtual and only appear on a screen, but will be able to influence the game in weird ways, such as flickering the lights and locking doors randomly.
Geometry Teacher: Francis Wrinklebert (somewhat random name).
Threat level ranges from low to very high.
Normal appearance. Looks like he was on vacation: Hawaiian shirt, light-brown shorts, sandals. Features that change later: Blacked-out sunglasses, light skin, grinning smile, and his heavily bandaged left arm. Very chill personality. Subtitles would be green.
Evil appearance. Blacked-out glasses disappear, heavy veins under eyes. Light skin turns pale, can notice chipped skin. Exaggerated smile, malicious grin. Bandages gone, majority of arm is a bladed weapon, missing an arm basically.
Main Mechanics: Once triggered. Francis walks towards the player. Can gain or lose strength, spawns items and/or notebooks look-alikes throughout the map.
Gives himself away by tapping the ground with bladed weapon, metal clash. Very loud, not frequent. Lowest speed is slightly greater than players exhaust-walk (speed after player runs a bunch).
Evil Levels: Assume the teacher has a bar that maxes at 200 Evil points. He has 4 levels of Evil, starting on Evil 1 after getting triggered. He slowly gains Evil points when looking directly at the player from any distance or a bunch when player touches a look-alike. Evil points deplete very slowly when not gaining. Evil levels switch sprite accordingly.
(lowest, least gruesome) Evil 1 <-> Evil 2 <-> Evil 3 <-> Evil 4 (highest, most gruesome)
Stalking: Here are all 4 levels.
Can kill player in any of these when making contact.
Evil 1: (0-50 points)
No speed bonus.
Bladed weapon touches ground every 7 seconds.
Evil 2: (51-100 points)
10% speed bonus.
Player viewing distance cut by 25% when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
Bladed weapon touches ground every 4 seconds.
Evil 3: (101-150 points)
25% speed bonus.
Player viewing distance cut by 50% when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
Bladed weapon touches ground every 2 seconds.
Players vital recovery rate is 80% slower when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
Evil 4: (151-200 points)
50% speed bonus.
Player viewing distance cut by 75% when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
Bladed weapon touches ground every 0.5 seconds.
Players vital recovery rate is 80% slower when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
Will break doors when passing through, even if magnetized.
Look-alikes: They look like your normal items or objectives, but have differences with color, texture, shape, detail, size, etc… Interacting gives the teacher 30 Evil points instantly while leaving behind a negative effect. They spawn and de-spawn after 2 minutes or so.
Cursed Items: Can take the form of non-secretive items. Appears on random desk spawns, not in trashcans/lockers or fixed locations. Interacting causes it to lock an inventory slot for a duration. Can’t be removed in anyway, must wait for it to disappear.
Cursed Notebooks: Can take the form of past and current teacher notebooks. Appears on empty notebook spawns. Interacting causes it to play a minigame. Submit the correct sequence of shapes and you’ll go free, no penalties for wrong answers, just wastes time.
Anger Affects: Continuing to get wrong answers causes worse things.
Evil gain rate from stalking increases. Evil depletion rate decreases.
Player viewing distance and vital recovery rate penalty duration increases.
Look-alikes become harder to detect, impossible if you made too many mistakes.
Item slot lock duration increases.
Minigame from notebook curse becomes harder.
Weakness: Hitting the teacher with…lemon berry, flash bang, flash-mine, or bird poop stuns him. He will also lose Evil points and negative affects begin to ware off as if not in chase. Some items need you to aim for the eyes, some don’t. Blinding Francis is the weakness itself.
Geometry Notebook: There are 10 as usual, each notebook has a series of shapes that have missing labels to edit. Shapes appear on the big screen, below are all possible pages for this notebook. Buttons include editing tools, page navigation, and a submit page button.
Buttons: Tools can only be used on yellow areas, what’s in yellow is what you click or have clicked.
Single, Double, and Triple Marks – Left column, first three buttons down in order. Can edit sides of shapes with the corresponding mark selected.
Number Insert – Left column, fourth button down. Can edit angle and side length values.
Single, and Double Angle Marks – Right column, first two buttons down in order. Can edit angle arcs within shapes with the corresponding mark selected.
Right Angle Mark – Right column, third button down. Can edit angle marks with a right angle.
Letter Insert – Right column, fourth button down. Can edit unit labels and shape info.
Forward, and Back Page – Contains arrows symbols. Can move forward increasing page number or backward decreasing page number, one page at a time.
Submit Page – Says “SUBMIT PAGE” in black. Can submit the current page you’re on.
Notebook Completion: Must submit all pages provided in Geometry notebook, whether right or wrong. Doesn’t matter what over they are submitted, you can work on any page in any order.
Notebook Difficulty Progression: As more Geometry notebooks are collected. Edits needed per page and pages per notebook increase by an amount. Examples below:
(1/10) – 1 edit per page, 4 pages total.
(2/10) – 2 edits per page, 4 pages total.
(3/10) – 2 edits per page, 5 pages total.
Other Difficulties: Variation of possible edits increase. First Geometry notebook requires only number and letter editing while late ones require more editing tools. Also, shape size and complexity increase as well as the Geometry teacher getting angrier. For glitchy question reasons.
The teacher mechanic was mainly inspired from a DbD killer. Hope mrdrnose is feeling alright.
Brings back memories of 9th grade. I hope mrdrnose sees this. It would give him a better idea of what his image of the geometry level would look like, if he decides to keep the geometry subject in the game. The game should have like 7-8 classes total, 'cuz that's the minimum number of class periods that most schools have. Do they have 7-8 periods in Russian schools, just wondering? BTW, I'm actually an 11th grader and my current math class is "statistics and business decision making."
Damn, i can tell you put alot of time and effort into this. Btw like the old intro reference at the end. Oh and it isnt impossible without a calculator at least on boi, idk about default or brainiac.
Actually, I think there will never be something like a walkthrough for this game. My strategy looks a lot different. I think every player has to find their own strategy for this game, be it in math level or in the other levels.
Great tips. This is more of an opinion, lemon berry soda isn't that useless. I right-click and step backwards before Viktor gets catches me, it usually ruins his jacket.
Normally I don't like getting help, but seeing as I am in unfamiliar territory I am very grateful for the time you put in to this to assist me. I have read and re-read your advice and I have watched your video. I will be crediting your channel in the description and well as the map I will use. I am thankful for your efforts in helping me power through this, keep an eye out for the next video. I may have to break my schedule and upload it on a weekend but my work life is changing and I need to adapt. Best wishes mates and let's play some video games!
Hi Everyone, I've been playing for a few weeks now. I have been lurking on the wiki, this page, and youtube to help me get through the Math level, which I finally did last weekend! I just wanted to let you all know that the Viktor Strobovski community is larger than you might think. I'm sure there are a lot of us just observing and reading...
It seems like the graphics, dialogue, themes, music, and characters come together in a perfect storm of spookiness. The whole game is an immersion in the uncanny valley. The only thing missing is a little guidance. It's very hard to understand what's going on without scrolling through a bunch of message boards and obscure Wiki pages - although it's still a fun journey to do that too.
I'd like to help by contributing to this page and to the Wiki. There seem to be 2 Wikis, so which one do we use? I assume it's the one with more activity on it.
So I went ahead and played again for today's video, I got 5 notebooks in before chef found me, I kept getting lost in the school house. does it change or is it static every time I play? I wanna draw out a map cause it was a suggested tip.
Its the same layout everytime but notebooks spawns are ranomized. A few tips for you aswell, the soda and muffin help alot with Viktor getting close to you, also the magnet is a huge help when completing the last notebook! Good luck and have fun man!
Well, I was thinking... What if Viktor, Headteacher, Marzia, etc. actually like Alice, but they don‘t show it to her, because Alice kills the ones she cares about, since she‘s afraid to lose them, so she can be with them forever. So the other characters just protect theirselfs by rejecting Alice. It‘s probably hurting them, too to see Alice so heartbroken like that...
How about a teacher you have to constantly look at, except when you're solving a notebook? I imagine there to be an open map, like you can explore the whole thing before you even collect the first notebook, and once this teacher is after you, you have to walk the whole thing backwards. Also, it would be cool if after you solved a notebook, the teacher is very close to you, staring at you, but he/she is giving you some time to escape and if you stand there for too long, it's game over.
That kind of concept would be cool, but it is the opposite of Marzia and would just be a pain to have right there the whole time. Especially while going through doors. It would run thin quickly and just be annoying, not scary at all (how would the final chase work? xD).
Maybe in final chase teacher doesn‘t give a damn f*** anymore, if you look at him or not and we come back to the good old running away as fast as you possibly can part. As for the doors, maybe later it‘s possible to open them, even if you‘re not directly looking at them. Or maybe on a map with a teacher like that, there will be no doors at all.
Edit: And when you solved a notebook, you have about 5 to 10 seconds time, before teacher attacks you. For that time, he/she could be disabled, so he/she doesn’t attack you even if you‘re not looking at them.
I think one of the next teachers, 4th or 5th, should have a stealth-hiding component, like the Granny mobile game, where unlike Viktor who knows where you are at all times regardless of stealth, this new teacher would aimlessly search the floor seeking your location, and you cannot juke or outrun this teacher if they see you, like Marzia and Doggos. The teacher will rely on sound to find you, and dropping items, notebook beeps, and any other suspicious sounds can alert the teacher where you are. Oh, and unlike the other teachers, this one can turn their bodies at different angles like Freek-a-del'ka, Doggos, and the librarian, so if you see the teacher's backside, quietly back the f#ck away. I don't think door-opening will count as an alarming sound, because other characters can open doors too. There will be a few hiding spots around the classrooms and corridors, only a few, because a lot of them would be too easy. There will also be a lot of traps, like bear traps and tripwires linked to bells, probably like the war siren that some of us have heard, or the normal school bell, that other enemies in the game are smart enough to avoid, while the player is prone to making noise with said traps. The h-teacher's punishment will probably be a guillotine, like the one in the Granny game.
One more thing, I bet Baldi will be the geometry teacher after being promoted from being a simple math teacher, if mrdrnose doesn't get a copyright strike, that is. He looks like a geometry teacher alright.
I'm just waiting for the next update before I stream it again, as I have found practically everything in the game. Also, thank you for changing that image, as youtube doesn't find humor in those kind of pictures.
Heyo, I just played Advanced Basics with Viktor for the first time a couple hours ago and I have to say it was amazing. I loved the feeling of terror ever present after failing the first notebook. I didn't get very far after that and the jump scare caught me off guard. I planed on playing this for a YouTube series and now I am dead set on picking through and finding the story here if there is one. You have made an amazing game mrdrnose and I cant wait to play more.
*Don't know if this will help now and then, long comment.
Listing teachers Strengths (+) and Weaknesses (-) from Alpha 0.0.8a2.2, based off their origin level.
Viktor (math): Once triggered. Follows player by lunging a distance then resting repeatedly, anger increases per wrong number, more anger decreases resting period.
(+) Covers a fair amount of ground at a rapid pace.
(+) Becomes silent after X notebooks collected.
(+) Notebooks use general concept and his final exam has double-digit equations that need a correct answers.
(-) Rushing late-game notebooks before the exam has little consequence.
(-) You can hear him a mile away before silent mode, unless on brainiac.
(-) Notebooks don’t require that much time to complete.
(-) Hitting him with a lemonberry soda, a chocolate muffin, or a duct-tape ball can send him to the bathroom for some time.
Marzia (language): Once triggered. Follows player by walking and will sprint when looked at by player, anger increases per wrong character, more anger increases walk and sprint speed.
(+) Her sprint becomes deadly during late-game before final chase.
(+) Very stealthy and camp doors, you can hear faint footsteps and a heartbeat.
(+) Rushing results in swift consequences, makes final chase literally impossible, notebooks require more time and elevator numbers need recorded.
(-) Very slow walking speed if wrong answers are kept minimum.
(-) Can’t (currently) open doors at all, needs assistance.
(-) If a flash bang lands near Marzia, she'll go to the janitors closet. Dropping melon slices nearby distracts her, player can pass by without dying if properly used.
Alice (history): Once triggered. Follows by racewalking and spawning close by, places beartraps, anger increases per wrong choice, more anger decreases Alice respawn time, increases beartrap spawn rate and beartrap transparency.
(+) Moves rather quick when chasing the player.
(+) Becomes silent after X wrong choices, no voice or subtitles.
(+) Notebooks, at first, require extreme knowledge to avoid wrong answers.
(+) Alice will spawn near the player at 12 o’ clock, always.
(-) Can hear her voice or see subtitles when she spawns in before silent mode.
(-) Notebooks, later, become a memory game and end up being easy.
(-) Switching floors with the elevator, hitting her with a flash bang or a flash mine, can buy some time until Alice respawns.
I think Phonty is cool, too. But I also hate him, because he’s always the one that kills me in language level. And if Phonty doesn‘t kill me, it’s Cleany who shoves me right into Marzia‘s stomach mouth.
also i was trying to get a picture of this for a friend, was waiting for it to happen before i got a notebook, remember that theres now a weird rat wall blocking the door. so i get a notebook. turn around GET SCARED HALF TO DEATH BY PHONTY LIKE 2 INCHES IN FRONT OF MY FACE and then hastily take a screenshot of it
I think the one that‘s called „Hunting Beast“ suits her best in the final chase. The music from Specimen 5 from Spooky‘s Jumpscare Mansion would be good for the regular chase.
The one titled "escaping" for her normal chase, it's not too intense or loud. I agree with the "hunting beast" one for the final chase. Fits really well.
I think Hunting Beast fits Alice's final chase more than Marzia's, as it kind of suits the history level more than language level. Marzia's theme would probably sound more alien-like or SCP-ish because she looks like one, and Hunting beast sounding more like a demon forest like the one found in the history level.
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Is it just me or does Mrdrnose not really talk or interact with us as much as he used to. I wonder why he doesn't. Am I the only one wondering that?
Maybe he just needs a break from all this.
I was also wondering that. The only time he interacts/reads our comments is right before he posts an update.
He used to be alot more active and read and respond to us a pretty decent ammount. I wish he did interact with us a little more.
Same here, hope he talks to us soon.
I was told to post this by someone in the comments of my "Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski v0.0.8a-a2.2 - Exploring the new update! (#18)" video, it is filled with I believe requests, things to add, and bug fixes.
What I was told to post:
The Game in whole:
Add echo to Headteacher's "No entering staff only rooms' dialogue
Adjust Headteacher's sprite so she doesn't look like she's floating
Death screens to Phonty, Doggo, and Sanity deaths
Items not going into your tool belt (This is a major bug for me)
Math level:
Fix the items that spawn on the overturned desks beside Smile Wolf's window (I can't pick them up)
Fix the camera angle during the 'Boiling in the Cauldron' death
Language level:
More Lockers
Classroom windows
Subtitles foe Marzia during the first language notebook
Areas accessible only by teleporting doors (Like the area beside the Cafeteria in the Math level)
More secret areas
Items that cause characters to instantly kill you if seen holding it (Like Albert's body parts, and the artifacts)
A character that helps you complete the lessons faster (Like Albert in the Math level)
This is a very good list, i agree with alot of the things on this list.
I'm glad you agree to my ideas. (Yes, I'm the one who asked MIX to post my list here. I've finally decided to create my own account here.)
I finally finished the second half of MIX_UP_GAMERS's language level map for all you grammar rookies out there! It was a real pain in the anus (I don't have one) because of trying to get the rooms and corridors to be as proportionate and accurate as possible without causing any overlappings while at the same time trying to avoid the gay mannequin that's constantly chasing me. Here's a tip for all you language rookies:
Always have the map open on an illustration window like Windows Paint, pause the game after checking all the rooms in each corridor, press the windows button to quickly go to the illustration window with your map, draw different symbols on the rooms you've already checked (one symbol for no notebooks, one symbol for math notebooks, and one symbol for language notebooks) to keep track of the rooms you've already visited, and ALWAYS REMEMBER TO WRITE DOWN OR RECORD YOUR LANGUAGE TABLET ELEVATOR CODES IN ORDER! I do wish MIX would make a bunker map as well so I can find the compass, gas mask, and exit a lot easier.
Nice work pluto, the map is very well done!
Good job on completing the map, I just kind of got bored of making it after a certain point and stopped, so I really appreciate it. Sadly, though, I actually had certain rooms color coded to say which rooms contained which kind of notebooks, like the blue were the rooms that could have Math notebooks, the light green could contain Language notebooks, the straight green ALWAYS contained Language Notebooks, and the pink contained both. Instead of coloring which rooms were locked, I would just change the color of the door to represent their properties. The orange rooms in the top half were the rooms used by the head teacher, the dark green was supposed to be a landmark for the outside, and some more things were corresponded with other colors.
Also, the second half of the map is scaled larger in width and height (more on width, though), as the endless hallway goes on for about 2-3 times the size of the second half, the two areas would run into each other if they were that size. The reason I didn't put the full length of the endless hallway is because it would make the image unnecessarily large, then taking up a lot more space on the page than needed.
Those details are more of a nitpick, though, as if you were using he map to get around it wouldn't matter as much. The colors are the main problem with the second half. Good job!
Huh. I thought the orange rooms were basically any of the staff-only rooms. Oh, and I knew that the blue rooms contained math notebooks, but because the notebook type spawns are so random, and the fact that I rarely explore the bottom half of the map, I didn't know which rooms contained which notebook. I want to try being the first to get the language level ending WITHOUT Viktor, because no one has done that yet, and I think there is an achievement for it. I want to be on the leaderboard for that.
I want to try beating language without Viktor, too. Let‘s see who‘s faster.
Nice job, man! I always got lost in the part of the level that wasn’t on the map before. Thank you very much for finally completing it!
Poor mrdrnose, they(not wanting to assume genders) have been working on this game non stop to give us new content and new levels. I think its best that all of us give them at least 2 weeks off so they can catch up with their daily life.
That’s a good idea.
Just by playing his game is already a good amount of support. Dont worry about not being able to donate to him. Just by being a part of this community is doing a lot. I honestly feel bad for Mrdrnose. thats why i was saying we should help him out
Ok. Just donated 54 dollars to this game. I suggest we all try to donate and help Mrdrnose with this game. Even just a dollar helps. Lets all help him make this game that we all know and believe in! I know we can do this guys! And we all believe in you too Mrdrnose, you can do it, you have amazing potential! <3
Sorry if this was cheesy sounding. Lol.
Good to hear that you managed to donate.
will this run on windows xp i wanna try it xD
You are the first person to ask, you will have to try it out yourself! I hope it works if you do.
it actually works.
Mrdrnose please consider making a kick starter for this game or something. The game needs and deserves it.
oh. it just says hes tired. give him a few weeks and maybe he will work on it again
I hope so. This game is just too great to give up it's development.
100% agreed absol. I would be willing to pay alot of money to see this game keep going forward and succeed.
Mrdrnose might use the russian currency called "rubles" (not racist assumption), I would donate but I don't know how much a ruble is (as in how much the average pay of rubles a job is). 1 US dollar is equal to 66.85 Russian rubles, so if I did 20 US dollars, it would be 1337.07 Russian rubles, but I don't know how much that is "worth" in Russia (above average or below average).
"Utility costs are not expensive in Russia." (not comparing other location) The average monthly utility fee in Russia would "cost around $110 for an 85 m2 apartment and that includes electricity, water, heating, and garbage" and internet would add an extra "as low as $6.50 per month." (https://www.expatica.com/ru/about/cost-of-living-in-russia_1167463.html)
Over the course of 2015 the average nominal monthly wage in Russia "increased by 3.1% to the level of 32122 rubles ($437)." (https://blogs.elenasmodels.com/en/average-monthly-income-russia-wages-rosstat/)
In the US, the average monthly pay for men is "$4,099" and the average weekly pay is "$946". (https://work.chron.com/average-american-monthly-salary-8614.htm)
The average monthly pay in Russia is 46.2% of the average weekly pay for men in the US. The average pay of Russia is 10.7% of the monthly pay for men in the US.
I don't know if that helps with setting things into perspective on how much money could be worth in Russia or if I am missing factors (which I most likely am).
Wow you did a good amount of research. I would really like to donate but i still dont know how to on itch
It automatically offers to give him money when you press download.
So do I have to uninstall and reinstall?
Just click on Download Now and it should tell you that you can also donate some money.
download now isn't on my screen. Just launch and options. I checked options but nothing about donating is in there
Anyone else notice that so many of the words in the description are missing letters. Is this intentual? Could it mean something?
Holy shit, its spells im tired
I found the secret msg in the description
At least he didn't quit all together.
Yeah hopefully. I hope he doing ok
Me too, it would suck if he doesn't get some kind of help on the game.
Is there any way we could help him. Like donating or something? I want to help this game be a bigger and better thing. I know this game has very much potential. It would be very sad to see it go to waste
Oh, itchio didn't show that comment stating you figured it out.
Did you already see this or was i first to figure it out?
We both did it at the same time xD, I solved it when you pointed out the missing letters and posted a comment a 30 seconds later due to double checking.
NOO!!!!!! The game is on hold again! Also, the description of the game has been changed to a really odd one.
Yeah, the first description was better...
Yeah, this is very odd. First description was better. Hope Mrdrnose is doing ok.
2 out of 3 of my aewvs videos got monetized by a stupid copyright claimant named
!!! The stupid faggot says that he's accusing me because the song that plays in the begining of the math level "Overture to the Sun" is copyrighted! Who's the faggot that I have to visit to hold him at gunpoint till he removes the god damn claim? And one of my videos is NOT monetized for that! I think it's time mrdrnose actually creates some original tracks or some original remixes for this kind of dumb shit.
I was bored, so I made these.
Lol xD
I was thinking about something deep. It alludes to the possibility that Albert is actually the real antagonist (45% sure). It's because the staff are unusually strict. It's probably not really because they really want to kill you in particular. It's because they want to keep their secrets from you (you see how much they panic when they see you with legendary artefacts? WHOOOOOOSH!). If they really wanted to kill you, they probably would have just made it quick and struck at you, but nooooooo, they're giving you a small chance to pass. For a place with people trying to kill you, it's unusually elaborate, so they probably don't really care if you live or die. When you show them what you know, they just do as if they really wanted to kill you to start with. There's also too much unnatural stuff at the school. So, I've decided it's possible Albert put the school under a curse, and they're killing you to protect their secrets and something else — I forgot what I was going to say (dang). But also I want to know something. I know the theme that plays in the greeting room (Overture To The Sun) but Siri and the thing that runs Shazam couldn't tell me the one that plays during the final chase. i hope someone does. (nevamind see the reply I said)
Oh my, this post looks quite BAAAAD (oh wait, the comments section is flooded with MEMES. 🕶
Oh well.)
I agree with you when you said that the characters don‘t really want to kill you, but if they see you with artifacts or Albert‘s parts they want to kill you, because those things have something to do with the secrets they want to keep. But I don‘t think Albert is going to be the true main antagonist, because it more seems like Albert wants you to find out the secrets on your own. Maybe Albert couldn’t really explain everything to you, because he just had a short amount of time to speak to you. I think Albert is the strongest human soul, reborn as a ghost-bear-hybrid thing and he wants you to help the other children’s souls, which would explain why Albert calls you „the last hope“.
I also would like to know what Viktor‘s final chase music is, because it‘s f****** epic! 💪🏻
Nevermind, I used UModel to extract the music.
The game was something, more fear inducing than Baldi, tho grandma scared me the most next to the slightly dark corridors, it was great, and will play again.
Yeah, Granny is getting me all the time, too. xD Except I see her before.
When you on a notebook with some pretty hard questions in them and you hear viktor open the door behind you and you just get everything wrong
True XD
Love this, so true xD
Just out of curiosity, are most of us teenagers with a few young adults or adults on this chat, considering that most of us are currently in school?
Im 18 i graduated school last year.
I‘m 17.
I'm 16, turning 17 by the end of November.
19 here lol
Tbh, I wouldn't mind sin & cos to be in the geometry level. Though I don't know how it would be implemented.
You could have sin ( pi ) = 0, cos ( pi ) = -1, sin (pi / 2) = 1, etc, asking basic questions about trig operations and identities and stuff.
But maybe if we had a geometry level, it could be done differently. Maybe the Geometry level is composed of different kinds of shapes - where you have an octagon room, a rectangle room, a triangle room, etc... And when you solve the notebooks, you have to answer "what is this shape?" Then it places the shape on a map of the Geometry level to help you navigate. The more notebooks you solve, the more of a complete map will appear in each notebook. If this makes the game too easy, maybe the Geometry level can be randomly generated each time and the map-building process is there to encourage you to find notebooks as quickly as possible.
But this whole idea of a Geometry level seems kind of redundant. We already have a Math level and Geometry is just a subset of Math. Why not explore the other subjects? Art, P.E., Music, Science. My opinion is that the 4th floor should be a Computer class. The teacher on this floor could be virtual and only appear on a screen, but will be able to influence the game in weird ways, such as flickering the lights and locking doors randomly.
***Made for fun. Really long read***
Geometry Teacher: Francis Wrinklebert (somewhat random name).
Threat level ranges from low to very high.
Normal appearance. Looks like he was on vacation: Hawaiian shirt, light-brown shorts, sandals. Features that change later: Blacked-out sunglasses, light skin, grinning smile, and his heavily bandaged left arm. Very chill personality. Subtitles would be green.
Evil appearance. Blacked-out glasses disappear, heavy veins under eyes. Light skin turns pale, can notice chipped skin. Exaggerated smile, malicious grin. Bandages gone, majority of arm is a bladed weapon, missing an arm basically.
Main Mechanics: Once triggered. Francis walks towards the player. Can gain or lose strength, spawns items and/or notebooks look-alikes throughout the map.
Gives himself away by tapping the ground with bladed weapon, metal clash. Very loud, not frequent. Lowest speed is slightly greater than players exhaust-walk (speed after player runs a bunch).
Evil Levels: Assume the teacher has a bar that maxes at 200 Evil points. He has 4 levels of Evil, starting on Evil 1 after getting triggered. He slowly gains Evil points when looking directly at the player from any distance or a bunch when player touches a look-alike. Evil points deplete very slowly when not gaining. Evil levels switch sprite accordingly.
(lowest, least gruesome) Evil 1 <-> Evil 2 <-> Evil 3 <-> Evil 4 (highest, most gruesome)
Stalking: Here are all 4 levels.
Can kill player in any of these when making contact.
Evil 1: (0-50 points)
Evil 2: (51-100 points)
Evil 3: (101-150 points)
Evil 4: (151-200 points)
Look-alikes: They look like your normal items or objectives, but have differences with color, texture, shape, detail, size, etc… Interacting gives the teacher 30 Evil points instantly while leaving behind a negative effect. They spawn and de-spawn after 2 minutes or so.
Cursed Items: Can take the form of non-secretive items. Appears on random desk spawns, not in trashcans/lockers or fixed locations. Interacting causes it to lock an inventory slot for a duration. Can’t be removed in anyway, must wait for it to disappear.
Cursed Notebooks: Can take the form of past and current teacher notebooks. Appears on empty notebook spawns. Interacting causes it to play a minigame. Submit the correct sequence of shapes and you’ll go free, no penalties for wrong answers, just wastes time.
Anger Affects: Continuing to get wrong answers causes worse things.
Weakness: Hitting the teacher with…lemon berry, flash bang, flash-mine, or bird poop stuns him. He will also lose Evil points and negative affects begin to ware off as if not in chase. Some items need you to aim for the eyes, some don’t. Blinding Francis is the weakness itself.
Geometry Notebook: There are 10 as usual, each notebook has a series of shapes that have missing labels to edit. Shapes appear on the big screen, below are all possible pages for this notebook. Buttons include editing tools, page navigation, and a submit page button.
Buttons: Tools can only be used on yellow areas, what’s in yellow is what you click or have clicked.
Notebook Completion: Must submit all pages provided in Geometry notebook, whether right or wrong. Doesn’t matter what over they are submitted, you can work on any page in any order.
Notebook Difficulty Progression: As more Geometry notebooks are collected. Edits needed per page and pages per notebook increase by an amount. Examples below:
Other Difficulties: Variation of possible edits increase. First Geometry notebook requires only number and letter editing while late ones require more editing tools. Also, shape size and complexity increase as well as the Geometry teacher getting angrier. For glitchy question reasons.
The teacher mechanic was mainly inspired from a DbD killer. Hope mrdrnose is feeling alright.
Really cool. Nice idea man!
Yeah, cool idea!
Edited comment above.
Brings back memories of 9th grade. I hope mrdrnose sees this. It would give him a better idea of what his image of the geometry level would look like, if he decides to keep the geometry subject in the game. The game should have like 7-8 classes total, 'cuz that's the minimum number of class periods that most schools have. Do they have 7-8 periods in Russian schools, just wondering? BTW, I'm actually an 11th grader and my current math class is "statistics and business decision making."
What is the trainer mode even for? Isnt that what lil puss is? Idk why he hasnt removed Trainer from the menu screen.
Maybe he just forgot.
Yeah thats what im assuming
Damn, i can tell you put alot of time and effort into this. Btw like the old intro reference at the end. Oh and it isnt impossible without a calculator at least on boi, idk about default or brainiac.
You wrote „Will is power“. In the old intro scene of AEWVS Viktor said „Knowledge is power“. That‘s what zombieskull13 meant.
Thanks for the clarification Absol. Yeah thats what i meant.
Ayy, my man. Another Phonty lover. Phonty best character!!
Isn't that kind of a spoiler for those who don't want a walkthrough?
Actually, I think there will never be something like a walkthrough for this game. My strategy looks a lot different. I think every player has to find their own strategy for this game, be it in math level or in the other levels.
Great tips. This is more of an opinion, lemon berry soda isn't that useless. I right-click and step backwards before Viktor gets catches me, it usually ruins his jacket.
Yes, I don’t use sodas in the end game, too. But they are not useless. You just have to know when to use them.
Opinion is opinion. Some can hit it every time, some can't (I still take a chocolate muffin over soda if possible).
I've typed longer walls of text about philosophy. And that was said in just 49 characters.
Normally I don't like getting help, but seeing as I am in unfamiliar territory I am very grateful for the time you put in to this to assist me. I have read and re-read your advice and I have watched your video. I will be crediting your channel in the description and well as the map I will use. I am thankful for your efforts in helping me power through this, keep an eye out for the next video. I may have to break my schedule and upload it on a weekend but my work life is changing and I need to adapt. Best wishes mates and let's play some video games!
he wants to get you on his level
Hi Everyone, I've been playing for a few weeks now. I have been lurking on the wiki, this page, and youtube to help me get through the Math level, which I finally did last weekend! I just wanted to let you all know that the Viktor Strobovski community is larger than you might think. I'm sure there are a lot of us just observing and reading...
It seems like the graphics, dialogue, themes, music, and characters come together in a perfect storm of spookiness. The whole game is an immersion in the uncanny valley. The only thing missing is a little guidance. It's very hard to understand what's going on without scrolling through a bunch of message boards and obscure Wiki pages - although it's still a fun journey to do that too.
I'd like to help by contributing to this page and to the Wiki. There seem to be 2 Wikis, so which one do we use? I assume it's the one with more activity on it.
Hey man! Congrats on beating the math level! And welcome to the comments section of AEWVS!
So I went ahead and played again for today's video, I got 5 notebooks in before chef found me, I kept getting lost in the school house. does it change or is it static every time I play? I wanna draw out a map cause it was a suggested tip.
Its the same layout everytime but notebooks spawns are ranomized. A few tips for you aswell, the soda and muffin help alot with Viktor getting close to you, also the magnet is a huge help when completing the last notebook! Good luck and have fun man!
Like I said, if you have trouble memorizing the map, take a look at Little Puss Mode. It‘s kinda like a practice mode.
Btw, chef is called Mr. Mix.
I hope this picture helps you memorize the map of the math level.
ok heres the photo WAHOOOO
what ill stop
Very nice picture. Phonty best character!
Every year on New Year's Eve:
Well, I was thinking... What if Viktor, Headteacher, Marzia, etc. actually like Alice, but they don‘t show it to her, because Alice kills the ones she cares about, since she‘s afraid to lose them, so she can be with them forever. So the other characters just protect theirselfs by rejecting Alice. It‘s probably hurting them, too to see Alice so heartbroken like that...
I like this theory.
How about a teacher you have to constantly look at, except when you're solving a notebook? I imagine there to be an open map, like you can explore the whole thing before you even collect the first notebook, and once this teacher is after you, you have to walk the whole thing backwards. Also, it would be cool if after you solved a notebook, the teacher is very close to you, staring at you, but he/she is giving you some time to escape and if you stand there for too long, it's game over.
Like Specimen 6, Monster 4 and Unknown Specimen 5?
Yes. Specimen 6 from Spooky's is f****** creepy. I would like to have a teacher like that.
Which one is Specimen 6 again?
The creepy puppet guy that stabs you in the eyes with needles.
Oh yeah, the guy based off of the happy mask salesman in majora's mask
That kind of concept would be cool, but it is the opposite of Marzia and would just be a pain to have right there the whole time. Especially while going through doors. It would run thin quickly and just be annoying, not scary at all (how would the final chase work? xD).
Maybe in final chase teacher doesn‘t give a damn f*** anymore, if you look at him or not and we come back to the good old running away as fast as you possibly can part. As for the doors, maybe later it‘s possible to open them, even if you‘re not directly looking at them. Or maybe on a map with a teacher like that, there will be no doors at all.
Edit: And when you solved a notebook, you have about 5 to 10 seconds time, before teacher attacks you. For that time, he/she could be disabled, so he/she doesn’t attack you even if you‘re not looking at them.
I think one of the next teachers, 4th or 5th, should have a stealth-hiding component, like the Granny mobile game, where unlike Viktor who knows where you are at all times regardless of stealth, this new teacher would aimlessly search the floor seeking your location, and you cannot juke or outrun this teacher if they see you, like Marzia and Doggos. The teacher will rely on sound to find you, and dropping items, notebook beeps, and any other suspicious sounds can alert the teacher where you are. Oh, and unlike the other teachers, this one can turn their bodies at different angles like Freek-a-del'ka, Doggos, and the librarian, so if you see the teacher's backside, quietly back the f#ck away. I don't think door-opening will count as an alarming sound, because other characters can open doors too. There will be a few hiding spots around the classrooms and corridors, only a few, because a lot of them would be too easy. There will also be a lot of traps, like bear traps and tripwires linked to bells, probably like the war siren that some of us have heard, or the normal school bell, that other enemies in the game are smart enough to avoid, while the player is prone to making noise with said traps. The h-teacher's punishment will probably be a guillotine, like the one in the Granny game.
One more thing, I bet Baldi will be the geometry teacher after being promoted from being a simple math teacher, if mrdrnose doesn't get a copyright strike, that is. He looks like a geometry teacher alright.
Biology teacher:
Geometry teacher:
I actually really like the stealth idea that would be super cool. Btw nice memes xD
Can you edit/remove that second image? I can't livestream with that image there or I will get flagged and a content strike xD. (It is funny, though)
There. Changed it. Livestreaming Kicktor Buttovski again soon?
I'm just waiting for the next update before I stream it again, as I have found practically everything in the game. Also, thank you for changing that image, as youtube doesn't find humor in those kind of pictures.
I honestly thought the joke was pretty funny
I found the joke funny, too, but if I glance over the post during a livestream I would be banned.
I like the idea of a stealth teacher, too. Pretty good, man!
Viktor is back in this video. You can also see a bit of his childhood. Or at least how I think how it was.
Heyo, I just played Advanced Basics with Viktor for the first time a couple hours ago and I have to say it was amazing. I loved the feeling of terror ever present after failing the first notebook. I didn't get very far after that and the jump scare caught me off guard. I planed on playing this for a YouTube series and now I am dead set on picking through and finding the story here if there is one. You have made an amazing game mrdrnose and I cant wait to play more.
Welcome to the community, Captain! And good luck beating the first level. I had a hard time doing so.
Thanks for the wishes mate, I hope my charm and wit can help me get through. If not I will have to keep running in until I figure it out!
Welcome to the community man! You will love this game and this community. The community for this game is amazing.
Thanks for the warm welcome, I cant wait to learn more about the story of this game.
*Don't know if this will help now and then, long comment.
Listing teachers Strengths (+) and Weaknesses (-) from Alpha 0.0.8a2.2, based off their origin level.
Viktor (math): Once triggered. Follows player by lunging a distance then resting repeatedly, anger increases per wrong number, more anger decreases resting period.
Marzia (language): Once triggered. Follows player by walking and will sprint when looked at by player, anger increases per wrong character, more anger increases walk and sprint speed.
Alice (history): Once triggered. Follows by racewalking and spawning close by, places beartraps, anger increases per wrong choice, more anger decreases Alice respawn time, increases beartrap spawn rate and beartrap transparency.
Even more memes!
When Viktor says: „Hey. Let's add to game something spicy. I will walk real quiet. This will be fun."
Very true xD
the dj of the future will be a well respected member of the community
*intense music plays*
I fucking love Phonty!
I think Phonty is cool, too. But I also hate him, because he’s always the one that kills me in language level. And if Phonty doesn‘t kill me, it’s Cleany who shoves me right into Marzia‘s stomach mouth.
I love phonty but he can be really annoying for sure
Top ten anime characters that could defeat Thanos (even without the infinity gauntlet).
also i was trying to get a picture of this for a friend, was waiting for it to happen before i got a notebook, remember that theres now a weird rat wall blocking the door. so i get a notebook. turn around GET SCARED HALF TO DEATH BY PHONTY LIKE 2 INCHES IN FRONT OF MY FACE and then hastily take a screenshot of it
Posting memes? Ok, here's one.
*When Albert's ghost doesn't help you locate math notebooks*
(Couldn't find the video of an old man throwing a rock at riot police, missing, and running away. Would've been used for another meme.)I love spongebob! East i thought you said weest xD
Why do you keep re-uploading this for the 4th-5th time?
It is most likely a bot, reposting the same video multiple times for views.
Ikr i was thinking the same thing. I was like didnt this guy already post this multiple of times
Time for some more memes!
When you look around the corner and you see Marzia running at you already:
Meme be dank af.
Very nice meme 10/10
Hi guys, what music would suit Marzia when she hunts the player:
I think the one that‘s called „Hunting Beast“ suits her best in the final chase. The music from Specimen 5 from Spooky‘s Jumpscare Mansion would be good for the regular chase.
Totaly agree with you, mrdrnose should see these ideas.
100% agree. I think the music would fit in very well
The one titled "escaping" for her normal chase, it's not too intense or loud. I agree with the "hunting beast" one for the final chase. Fits really well.
I think Hunting Beast fits Alice's final chase more than Marzia's, as it kind of suits the history level more than language level. Marzia's theme would probably sound more alien-like or SCP-ish because she looks like one, and Hunting beast sounding more like a demon forest like the one found in the history level.
Have you any suggestion for Marzia final chase theme ?